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Note: Technically the AS aren’t up to John’s level yet because they need to consume a whole lot of items to catch up to his recent burst, but for the sake of argument we will act if that has already happened.




Living Material – Aclysia can expand her current repertoire of materials by devouring matter. The matter in question is commonly inorganic, as organic matter is still able to rot while part of an Artificial Spirit, making for quite a messy situation if attempted without certain specializations. Matter not currently in use is stored in a dimensional pocket. If an Artificial Spirits dies, excess matter gets gradually ejected from their corpse, causing it to turn into a mound of metal.

Learning Spirit – This golem is able and willing to amass memories and experiences.

Fire Immunity – Takes no fire damage.

Lifepulse – Increases max health by 10%

Single Step – Allows Aclysia to take a single step on air or water as if it was solid ground. 1 day cooldown.

Elemental Resistance 7 – Decreases elemental damage taken by 70%.

Titanic Exterior – Increases defences against physical attacks.

Touch of the Abyss – Allows physical interaction with ephemeral beings.

Acid Resistance 5 – Decreases acid damage taken by 50%.

Mental Backlash – Unsuccessful mind control attempts cause the attacker to suffer psychic damage.




Consumption Slots +2 – Increases the maximum amount of Material Bonuses Aclysia can have by 2.

Sword Specialization 3 – Allows Aclysia to wield swords and sword-adjacent weapons with supernatural skill. Strikes with swords may create shockwaves that can damage targets at a distance.

Adaptive Bladery – Aclysia can store up to 3 swords in a specialized inventory. Swords in that inventory can be swapped out quickly for one another, without any gestures required.

Defensive Teleportation – Aclysia may teleport instantly to John (or Jack, if anchored), wherever he is. 3-day cooldown.

Devotion Builders:

Servant Strike – Extra strong hit every 30 seconds. Creates 5% Max Devotion.

Cutting Flurry – 50% more Agility for the next three attacks. Each attack switches the blade smallest to biggest from within Adaptive Bladery. 5% Max Devotion with each successful hit. 60 second cooldown.

True Block – Every ten seconds, Aclysia’s next attempt at blocking with a limb becomes reinforced, making defences of that limb higher and the movement quicker. Creates 1% Max Devotion.

Always Serving – Generates 0,25% Devotion per minute.

Support Servant – Generates 5% DV over 30 seconds if Aclysia enabled John to land a hit. Very loose requirement.

Devotion Spenders:

Note: Devotion is always spent in its entirety.

Fortification – 1% increased body hardness per 1 Devotion spent. Effect duration: 5 seconds.

Master’s Shield – Compels everyone in a five-metre radius to attack the Maid Knight for Devotion/10 seconds. Ignoring the Maid Knight will cause the next attack to deal 1000% more damage.


Servant’s Vigour – Reduces the cooldown of all generation skills by 0,25% for each 1% Devotion spent.

Emergency Stasis – Do not die, become core, enter John’s inventory. 3 Months CD.

Ultimate Body – Increases All Stats by 20%

Ascended Body – Converts metal and silicone into Metadermis, a 100% skin-like material.

A new beginning – 5% All Stats (Reset AS Skill Perk).

Draconic Tendencies – Enriches material up to Oblivium in her body. +10 in Physical Stats. Minor draconic features manifest (eyes, claws, scales on hands and feet, and an orange gemstone embedded between the collarbones).

Loving Housemaid – Gives taste buds and an inventory.

Sex Servant – Increases Libido during intercourse by 100%. Aclysia feels immensely rewarding pleasure whenever she obeys one of John’s sexual commands. Her pussy is AMAZING.

Strong Inventory – Aclysia’s Inventory size increases, scaling with Strength.



Reality Fracture – The weapon and its wearer can shift out of reality for up to three seconds every thirty seconds. While outside reality, they cannot do harm or be harmed. They will still be visible as a faded form of themselves.

Artificial Ascension – As long as the wearer is an Artificial Spirit that is still connected to its creator, and that creator is within 500 metres, certain other Attributes have bonus effects.

Twinblade – Salver – This item is connected to Salver. Whenever Eclys is equipped, Salver will return to the wielder’s inventory, no matter where it is. While in Artificial Ascension, Salver also benefits from Reality Fracture on an independent cooldown.

Glorious Paradise – At the cost of 10 Devotion per second, enter Glorious Paradise. Mental Stats are increased by 10%, Health Regen is increased by 100%. While in Artificial Ascension, causes 25% of the damage the creator takes to be redirected to the Artificial Spirit.

