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“The sensible thing for me to do would be to return to the Small Lake Pact immediately, wouldn’t it?” Aclysia asked, lying in John’s arms in the bathtub. The Gamer was feeling properly at home, surrounded by warm water, his main maid embraced and Undine giving him a blowjob under the surface. Her darker shade of blue was pretty well visible in the clear surroundings, as was his cock disappearing into her slimy mouth.

John closed his eyes and just enjoyed the slippery feeling. A hole made just for his cock, as tight as she could get away with without making every bob of her head a difficult endeavour. It quivered around him as she herself moaned, something he could only feel reverberating in his shaft, not hear in any capacity. The slime girl had put her pleasure receptors in her throat, she may as well have ridden him right now.

The advantage of this position was it being a bit more casual and the Gamer got to relax properly. He had already cum numerous times in the past thirty minutes, unloading the stress of the last day. He hadn’t even really slept yet since he had fought Seminaris, only gotten a few naps in here and there. Thanks to his Endurance, he wasn’t quite feeling the impact yet, but he would have to have a meeting with his bed sooner rather than later.

“That’s what you should do, yes…” John agreed hesitatingly, turning to kiss her pretty lips, finding them instinctively. The gesture was fuelled by the tightening of his balls as yet another wave of virile seed found its way into the liquid form of his ocean elemental. His intense magical essence in combination with her continued pleasure from sucking him off sent her right over the edge.

Enjoying it all blindly, John basked in the heightened senses. It wasn’t all horrible, especially as he got more used to it. He had once heard an adage that went something like ‘humans get used to everything after three days’. While that definitely wasn’t true, especially the ‘everything’ part, it felt roughly adequate for his situation.

The blindness itself was something he could live with now. Some mornings he still woke up a bit confused at the open-eyed darkness, but that was more thanks to the fact that he still saw normally in his dreams. Granted, now that Sigmund had been taken care of, he had a much easier time coming to terms with everything.

Soon the orgasm was past and he parted his whirling tongue from Aclysia’s. “But I am sure one day won’t hurt too much,” he added. It was something he absolutely wasn’t sure of. A lot of things could happen in one day, including a lot of things that would hurt very much. However, John yearned for his girls to come together again. His life just didn’t feel right without all of them around.

Strange how he had come here in less than a year, given his proclivity to hanging around in his room on his own beforehand. It all depended on who he was with, it seemed. Which reminded John that it was less than a month to his birthday.

“I will tend to your needs, then,” Aclysia happily rested her head on his shoulder and sighed when he casually slipped a finger inside her recently fucked pussy. “Make sure food is on the table when you wake up again… I do recommend you take your rest soon.”

“I was thinking about seeing Scarlett…” John yawned. Now that she was mentioning sleep, he did feel it all the more. “I guess that can wait though.” What couldn’t wait, however, was John being about ready to fuck again. Water splashed as positions changed. By the end of his bath, every part of him had been cleaned repeatedly.

“You wouldn’t have happened to write down what you ate the last week, would you?” Aclysia asked while they stepped out of the bathing and into the dressing area. John quickly dragged some casual gamer clothes on himself while the weaponized maid grew her usual outfit. Undine decided to stay in the bath.

“I don’t, no,” John hummed to himself. “I can tell you that it was mostly scrambled eggs, frozen pizza and toast, though.”

Aclysia gave him an expected glance that spelled out her disapproval of this very unbalanced diet. Out of respect for his honesty, and because she knew it wouldn’t get her anywhere anyhow, she didn’t comment on it further, however. “I will prepare something with a high amount of greens in this case,” she announced as they stepped into the living room. Between bathroom and kitchen, she stopped, looking over to the couch.

Eliza looked back like a puppy that knew it had fucked up and really hoped the big eyes would keep the punishment from being too bad. “Hello, Aclysia,” she carefully greeted, turning around with a number of hops on the couch. Unsurprisingly, she had heard the weaponized maid’s return.

Watching the entire thing, John held himself in the background as he let the white-haired girl work through her emotions. Aclysia had said she would try to not be too mad, but there was no guarantee she wouldn’t do anything stupid. Annoyance flashed over the maid’s face, followed by irritation, frustration and finally a tense neutrality.

