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After all of that busy day, John still had an emergency parliament session to attend.

The resolutions of it were numerous, many already predetermined. Most important of the things put on the floor was the discontinuation of the current anti-Lorylim measures. While that did sound counterproductive to the Gamer’s goal to fortify his country against that threat, the measures in place existed primarily to attempt to prevent the host bodies of the Gestalt guild to proliferate inside communities by entering them unseen. Those hosts were now all burned to nothing thanks to Stirwin and the effectiveness of those programs had been doubtful from the start.

They were replaced with some more fundamentally useful laws that worked on any threat. That was to say that any settlement of a certain size had to have a military outpost of at least three people in them, in addition to the police. Those soldiers would have two roles: to observe and to give regular drill instructions on how to behave in a crisis. Unofficially, they also had the role to recruit people. All of this was a blatant militarization of Fusion. As little as John liked it, now was the time to put these measures in place, if ever there was any.

Another piece on the agenda, what to do with the Death Zone land, was postponed until the new year, as John announced he would have a meeting with the Golden Rose. While the outcome of that meeting would not be binding to parliament on a de-jure basis, it would still inform what they did. For the moment, they continued to, legally, treat it as enemy territory that they were holding as an invasion force. That was absurd, given that the land was verifiably empty, but it made things easy from a protocol and bureaucracy standpoint.

Of course, together with the discussion on what to do with the Death Zone, the public statement on what had happened was finally presented to the public. John gave the speech, as a first-hand account and as the president. He did tell the public about Enki, Tiamat and the Metracana, but he skipped out on Izha, and the possibility that the Lorylim were the god of a previous civilization. Izha wasn’t mentioned because he didn’t want to encourage any madmen to think they could become a dominant consciousness in the Lorylim. Tiamat was included because he couldn’t see the value in keeping such knowledge secret, similarly as to why he made the knowledge of the Metracana more common than it had been when he first stumbled over Metra. The old god theory was excluded because John did not want to sound like a madman.

At the end of the session, John also announced that he would head to the Lake Alliance in two days’ time to negotiate with them. That was all he said about it: ‘negotiate with them’. That it was about them likely joining Fusion was a thing he kept to the party leadership to know. It would inevitably seep out from there, which was exactly what John wanted. He wanted everyone to be prepared for the Lake Alliance joining, but to keep the door open for plausible deniability if it fell through.

The day directly after it, a Thursday, was thankfully without larger incidents. There were a couple of phone calls John had to answer personally, regarding the Death Zone and the start of the anti-Lorylim coalition. That was the exception though, as most people calling were either happy to talk to another official or not important enough to be put through to John.

That left the Gamer with the majority of the day to deal with two things: the usual paperwork and to fully introduce Lee and Nathalia to what happened underneath the table.

Not that he was the sole person to introduce them to it.

“Alrighty,” Rave led the two fresh harem members into John’s office, snapping the Gamer out of his meditative state. Mind of Work was a passive he always had running when he had the opportunity to. It increased his work efficiency by more than double, which, split between two bodies, meant that he was doing four to five times the work he should have been able to. Effectively, the passive let him treat the repetitive task of reading, approving, rejecting and scanning documents with the same enthusiasm he would have had for questing in whatever the MMORPG of his choice was that month.

The sole problem with it was that it didn’t work while he was distracted. A blowjob certainly served as a distraction, as did three stark naked, gorgeous women stepping out of the teleporter. He did his best to keep working, but the three of them made it impossible, swinging their butts around while Rave toured them around. The perfect balance of round and large of his girlfriend, the proportionate flow of Lee’s bottom-heavy form to her thighs, and the abundant juiciness of Nathalia’s thickness all had the Gamer’s eyes drawn to them. One of his eyes, at least. Possession allowed him to keep track of their tour as well as the typo-riddled mess his hands were now creating.

After a couple of seconds, he dropped all pretence and just stared at the three.

“First things first,” Rave said, grabbing Lee by the shoulders and manoeuvring her in front of one of the few windows. The young Fateweaver blushed a little bit, but let it happen. She wasn’t ashamed of her body and not opposed to being publicly sexual in principle, but she was still an introvert. “Windows are one-way view only,” the Lightbearer then revealed.