Frozen Fate – Enemies struck by this weapon cannot regenerate mana for 5 seconds. If Artificial Ascension is active, a successful hit will also generate 25 Devotion. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.


Delayed Cut – Once every minute, the wearer can purposefully delay the slice of an attack that has not connected with an enemy. The delayed attack will automatically be released after three seconds at the latest and can be unleashed sooner, if desired.

Twinblade – Eclys – This item is connected to Eclys. Whenever Salver is equipped, Eclys will return to the wielder’s inventory, no matter where it is. While in Artificial Ascension, Eclys also benefits from Delayed Cut on an independent cooldown.

Manaburn – Attacks with this weapon burn the enemy mana pool. Amount of mana burned is dependent on the grievousness of the wound or length of contact with defensive measures.

Shape-shifting – Salver can switch between a knife and a salver.


Swordmind – Tiemarath has sentience of some description, being able to choose its user.

Surveillance Blocker 10 – Blocks almost all kinds of scrying magic aimed at the owner of the sword.

Mental Reflection 4 – Retaliates against Possession attempts.

All that’s weak must die – Can permanently kill elementals and prevent necromantic resurrections of enemies slain by this weapon. It can interact with ephemeral enemies or materials. Landing a killing blow with this weapon permanently increases the wearer’s Physical Stats by 1 for each 100 levels of the killed enemy. Stats cannot be gained from Instant Dungeon enemies, except for Raid Bosses, or from enemies more than 50 levels below the wearer. So far, no Stats have been gained, as Aclysia is not one to do executing strikes on Raid Bosses, usually, and too busy protecting her Master during engagements.

Scourge – Allows the wearer to sacrifice lifeforce and sanity to enter an enraged mode. In that state, their Mental Stats are reduced by 50% but all Physical Stats are increased by 100%. Costs 1% HP per second, increased by 0,5% every five seconds.

Hellblade – Wounds caused by this weapon cannot be healed by any conventional or most specialized means. Can be disabled beforehand or lifted, if the wearer wishes so. While the wearer is in Scourge, causes Tiemarath to heat up immensely. The heat increases the longer the user is in Scourge.

Bloody Tarnation – If soaked in the blood of enemies, Tiemarath’s Swordmind awakens fully. The weapon will move on its own, often in illogical fashion, pulling the user’s arm or bending out of its natural shape to block strikes aimed at the user or even flying back to them (if within ten metres). This effect is always active during Scourge.





Sunlight Ascension – Passively increases Consumption (Artificial Spirit EXP) as long as Beatrice is exposed to the sun. The next three new Perks trigger an additional Perk choice. Two out of three of these additional Perks have already been chosen.



Note: Spending 100 Swing creates 1 Reverse


Spear Specialization 3 – Same as swords, but for spears.

Spear of Devotion – Defensive Teleportation, but for Beatrice.

Sworn Weapon – Adaptive Bladery, but for 1 spear and quicker to manifest the weapon in hand.

Swing Spenders:

Unsteady Limb – Moves a limb 1 centimetre per 1 Swing along its current trajectory.

Needles Assault – Strike once at 1000% Agility and 10% Strength for each Swing used.

Reverse Spenders:

Twist Position – Move as many metres into any unblocked direction as Reverse spent.


Continuum Engine – Creates a zone of near absolute awareness around Beatrice. Increases Wisdom and Agility by 40%.

Ultimate Body (Copied) – Increases All Stats by 10%.

Draconic Tendencies (Copied) – Increases Physical Stats by 5 and manifests the same draconic features.

Nimble 5 – Increases Agility by 5%.

A new beginning – Increases All Stats by 5%. AS Skill Reset Perk.

Sworn to carry your burdens – Enables a small inventory

Enigma Code – Immunity to mind control effects. Wisdom increases by 10%.

Emergency Stasis – Do not die, become core, enter John’s inventory. 3 Months CD.



Endless Step – After successfully dodging, the wielder may take three steps on air or water as if it was solid ground. Up to 15 steps can be buffered, but are lost if not spent within five minutes. If Artificial Ascension is active, up to 30 steps can be buffered. If this raised cap is maxed out, the wielder may walk freely on air or water for five minutes or until they are hit.

Crescendo – Every 12th consecutive hit will cause Crescendo, releasing a ray of energy from Perfect that scales with the Agility of the wielder. Afterwards, the wielder’s Agility is increased by 10% until they miss an attack or until 5 minutes have passed. Can stack up to 10 times while Artificial Ascension is active. Stacks fall off individually. All stacks are lost after a new target is struck. The rays of energy are blue and deal damage on whatever they collide with, continuing on if they are not fully absorbed. The denser the material, the more damage it takes. This Attribute is often paired up with Needle Assault, to devastating effect.

