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‘I live the best life,’ John thought, waking up sweaty and content. The former of those two feelings was clashing somewhat with the latter. Lying on his back, his body covered in a blanket of other, in his opinion, more attractive bodies. He couldn’t see any of them, but he knew exactly who he was surrounded by. Nathalia and Salamander were on either side of him, making his sweatiness a greater issue than it would have already been during these summer nights. On top of him was a cooler presence. Siena, judging by the feeling of her skin and the silky hair on his chest. Underneath his head was Undine, taking the shape of a very neck friendly pillow.

The welcoming back orgy for Nathalia had been quite average, all things considered. There was an unusual focus away from John and on the dragoness, but that was about it. They migrated from the living room, to the Sex Dungeon, back to the living room, into the showers, and then to the bed, where they fell asleep among some final bits of lazy fucking and snuggling.

John kept his eyes closed and lay there with a smile on his face. ‘Everything is coming together, Newman,’ he thought and enjoyed the calm. ‘Well, most things. Still have Sigmund somewhere out there and whatever the Lorylim are planning to deal with. Eliza not being here also kinda sucks, but at least I know she’ll come back sometime soon. Just need to keep an eye on Thana. If Momo was here, that’d be nice too… and Lydia… ahhh, it’s really sad that she missed the reunion.’

As his thoughts swirled about, he gradually got more awake, until the pressing issue of his bladder informed him that he could no longer remain lying here. For someone like him, who loved getting his morning wood taken care of via blowjob, drinking a lot of water before going to bed was actually a rookie mistake. He had just been especially thirsty after yesterday.

Very carefully, he made his way out of bed. Getting Siena off him was the easiest part; the light shadow spirit could be repositioned without much effort. Nathalia holding onto his right arm was a greater issue. Especially with the growing urgency his bladder imposed on him. ‘Alright, fuck it,’ John eventually thought and went for the fancy option. One moment he lay in the bed, the next he lay on the floor. Not the orthodox way to use Magus Step, but it got John where he needed to be. ‘I honestly should do this all the time. It’s not like it costs me anything… weird how I can consider instant teleportation as a way to get out of bed in the morning now.’

He walked regularly to the bathroom. Teleporting over would have been a lot faster, but John refused to get overly reliant on his arcane abilities. Also, his paranoia wouldn’t let him use every stack of Magus Step. There was always a small chance that there was some kind of surprise around any corner. Especially while the Horned Rat was in town.

John sat down on the toilet and sighed in relief. He remained there for about five minutes longer than was necessary. The last thing he wanted was to have some remains drip on the thoroughly scrubbed bathroom tiles or, worse, end up as the taste in the mouth of whatever girl ended up giving him the first blowjob of the morning.

‘Guess I might as well take a shower,’ John thought, after brushing his teeth and putting his contacts in. On his way over, he realized that the door to the gaming room was open. Intrigued, he checked what that was about. Inside he found Lee, quietly rubbing her pussy to some doujin she was reading. “Seems like I’m failing as a lover,” the Gamer announced his entrance in a joking tone.

“Totes,” Lee agreed, turning a bit redder around the ears but otherwise shamelessly continuing in the act. “Wanna make up for it?”

“How could I not?” John hummed and walked over. In an inversion of his usual position, he crawled under the table and then put his lips on Lee’s smooth, pink cunt. His tongue and kisses replaced her fingers, while she resumed reading whatever debauchery she had pulled up on her screen.

Lee’s moans soon turned from quiet to steady and moderately loud, while John teased her pussy at whatever pace he wanted. The more serious he got, the less he heard her click. At one point, she slumped forwards on the table, leaving John between her firm thighs. Two minutes and a lot of twitching later, she leaned back in the fancy office chair, stared down at him and held him down against her pussy. Any pretence that she was still reading the porn was gone, she was completely at his mercy.

Their little morning tangle only ended when a particularly intense orgasm almost caused Lee to fall out of her chair. John prevented her from that fate. “My hero,” Lee said. She probably tried to sound sarcastic, but the post-orgasmic haze made her tone dreamy.

“I know.” The Gamer grinned and then assaulted her midriff. Pushing some air past his lips created a series of unflattering noises.