“You could have said that before I got embarrassed!” Lee protested, only to whimper with lust when Rave reached around and started teasing the nipples of the smaller woman.

“How am I gonna train ya though if I don’t tease ya?” The pink cat tail of Rave waved slowly and playfully while she bowed down. Her recently grown fangs showed when she nibbled on Lee’s earlobe.

“You could leave the training to me,” John suggested, pulling his pants into his inventory. He halfway hoped that one of the three, Nathalia most likely, would drop to their knees to work on his erection immediately. The tour evidently took priority, even if the hungry gazes made it apparent that he only had to be patient for a couple of minutes.

“I gave ya this gal’s virginity and ya won’t even let me train her?” Rave’s hand travelled down Lee’s midriff and over the Lover’s Will mark on the pale skin of her abdomen. The winding lines looked incredibly good on all three of them. Not that John emotionally could have any other opinion, given that they were literal physical proof of their mutual affection.

Rave pouted, her fingers gently rubbed Lee’s clit, and the dark-haired woman started to gasp. In the sun rays that fell through the window, the fact that her hair was a very dark brown rather than proper black showed. Like liquid ebony, the silky, barely kempt hair flowed.

“…How… can you even give someone… MY virginity, huh-hmmm?!” Lee tried her best to be sassy, which was nearly impossible with the way her legs quivered. Rave did not have all of the absurd stacking modifiers John had, but the first of the haremettes knew her way around a woman’s body really well.

“I just can, pretty,” Rave whispered, biting Lee’s neck for a couple of seconds, before adding, “It’s the will of your dom. Do ya want to disappoint your dom?”

“N-no?” Lee asked.

“Bad girl.” The two words were utterly disappointed and Rave backed off just before Lee could orgasm. “See, this is why she needs training! What kinda sub hesitates that much?”

“An untrained one,” John agreed.

“Can we not edge me again?!” Lee protested.

“What?” John snapped his fingers. “Are you horny?” Immediately, all three women in the room flushed with desire. Putting the hypnotic suggestions on Lee and Nathalia had been a thing John had gotten done as soon as had been possible.

Lee’s hand reached down between her legs, an answer lost between desperate moans. Before she could touch her own pussy in an attempt to relieve herself, Nathalia grabbed her arm. “You truly need more training,” the dragoness hissed disapprovingly. Her own pussy was drooling where she stood, several gooey drops falling down onto the wooden floor. “Continue the tour, Jane. I require sex.”

“How do ya always sound both noble and like a total whore?” the feline Lightbearer wondered, in a much better state than either of the two. While Lee’s thighs were glistening and Nathalia continued to overflow, Rave was merely wet. In the defence of the other two, one was at the edge of release and the other was a legendary nymphomaniac. “Anyway, if ya come over here…” Rave directed them to a closet. It stood out in the room, otherwise dominated by the kind of shelves used to store books and folders, with its closed wooden doors. “…Ya find the emergency bed.”

Rave pulled the closet open and was met by a black wall with folded legs attached to it. Pulling on a sleeve near the top made the bed unfold and end up about hip level. It wasn’t particularly large and only had one integrated pillow. The sheet was made from a hydrophobic material that made it easy to keep clean but didn’t exactly lend itself to a pleasant sleeping experience. All around, it was more a glorified pedestal for sex than a real bed.

“Generally speaking, if tiger wants to fuck, he will do it here or on the table. Good to know where it is in case ya wanna tease him by masturbating or if ya share the shift with someone and ya take turns under the table,” Rave explained, then lifted the mattress back up by the foot-end. About halfway through the process, the springs took over and the closet closed itself neatly. “Ya don’t need to clean it after using it, there’s a cleaning slime inside, so that gets taken care of by itself.”

Nathalia and Lee nodded along, somewhat entranced. They were clearly distracted, but the explanation and subject matter was simple enough that they could listen even while trying not to touch themselves. John was so entranced in the way their butts wiggled from the constant shifting of weight from one leg to the other, that he almost forgot to move his chair back and allow the girls access to the spacious legroom of his table.

Between the three of them, it was pretty cramped and Nathalia had to look out so that she didn’t accidentally scratch into the wood or her fellow haremettes with her horns. For that reason, she opted to make all three disappear. They would doubtlessly be back when she had the space to herself.

