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John continued walking as if nothing unusual had happened. On the inside he was in turmoil, however. ‘Where? Who?’ he asked in quick succession. The nightmare elemental just giggled, ‘That wasn’t part of our deal, you’ll have to find out on your own.’ John suppressed a sigh of annoyance, ‘Well, I guess I will find her by myself.’ ‘Oh? You noticed her already?’ Siena wondered. ‘Nope, I lied but now I know it’s a woman. Thanks,’ John smugly answered. 

‘I could have lied to you,’ Siena laughed. ‘But you are a terrible liar,’ John thought back at her; ‘But thanks for warning me anyway, now I just need to filter the correct woman out of the crowd. Shouldn’t be that hard.’

Siena distanced herself from his thoughts, thus making clear that he won’t learn anything more from her. She did leave him with the hint about his stalkers gender though. Trying to look as nonchalant as ever, he turned into an alleyway and used Possession on one of the bricks of the walls.

If he had to solve this mystery on his own, he would need to start by looking for whoever followed him. Of course, he didn’t expect to find out who by the first alleyway he crossed this way, the amount of people around was too high to simply filter out one person. The chance of just grabbing somebody who was going into the same direction was too high. If he repeated this strategy, entering an alleyway and then possessing something inside the street to check who entered it behind him, often enough there should only be one person left at the end, however.

‘The fact that Siena was able to locate her means that she can’t be much further away from me than five metres,’ John thought, ‘so I am searching for a person that is female and is physically following me close by.’ 

It took around 4 more alleyways before he found the person that was suspicious and another 3 until he was certain that she was the only candidate. A brunette, fairly plain, around her forties in boring workers clothes. No one anyone would think about her for an extended amount of time or notice her in passing. Not even Observe revealed anything of interest, but John had been fooled on that front before and he was aware that there were ways to obscure what he saw.

‘Momo?’ he stretched out to his support back at the mansion as his feet carried him towards the north side of the district. ‘What is it?’ she asked, slightly annoyed. ‘Can you ask Lydia for me if there is some local law concerning catching an information broker on your tail?’ ‘…Sure,’ Momo answered after quickly going through his recent memories. About a minute later she returned with the result, ‘Long story short: It is a punishable offence, level of punishment varies greatly. Vigilante justice is frowned upon but, in small portions, not strictly forbidden. Local authorities have the right to drag you to court if you overdo it.’

John continued to walk around, seemingly random, in the search of some isolated place. What he found was the backyard of a building that was for sale, lying in the shadow of the tall wall that separated the third and fourth ring. 

The informant hesitated when she saw John go there. She had been steadily falling back as the crowds got thinner and now that her target vanished from the main streets completely, tracking him further would be very dangerous. It would pose to great a risk for her to follow him into such far-off a place. She probably guessed that John had found out about her and was trying to trap her. 

The woman came to a halt, hiding at a dark corner, probably thinking about whether it was worth following John further. None of her guesses helped her when Siena appeared behind her, the nightmare elementals hand pressed on the woman’s mouth to muffle any cries for help. 

As Siena’s claws dug bloody lines into the stalkers cheek, she whispered, “Such a naughty little girl. It’s time for you to get punished.” The spy was dragged away by the nightmare elemental and brought to John, who was waiting for their arrival. 

The Gamer had Gnome create two somewhat adequate chairs. Made from stone, they were maybe not the most comfortable seats one could imagine, but at least they were seats. The woman was placed in front of John and finally Siena pulled her hands away, not without drawing a bit more blood.

The nightmare elemental returned to John’s side. She was the only one of his spirits that John currently had made manifest. “Who are you?” John asked straight out. No answer, just an amused glare. Of course, that would have been too easy. 

John Observed her clothes one by one. Enchanted vest, uncommon, nothing important, sturdy boots, common, nothing important, brown gloves, uncommon, nothing important, spies’ earring, rare, Misinformation 2, bingo.

He went over the rest of her equipment to find out anything he could, or check if anyone was tracking her over a Possession or something of that kind. If there was someone, his hiding skills were stronger than John’s detection. “You done starring?” the women asked. “Yes, not much to stare at, really,” John stated and gestured at Siena; “As you can see I have a finer woman at my hand.” 

“Mhm, a compliment to me and insult to her at once,” Siena hummed; “I like it. You know what I would like even more, master?” The nightmare elemental’s claws were suddenly in front of the captured woman’s face, “If you would add a few more wounds to this face. They would be such beautiful scars.” 