“Greetings, Eliza,” the artificial guardian finally responded, without even the slightest bow. “For Master’s and your own sake, I do recommend getting Thana under control in time.”

“I’ll fucking try, not like it’s easy,” the blood mage justified herself a bit more aggressively than needed.

A forced nod was all that Aclysia had to return before she steered towards the kitchen. “That went better than I expected,” John thought out loud, looking from one to the other. Given Eliza’s proclivity for mood swings and Aclysia’s protectionism, this could have been one very messy fight. Thankfully, they cared about each other as well, not just about him, so their antagonism boiled down to a mutual understanding that neither of them were happy with the way things were right now.

“Do you need a new haircut?” Aclysia shouted from the kitchen. A justified question, given that Eliza’s hair was beyond even her ass at this point.

‘Huh, it hasn’t grown since the fight,’ John realized. Normally any instance of Thana taking control had caused a sudden hair growth from the acceleration of body functions, or something like that. Was it that Thana was just permanently active that kept this phenomenon from occurring?

‘Their Observe sheets are still separated,’ John thought, looking over it. Aside from some marginal stat increases, nothing had changed since the last time he had checked. Didn’t seem like his skills were going to bring him any new information on the matter. Normal analysis of the situation had to do. Thana being permanently active may have some consequences that not even the goddess of genocide understood yet.


One of which, John found when he woke up again. Although the TV was still running, Eliza was lying on the couch, sleeping on her stomach, as her arms behind her back didn’t really allow for another position. Judging by the expression on her face, she was having a nightmare of the mildly unpleasant variety.

Very carefully, following a hunch, he approached and caressed the side of her face. Just a gentle brushing of some recently cut hair, down to the middle of her back again, with the back of his fingers. His touch made her relax visibly.

‘Thana is currently awake inside Eliza’s own consciousness,’ John realized as he lovingly looked down on this girl he had come to care about so much. ‘Seems like they sleep at the same time.’ The only evidence he had for this was a lack of attempts to bite his fingers off, but that was pretty good evidence given her past track record.

It changed little about his worries, not even that he would keep her out of the bed, but at least they wouldn’t have to worry about Thana going on rampages whenever Eliza nodded off. It made the acquirement of new, stronger bindings a less pressing issue. He was in the process of getting up, his hand outside of the reach of her jaws, when the girl’s eyes opened, with ten lines and four dots. John took the opportunity to get the references in order.

That was the first time he actually saw the ‘above 1000’ clause being lifted in action. Reading all of these things about her state of mind made him feel oddly sad for her. Pity, really, since she hadn’t exactly chosen the fate of being born as a walking apocalypse locked in the body of a mortal, now fusing with the very thing she hated the most. It couldn’t exactly have been a nice fate.

“Die,” Thana said, and John could actually feel his heart stop beating for a moment. Not just his heart, every single last one of his organs seemingly refused to continue its work. Then it all snapped back, blood pumping, but everything felt a tad crooked, wrong.

The goddess of genocide realized that, whatever she was doing to him at that moment, worked and grinned widely. Power surged and John quickly stumbled backwards. Too quickly, he fell over his own feet and hit the ground. Only after a bit more distance made by crawling did his Wisdom kick in again. However powerful that aura got, it wouldn’t be powerful enough to kill him immediately. That aside, such forceful usage of her abilities was bound to wake Eliza up. There was no need to worry.

“What the fuck is this cunt doing again?!” the blood mage growled, and a fight between the two of them ensued. The aura’s effect vanished pretty quickly, and John could actually relax as he was treated to the honestly pretty silly sight. One mouth was throwing extremely long-winded insults and single-worded growled threats back and forth as the shared body rolled off the couch and proceeded to be hurled against whatever corners were nearby. It was more harmful to the furniture than them.

Luckily, nothing broke by the end of their shared tantrum, and Eliza climbed back on the couch with a lot of grumbles. “Well, that was interesting,” John stated as he got back up. It wasn’t that he had lied earlier today when he said he was afraid of Thana, but that he actually felt genuine panic at what she had just done was still surprising. He proceeded to tell Eliza of his realization.