Forever Fall – While the wielder is in a tranquil state of mind, they enter Forever Fall. In this state, Perfect unfolds the prophetic powers lingering from the Horned Rat, allowing them to perceive what spot would deal the most damage if struck. If this weapon wounds those spots, the resulting wound heals at 5% the normal speed.

Perfect by Design - If Artificial Ascension, Crescendo, Forever Fall and Endless Step are active and maxed out at the same time, all resource generation is quadrupled and Perfect can strike at up to 100 metres when thrust.




Note: No, the mana regeneration is not a mistake. Metra’s mana regeneration is absolute ass, which is why she uses her overpowered dimensional magic so sparingly and relies more on naked violence.


Origin – Imbued with the spirit of humanity, this Artificial Spirit starts with an established sapience and independent thought.

Sin of Wrath – Increases All Stats, except Charisma, scaling with the anger of the First of Wrath. Caps out at 200%. At least nothing has managed to raise her anger above that yet.

Chaos Principle – Metra is highly adaptable to contracts, changing shape and being able to bend the basic laws of magic to change herself as needed.

Adapting Powers – The powers of a Metracana change depending on the contract she makes.

Stainless Life – Miniscule parts of her body that get separated from the whole via scratching or other small battle damage get restored via enriching. The separated parts, at the same time, become simple mundane materials. If larger chunks of her body are removed, she can restore them only by absorbing the same type of material lost.

Dance of Dimensions – The ability to tear through the laws of what is supposed to be where and create portals that way. This Attribute was created in accordance to John’s wish to have an ally that could defeat Gehnigm’s dimensional magic.

Mark of the Afterlife – Metra can permanently kill whatever she wishes with her bare hands or whatever weapon she wields.

Human Condition – Metra’s body resembles a human’s in practically every detail, safe for most internal organs. This Attribute came into being in response to John’s subconscious desire to have Metra be an attractive female.



Spell Extension – Rex Magnar can be used to channel spells.

Spell Hold 7 – Rex Magnar can store and release up to seven spells with a max mana cost of 7000.

Swordmind – Not a sword, but otherwise as Tiemarath.

Extreme Plasma Burst – This weapon can create an extreme burst of fire and lightning from the spiked side of its head. This effect will need 30 minutes to recharge. If not on cooldown, this enchantment can instead be used to increase the heat of the weapon.

Density Change 7 – The weapon can be up to 70% lighter or 700% heavier, depending on the will of the wielder.

Thundercharge - Physical force causes the weapon to charge up and exude electricity. The force explodes in a thunderstrike, once the full capacity of the weapon is reached.

Earth Ravager – Attacks of this weapon that hit the ground cleave it apart and allow the user limited control over the destructive direction.

Note: Rex Magnar is a weapon forged from an alloy of elemental extreme metals, with Oblivium (fire) and Terrium (earth) as the primary components. The intensity of magic elevates the Swordmind above that of “normal” weapons with this Attribute. The character of Rex Magnar is one that constantly craves action. It can sing out with sounds that resemble heavy metal attuned guitars and drums.



Keep in mind that this is intel that’s even in-story about a year old. Who knows what Momo has figured out on her own since?


Firefly – Momo conjures a Firefly, which can be used to either attack an enemy or buff an ally. The damage effect is reliable, but rather weak. The buff is dependent on the colour of the firefly. Red Fireflies buff Physical Stats by 10%, Blue Fireflies buff Mental Stats by 10% and Green Fireflies buff Social Stats by 10%, White Fireflies are rare and act as critical strikes that buff All Stats by 10%. All buffs only last a couple of seconds. Colourless Fireflies are duds and can only deal damage. Momo passively spawns a firefly every 12 seconds. A maximum of 40 Fireflies can be active at any one time. Fireflies can be Overcharged, dealing additional damage and buffing in a small radius.

Copperskin – Blesses an ally with Copperskin, reducing physical damage taken by 20% for 5 minutes.

Folded Mana – Momo may fold any number of spells into a bundle that unfolds in pre-arranged segments and time after being launched.


Mana Gift – Restores a flat amount of mana of any target that gets buffed by Momo. Diminishing returns if done several times in quick succession.



Can wait to see what you plan to do with Momo


Love the recap, it's been awhile for some of the things. Although I think you forgot the Artificial Ascension explanation for Beatrice.


Artificial Ascension functions the same for Perfect as it does for Salver and Eclys