Lee laughed, because she was getting tickled by it or because she genuinely found it funny. “Why did you suddenly turn five, dude?”

“Happy guys do stupid things,” the Gamer retorted and kissed his way up, while rising up from under the table. The valley between her petite breasts was where he stopped. Grabbing the armrests, he leaned over her. “Want to tell me why you’re here so early in the morning?” he asked lovingly and glanced over his shoulder. “Downing energy drinks?”

“If you need to ask, I’m really the bigger gamer out of us two,” Lee told him.

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, really.”

“You saying you deserve my title?”

“I’ll take your title and the awesome harem.”

“No deal.”

“Wanna play some card games to decide?”

“Hmm… maybe later,” John told her and gave her a quick kiss. “Hearthstone?”

“Balance in that game is way fucking off.”

“Yes, it is a card game.”

“You would think they would patch more frequently…”

“When did big companies ever really make sense?”

“When Scarlett leads them?”

“Point for you,” John conceded and kissed her on her soft lips. “Oh God, I love that you’re mine,” he mumbled and went in for seconds. She tasted extremely sweet, courtesy of the energy drinks she had been sipping. Giggling happily, Lee obliged and the two were just lost in their own little world for a little while. It only ended when she shoved him back.

“You stink,” she told him. “Go to the shower.”

“That was the plan… I might need a special cleaning utensil though,” he told her.

Lee rolled her eyes. “Funny thing is, I know you’re objectifying me in that sentence – but I’m game.”

“And that’s why you’re a good girl.” John grinned and lifted her out of her chair. A little while later, they sat together in the jacuzzi, rubbing up and down each other’s bodies. Initially, John wanted to talk to her some more while she was riding him, but that proved impossible. During the act, Lee was too occupied with cumming her brains out to string together anything coherent. After John came inside her once, things were a bit calmer and the young Fateweaver just sat on his dick. The only movements were the repeated spasms.

“Oh Gaia, oh fuck,” Lee whispered, almost panicked.

“Anything hurting?” John asked, a bit alarmed.

“Do you know how hard the hormones are hitting me after something like that? It’s like cuddling you is a drug in and of itself, dude.” She pressed her slender body against him.

“As long as you can still move,” John hummed and played with her wet hair. “…I hope you don’t mind what’s happening at the moment. We really should’ve had some more time to get you properly integrated, but…”

“It’s fine, John,” she chimed in when he drifted off. “I mean, the Death Zone stuff was totally not fine. Not your fault though.” She rested her chin on his shoulder. “Can you scratch my lower back for me? Way too lazy to reach there.”

“Sure.” The Gamer obliged her and listened to the pleased purr that came out when he had found the right spot to scratch. When the sounds stopped, he also stopped scratching.

“…Man, I really need to learn to take a bit more,” Lee lamented. “I really want to know what it’s like to get properly used like a toy by you, but I just get knocked out in like thirty minutes flat.”

“It used to be ten minutes, so slow progress.”

“At least I’m levelling my Endurance, right?”

“Definitely raising your Endurance and Libido, yeah.”

“I do feel hornier day by day. Didn’t think THAT was possible for ye olde masturbation addict,” Lee sighed and started moving again, just a little bit. “Why is… oh Gaia… that giant cock of yours.”

“You’re just small,” the Gamer teased her.

“First off, I’m not small, you just have a harem of giants,” Lee told him, swallowing heavily to not be interrupted by her own sighs. “Second, you love me, that I’m smaller than you, and that your dick stretches me out.” She was absolutely right in every regard there. “Third, I’m one metre sixty-nine, so I’m the best height ever.”

“Definitely the nicest height.”

“Hmm…” Lee gyrated on his cock and panted. “Related topic… when… are we trying anal?”

“I don’t need to try anal, I have it all the time.”

Lee stopped and rolled her eyes. “Okay, sorry, didn’t know there was a secret pegging hour I wasn’t invited to yet.”

“Nope,” he grabbed Lee’s ass firmly, the smooth and full roundness of her butt was as satisfying to grope as always, “I just get to fuck girls up the butt whenever I want.”