“We will see about this, servant, we will see,” John said, careful not to drop Siena’s name, just to be sure. Siena took a step back and John shifted in his chair, the armguard underneath his suit rustling. “You know, until very recently,” he said, looking at his fingernails as if what he was saying wasn’t the slightest bit important, “I had an information broker on my tail. I am sure you are aware of this.” 

He was pretty sure that his acting was pure shit, but all he needed to do was back this up with some actions that fit the bill. 

The woman just continued staring, a drop of sweat running down the side of her head and mixing with the blood coming from the thin scratches across her cheek. She could act as cool as she wanted, but they both knew that, now that she had been caught, John was not only in the superior position, but that he could do whatever he wanted with her. Even if she screamed now, Siena would cut her throat before any help arrived. The woman was probably thinking that he wouldn’t kill her if she didn’t act up to much. John needed her to think otherwise.

“So, let’s be honest here, did you think I was an easy target?” John wanted to know; “I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised. SecretBlonde gave VERY extensive information about me away. It must have looked like I was just a fool with no idea how to hide myself. Not that that was unnecessarily untrue. I am going to pin most of this on SB being highly able, however. Having been highly able.” 

John omitted all reasons for why he spoke in the past tense, all he needed to get across was a simple fact: SecretBlonde was dead. The why should be speculation running through the woman’s mind.

“Please don’t kill me,” the woman pleaded, ensuring John that she came to the exact conclusion that he wanted her too. A simple gesture of his hand and Siena cut off the woman’s earlobe before she could react. It fell to the floor together with the earring that had faked out the Observe result. 

“Janna Lanko, from the Guild of the Scurrying Rats,” John read out loud and grinned beastly. The woman yelped, held her bleeding ear and jumped to her feet. The hope that he would spare her was exterminated by that terribly unsympathetic grin. Siena set after her before she could do as much as scream. Thin tendrils of solid shadows wrapped around her limbs as she was violently thrown onto the ground.

Inside the dark corner of the deserted building, the woman was still struggling as John read her character sheet a second time, just to make sure he didn’t miss anything. ‘John…’ Gnome carefully spoke into his mind, the desperate cried of their victim in the background. Tortured by sensual whispers that Siena spoke into her ear, as the nightmare elemental kept Janna’s mouth shut, the spy tried to throw the much stronger spirit off her. ‘…is this really necessary?’ 

John closed his eyes and drowned out the screams for a moment. He took no pleasure in them. ‘Do you want another Herman to happen?’ he asked and was met with silence; ‘This is the necessary cruelty, to take everyone who thinks we might be an attractive target of our back. Just the reputation what I do to spies that follow me will get most of them off my back. I trusted Victoria, I was betrayed and lost Travolta and Jimmie; I trusted Herman, I was betrayed and lost the best friend I ever thought I had. No one will ever get to take advantage of me like that again. My trust will never again be cheap and neither will be my forgiveness. This is the necessary cruelty. We will get this over with and whoever else spies on me afterwards…they wasted their own lives.’ 

None of his elementals said anything to that. They all had their opinions about this, whether this was too cruel or not cruel enough, but they accepted it as what it was. “To not waste my time any further,” John said, “Let’s find a quick understanding about what will happen to you.” 

‘You have 30 seconds to do with her what you want, but don’t kill her,’ John told Siena. The nightmare elemental grinned wildly, still having the woman struggled to the ground. “30 seconds, I hope your mind can last that long,” Siena laughed and started to scratch at the root of the woman’s fingernails.

John would have loved to avert his eyes from the torture, to stick his fingers into his ears and ignore the muffled screams. He wished for no one to see or experience what Siena was doing in the mere thirty seconds he gave her and the less that was said about it, the better.

The time came to an end and John had Siena place the woman back in the makeshift chair. The only part of body that was bloody was her left arm, a clear line at her shoulder between Siena had worked her craft and where she didn’t. True, this terrible display wasn’t deadly, it didn’t even bleed enough to be of short-term concern, but it didn’t take someone schooled in medicine to realize that this arm wouldn’t naturally ever be useful again.

John grinded his teeth, he only wanted the woman to suffer for a bit to underline the point he was about to make. This was already crueller than he wanted it too, and of course Siena had pushed his orders as far she could, despite being able to sense his intentions. The nightmare elemental cleaned her hands with a knowing smile. She could feel his anger and she revelled in it.

Siena’s wish to twist his every order was one thing if it only damaged him, a whole other if she crippled a woman because of it.

John repressed the urge to gulp as the pain-struck eyes of Janna hit him. The panic had vanished, now there was only true pain, the horrific realization that she would die and the knowledge that nothing she could do against that. John saw himself in those eyes, not as he currently was, but the weak kid that had gotten the powers. 