“If ya could keep your eyes off John’s dick for one more minute,” Rave instructed them and got hesitating agreement in response. “As you can see, most of this is padded, so it’s comfortable enough. Only areas that aren’t are here in the corners,” she gestured at a wooden strip between the padding on the floor and that on the wall, “the patches on the floor,” showing them took a bit of bending around, as they were all directly between the spread legs of the girls. “Lefthand corner has cleaning utensils, which ya should use after you’re done with your shift. Cleaning slimes and Aclysia make sure it gets clean here between days, but we don’t want the space down here to become a stinky mess over the course of the day. Think about the girls that have their shift after ya, alright?”

“Understood.” Lee nodded, somewhat recovered at this point.

“I will oblige.” Nathalia sounded a bit unwilling; she probably could count the number of times she had cleaned after her own sexual escapades on one hand.

“Alright, righthand corner has a bunch of sex toys. The dildos have those… uh… ya know, the kind of base that sucks onto surfaces. That’s what the spots on the floor are for. Same for the sybian, but only one of those is in the drawer because space.” Rave wasn’t done yet with her explanation but Nathalia had already opened the drawer to peek inside and retrieved three blue butt plugs. Without any explanation, she started to insert the plugs into her fellow haremettes, who just went with it. “If ya use something, especially the butt plugs, put them into the box at the side afterwards. Aclysia and Bae will- ny-aaaahhhh,” Rave let out a cattish gasp while her butthole got stretched by the plug. After it was in place, she continued normally, “…take care of it. All hygienic and stuff, ya know? If ya keep them in past your shift for whatever reason, ya know where to put them at home so the maids know what to do with them. They’ll also take care of the restocking.”

“Is that all?” Nathalia asked, hungrily licking her lips.

“That’s all about here. We’ll get ya a phone later so ya can join the schedule discussion channel,” Rave finished up her explanation and gave John a signal by winking. The Gamer grabbed the edge of his table and pulled closer.

The three women were boxed in under the table, nothing all that interesting around them except the cock that was now directly in front of their faces. Rave was in the middle, Lee to his right and Nathalia to his left. All three were quick to bury their faces in his crotch, licking and kissing his erection from every side. The pink lustre in Rave’s blue, feline eyes took the shape of a heart, Nathalia’s inhumanely long tongue drenched his balls in saliva, and Lee, human as she was, used every ounce of enthusiasm to keep up with her more experienced seniors.

“One last thing,” John told them, reaching out to a little device on the table. It was a square panel with numerous buttons. Streamers usually used things like it to make various effects appear on screen, but John and Scarlett had found a different kind of use for it. “About the toys. They are colour coded. Black toys are purely manual, pink toys have settings you control, and blue toys…” John pressed a couple of buttons on the panels and immediately felt the moans on his shaft, “…I get to control from up here.” He upped the intensity of the vibrations further and delighted in the lustful cries.

None of the three were newcomers to have their asses played with in this manner. Nathalia was an ancient nymphomaniac, he and Rave had explored the majority of their sexuality together, and Lee was currently getting reformed from being a masturbation enthusiast to being another nymphomaniac. Still, the young Fateweaver reacted the most intensely to the toy in her rear. Perhaps it was just the fantasy of someone else doing it to her, or because she was already so close, but she came hard, her eyes rolling up while her eyelids fluttered. Having learned a lot already, she managed to keep sucking on his sack while she squirted on the floor.

John’s cock was bent to the left, as Rave and Nathalia picked up the slack and worshipped his erection between their soft lips. The fast and needy movements brought him quickly to the edge. “Share,” he groaned, before starting to cum.

They followed his request by taking turns on whose lips were wrapped around the engorged tip. Rave got the first couple of spurts, and once her mouth was full from his absurdly large load, she pulled back and swallowed. Nathalia took over before a single drop could be wasted. Back and forth between the two, this went, until John’s orgasm was over. Both women kept the final few spurts in their mouths, swapping back and forth with Lee, who hadn’t gotten a chance to partake because of her own climax. She would cum two more times, once during each kiss, from the taste of his seed and the buzzing butt plug.

A good start to their first session of the blowjob schedule.


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