“Can’t be hygienic, that.”

“Really isn’t, but I think we are safe unless Abyssal super-AIDS comes around,” the Gamer told her. “Anyway, I’m keeping that last first time with you for sometime special.”

“I’m so curious thoooooo,” she complained. “I thought I’d hitch up with you and you’d just ruin me like those whores in the videos.”

“Those are professional whores and also why they are people I sleep with and you are someone I cuddle with,” the Gamer told her. “Also, you don’t want to tell me that the way I took your virginity didn’t ruin you for the day, right?”

“…Can we repeat that sometime, by the way?” Lee asked. “Getting chased like that was so… wow.”

“Weird how turned on you can get when you remember you’re just an animal, right?”


“Anyway, on the butt stuff, I don’t want to fuck your back entrance yet, but we can do some other fun things.” John considered a moment on what exactly was possible. “You do like your toys, right?”

“No and I totally didn’t suck on a fat dildo before you came in or anything.” Lee’s voice went to a particularly dry and deep place for that sentence. The next tone she uttered was a high-pitched yelp, a response to John biting her earlobe.

“Well, how about I give you some stuff to wear for me, before you get back to your school?” the Gamer hummed. While Lee did make a deal with her dad about getting some more practical teaching, she needed certain credentials to have her own research facilities assigned to her. That meant she had to take at least a couple more classes. “You know, against the boredom.”

“Dad will be furious if he finds out,” Lee mumbled.

“Then don’t let him find out,” John whispered in her ear. “Be a good girl and keep your composure, while I remote control a buttplug and an egg-vibrator.”

Their bathroom talk ended there as Lee was too turned on to keep just sitting on his dick.

The morning continued regularly from there. Soon they were joined by several other girls in the bathroom. First of all were Aclysia and Beatrice, who had been out and thus not able to help John with his morning shower, like usual. Metra came in not too long thereafter. She had left extremely early to check on Medelnick’s analysis of Nathalia’s scales. That they turned out to be incompatible with Metra was expected and put a dent in the First of Wrath’s mood.

John did his best to cheer her up and mostly succeeded. It helped that she was an easy-going girl from the get-go. Her current ‘weakness’ just bothered her a lot.

Meanwhile, John, and several other members of the harem, were bothered by something less consequential but regardlessly quite important. Unsure how to cut into the topic, the Gamer sat on the breakfast table. There was chatter all around, each girl chatting with whoever they wanted. What focus in the group had laid on the returnee, it had used itself up yesterday. Now Nathalia was just sitting among them in all her brown-skinned glory.

The Gamer’s eyes laid on Scarlett though. The Technomancer sat in her chair, holding her phone in one hand and a simple bread with salted butter in the other. Occasionally she took a bite.

Finally, John sighed and just jumped into it. “Scarlett… I know it’s your birthday but…”

“I don’t care,” the Technomancer told him flat out, lowering her phone to look across the rest of the table, who had gone silent. Her red eyes showed the circuitry of her magical pathways, flaring up as multi-coloured lights on jagged paths. “Y’all need to relax. It’s just the day I was born.” She raised her phone again. “Not like I get a discount on stocks because of it.”

“Well, I think you should get something,” the Gamer told her. “It’s just that… well, the plans we had didn’t come together because of what happened over the last week and… yeah… I don’t think I’ll have time today either.”

“Yeah, and I don’t care.” Scarlett took bite out of her bread. “Sherioushly,” she spoke while chewing, “why – the fuck – would I demand you…” she swallowed, “prioritize giving me some gifts today over you dealing with our current situation? Fuck it, just skip the gifts.” She raised her phone again. “Not like I need anything. I’m insanely content with my daily life at the moment. Thanks to all of you.” She made a short, sweeping gesture. “That’s enough for me.”

“I think you deserve more though,” the Gamer insisted.

“Yeah!” Sylph shouted. “Birthdays are important, they are cool, they are trendy!”

“What Sylph said,” Rave echoed the sentiment. “We’ll do something for ya when we get the time.”

“If you insist,” Scarlett yawned and finished the rest of her meal. “All I want right now is coffee.”

“At once.” Aclysia quickly obliged.


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