“I didn’t have a fucking nightmare,” the blood mage informed him by the end and furrowed her eyebrows. “That means… HAH, Thana, you are such a total pussy! Ar-” John was witness to the sight of Eliza chomping the edges of her own tongue off as Thana forced her to shut up in a pretty brutal way. Blood spurted out of her mouth before she could shut it and her tongue stitched itself back together. The head bashing against furniture had been much preferable.

The blood soon reversed flow, gathering itself in small orbs that hovered through the air and got absorbed back into Eliza’s system through the fingernails. While John was still relieved that he didn’t have to figure out how to wipe Eliza off with a napkin without risking a limb, he had an epiphany. If Thana had been the one having a nightmare and his touch had soothed her somehow, that meant that she, even if it was just subconsciously, was already human enough to react to kindness.

‘I can use that,’ John thought, feeling a bit like a manipulative dirtbag. Emotions were something he used in schemes a bit too often. Well, if the future of humanity and the happiness of Eliza was on the line, he would embrace being a manipulative dirtbag. Now he just needed to figure out what a goddess of genocide would like. Be it a gift or a gesture or something else he couldn’t think of right now.

Well, he would have all day for that.

“Master,” Aclysia spoke out from the open kitchen, pulling John’s attention to the smell that permeated the air. It was the mouth-watering richness of meat that had simmered for several hours. “I hope you slept well?”

“Oh yeah, was out the moment I hit the mattress,” John answered with a smile and went to the table. “I thought you wanted to give me more greens,” he commented jokingly when Aclysia prepared a plate of goulash, the dominant red colour only somewhat hiding all the bell peppers, mushrooms and beans swimming inside.

“Your sustenance is not subject of jokes,” Aclysia scolded him without any harshness in her voice, it was banter of the usual variety. Placing the food along with a glass of milk and the necessary cutlery on her salver, she carried all of it over. Within a few seconds, John began shoving his face with Aclysia’s cooking.

It was almost as good as shoving her against the shower wall and fucking her from behind. Which was pretty awesome in its own right, mindlessly great even, so that spoke to the quality of the food. Everything was diced evenly and the long cooking time had allowed every last pore of every last vegetable to absorb the broth. The faint, sweet hotness of it all tied the meal together and the meat was so soft it basically chewed itself.

Judging by the very audible grumbling of Eliza’s stomach close by, her nose alone was telling her what she was missing out on. There was no physical reason for her body to make its needs known like that, as it wasn’t actually a need. Eliza was perfectly capable to survive without food or water for practically ever. The blood her magic produced came pre enriched with nutrients and oxygen. Maybe, if access to air, food and water was restricted, basically if someone were to throw her into outer space, she would starve due to mana depletion. Eventually, probably, still, John wouldn’t bet on it.

That was just the level of ridiculous Eliza was in terms of power. Thana cranked that up to a further stupendous degree. Still, between being able to survive without sustenance for millennia and being able to stop a nuke, as Romulus had been, down to the gamma radiation, the Gamer was not quite sure what he found more mind-boggling.

Probably the part where he was slowly getting into the same category of stupidly powerful.

Hearing a second rumbling, John presented a question to Aclysia. Over their mental connection, since this wasn’t something he wanted Thana to hear. ‘Did you prepare something that would smell this good for several hours just to goad Thana into caving to her desires?’

‘Let’s go with that,’ Aclysia agreed a bit too hastily for it to be the truth.

‘…You did it because you knew it would torture Eliza in a way she could never enjoy, didn’t you?’

‘My servitude may have been slightly compromised due to recent events,’ the weaponized maid justified. ‘Also, this stew will be able to feed you for a few days and provide a well-balanced diet. Please complete it with regular intakes of milk and fresh fruit juice. I have stocked the fridge up on all of the necessary things.’

‘You’re the absolute best,’ John let her know. If he hadn’t been eating, he would have kissed her. As it was, he slapped her ass instead, that was the next best thing. Letting out a diligent little moan, she played right into his fantasies of being the man in the house.

“Anyway,” he switched back to talking out loud while scrapped the last bits onto his spoon. “Before you leave, you’re coming to Scarlett with me. We’re going to strategize and I want you present so we can ask about any details we might need.”

Plus, he did have an excuse to keep her around for a little longer this way.


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