“Make it quick at least,” Janna now pleaded. The answer got stuck in his throat, he only now realized that he had been holding his breath since giving the order. He gasped for air and almost threw a coughing fit.

He had killed before. What was so different about this? He already had come to the conclusion that he needed this to happen to feel safe. ‘This is no different from self-defence,’ he told himself; ‘You are only doing this to be save. Do it or Jane will get caught up in another one of your problems!’

“Take out your phone,” his tone was surprisingly firm. The woman hesitated, without any subtlety John looked at Siena. “I can always add another thirty seconds,” he threatened. Hastily, as quick as her now useless arm allowed her, his orders were obeyed. 

“I want you to sell the following information about me, for whatever price you think anyone would pay,” he gestured her to record him. With shaking hand, she did. “Whoever I find, from today until the day I die, that tries to gather intel on me or my allies, I will hunt down and kill. No mercy, no negotiations, no second-guesses. You will force my hand the moment you invade my privacy. If you work for someone else, you will not be spared. If you place the order, I will get to you,” John narrowed his eyes at the camera, “no matter how noble the powers that protect you are.” 

The recording was ended and John stood up. Calmly he walked over to the woman and punched her in the face. Sadly, for her that didn’t do the trick and with a sour expression John delivered a second one. Still she stayed awake. ‘Oh, for fucks sake, just, please, get knocked out,’ he mentally prayed as he bashed her head a third time. Thankfully, that did it.

The reason for this was quite easy, he didn’t want her to see Undine. “Fix her up…except for the earlobe,” John muttered. He had made his point. Alexej would learn of this, no doubt. This woman, Janna, would probably report back one last time and then go back to mission that were her weight-class. 

Maybe there were some more capable spies around that watched him from afar, even now. That would make revealing Undine incredible foolish, and a wave of disagreement came from the water spirit as she had the same thought. She disagreed with this decision, the woman wouldn’t die either way, Siena had followed his instruction on that front. 

Nothing in this world could have convinced him to leave the woman behind in such a state, crippled and bleeding on a winter afternoon, however. So, Undine went to work and healed everything, from the scratches to the missing fingernails. Everything expect for the earlobe, which would be a simple reminder. 

“I am genuinely sorry if you have a pair of favourite earrings you can no longer wear,” John muttered as he looked down on the unconscious spy, “but you made a terrible choice and we all pay for our mistakes.” 

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Siena cleaned the remaining blood of her claws with a giggle. Evidently, she liked how this had turned out. “You could have given me another minute, her suffering would have been intense,” the nightmare elemental moaned. 

“How can you take pleasure in the pain of others?” John had to ask. “It’s in my nature,” Siena simply replied. “And you never had the urge to change that?” he probed further. “Why would I? It satisfies me deeply,” she snickered; “Do you think of me as pure evil now, John? Are you disgusted with me?” 

“No,” he stated, “there is nothing like pure evil. When I contracted you, I thought that maybe I could make you see moral reason and that your body and power would be worth the effort. Now I realize that I am running a fool’s errand. You are not like Nathalia, you are not a force of nature that has forgotten that you have a benevolent side. You are completely twisted. You aren’t evil, you are simply pure cruelty. So, I guess, yes, I am disgusted by you.” “Oh, giving up on me already?” Siena sighed with disappointment, she would have loved to play this game a while longer. 

“No,” John denied again and looked into her bright yellow eyes, “I just realized that I can’t reason with you. I am no longer going to think of you as an ally that has lost her way. You are a wild animal, Siena, and I will tame you. When you try to kill me, I will defeat you, when you try to dominate, I will put you in your place and when you do things my way -without me having to specify every sordid detail-, I will reward you until the collar your mother put on you is no longer necessary. I will teach some humility.”

Siena stepped up to him, about to say something to answer his challenge. “Behave,” he told her before she could get a single word out. With an annoyed expression she sunk into his shadow. He pushed her to the far-end of his spirit, where she had to sulk on her own, until he needed her again. 

His forgiveness wouldn’t be cheap ever again. He had tried to many times to reason with people who didn’t want to see reason. If he had to break Siena to be free from her constant disruptions, disloyalty and the danger she posed, then it would be so. Just reigning her in would be preferable though, the fact of destroying someone’s personality to the core irked him immensely. There was something rather erotic about the thought about dominating someone that way, but that didn’t make it anything but John’s last resort.

He went on to buy a few things, he peeked over his shoulder regularly until he had a new bird.


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