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Nathalia brought her oil-drenched hands down towards his pulsating erection. Her unscaled fingernails were trimmed down, a heavy contrast to her usual claws, and glistened golden in the candlelight as she hovered her hand over the object of her desire. Drops of oil fell from her slender fingers, causing John to sigh as they hit the sensitive parts of his dick, running down his shaft and the sides afterwards.

He was laying, his upper body raised from the lounger and supported by his arms, looking at what Nathalia was doing to him, not even dreaming of intervening. One of her hands started to apply oil to his balls, softly rubbing it in while fondling them, the other took a slippery hold of the base of his shaft and lathered it in oil. Slowly that hand travelled upwards. Up a bit, then down again to make sure the oil spread evenly, the backup, a bit farther, to then go back to the source.

“I am normally not a user of hand jobs,” Nathalia said, her voice as husky as the smell of burning incense and as pleasing to John’s ears as the aromatic smells all around were to his nostrils. He was in his own personal heavenly den of debauchery right now, trapped inside with a dragoness in heat. 

“I like to feel the twitching in my mouth, the salty taste of precum on my lips, the tensing and pulsations before you would fill my stomach with your delicious seed, John Newman. Although, THAT I will enjoy one way or another,” her hand had travelled to just below the head of his cock, at the edge of the truly sensitive areas.

She bowed down to his ear and whispered, “But this has the advantage of watching you squirm. Which is deeply amusing to me.” Nathalia lovingly bit his ear and her hand went up the last few centimetres. John moaned when her tight, well-lubricated hand finally stimulated him. With skilled circular movements of her hand she polished the knob on top of his dick. 

“You say you don’t do this a lot,” John smirked between passionate breaths, “but that still puts your skills millennia ahead of every other girl.” The teeth at his ear vanished and Nathalia straightened up again. “You speak truth, many of you mortals are to prude for a species this wanting for sex,” her lips formed a crooked smile, “not that any of you could hope to be as great as I even if you tried.” 

The grip on his dick intensified as Nathalia slowly jerked downwards. Without the lubrication of oil, quickly mixing with John’s pre-cum, that movement would have been impossible, the pressure was just too high. Now, however, it turned into a hellishly pleasurable torture of methodical movements. Nathalia stopped fondling his balls with her left hand and half turned from the table. She was absent-mindedly continuing to give him a handjob while she went over the assortment of massage products, having emptied the last bottle of oil.

However, that also meant that John had a glorious view of her bountiful buttocks. The full-rounding’s of light-brown flesh were only complimented by the flickering twilight of the candles. The sight reminded him of the day he fucked her and Salamander in that cave. The tight sensation of her asshole was burned into his memory, her every moan haunted his head, accompanied by pictures of their shared times. A sudden rush of sensitivity went through him and he groaned. 

The glorious view didn’t stop there of course. The dragoness athletic back, with the firmness of her skin and the soft mould of her spine, the rippling of the pronounced muscles of her shoulders, their true strength hiding beneath her graceful build, when she picked up one bottle after the other. Greatest of all was maybe her meaty thighs, the inner sides wet with Nathalia’s pussy juices, who leaked from the permanently horny goddess like the constant stream of water from the basin in the background. Truly, he didn’t know what the most phenomenal part of her backside was, but he got the whole package in front of him, so there was no need to choose.

John wanted to extend his hand and touch the softness of her arse when Nathalia let out a raspy chuckle and finally picked a bottle, turning back around, robbing him of the opportunity. It was a normal oil bottle, three-quarters empty, but what looked at him from the etiquette looked like a crossbreed between a demon and fairy. A scaled dress, black and red eyes, purple wings.

“This will do nicely,” Nathalia said and tossed the bottle into the air. In a flurry of movements, she changed the hands occupation, now jerking John of with her left, and caught the bottle, just as it came down, with her right. Then she applied her teeth, currently as humanly disguised as the rest of her, to the lid and ripped it off without a quick turning of her neck. She did all of that so quickly that John didn’t even feel as if the dragoness had stopped masturbating him for a moment. She spat away the now broken piece of plastic, which sent some disruptive clacking sounds through the serenity of the room, and smirked. 

Then she emptied half of the bottles remaining quarted on his chest and the rest on his dick. She put the bottle back down and worked the oil into his muscles. Wherever it touched him his body felt prickly, like he was getting a warm shower or if someone were to kiss him there and Nathalia’s hands, with all of the heat boiling beneath her skin, made things even worse. 

“What did you just-“ John was about to ask, because this seemed cause for minor concern, especially that Stage 1 part. If it gave him that much more Libido for a start, whatever could follow? However, he was interrupted by himself moaning when Nathalia used the now horribly superfluous lubrication of his dick, being coated in this new aphrodisiac, to pick up the pace. Her hand was just a constant afterimage as it raced up and down his dick, the body oil splattering on his balls and crotch, only causing the heat to spread and his sensitivity to rise. His dick was as hard as an iron rod. 

It had been manageable pleasure before, a handjob with a new twist to it, but his Libido ticked up so quickly and Nathalia’s grip, not to mention the speed he now used, were filled with such cock-milking passion that John could feel his balls and brain boiling in the scented air. “Do not worry, mortal,” Nathalia and her raspy voice were the only things he could possibly concentrate on, his whole body desiring to bend the dragoness over the table and slam his cock into her over and over again until he achieved that glorious moment where they both would be nothing more but a moaning mess. 

“I have given you no aphrodisiac that would permanently harm you,” Nathlia promised as her mouth closed in on his cock, her hand still a blur. He felt her breath on his dick, even here it was a blaze of heat, saw her tongue just centimetres away from the tip. She licked her lips, the truth was written into her eyes as plain as it could possibly have been, focused on the meat rod in front of her; she couldn’t wait for that delicious, cloudy liquid to guzzle down her throat. Every onlooker would have been able to tell just how close John was; he just completely in Nathalia’s hands and moaning according to her every move, he felt his balls tighten, his body quivered in anticipation. Every moment now he would unload.

At the last opportunity she stopped. 

“What!” John asked, his tone sharp. Being denied release was enough to forget just who he was talking too for a moment. “I do not want you to shoot before the oil has unleashed its full potential,” Nathalia explained and took her hand away. 

Her head was quickly above his and she grabbed his chin to prevent him from looking away. Not that he had any intention too. The amber eyes above him dared him to do anything stupid, but they were also beautiful, a sea of golden fire to get lost in. “And talk to me like that again and I will see if you will ever find release today, John Newman,” she added a warning. “You might be in charge with the rest of your small assembly of lesser girls, but when you have intercourse with me, I make the rules.” “Understood,” John gave in, not like he had a choice, standing his ground here would deny him the release his body and mind craved. 

Nathalia smiled and rewarded him with a kiss. It was one of begrudging passion. John tried to unload some of his frustration by winning the wrestling of their tongues, aggressively assaulting the dragoness with it, although that made Nathalia the true winner here. 

‘Oh god, just what I needed, even sharper senses,’ John managed to think. Now even the air itself made his dick twitch with need. All thoughts were instantly blown away the moment Nathalia trailed a finger along the underside of his cock. He could feel the slight cavity’s of her fingerprint, each of them stroking over his lubricated length. “The oil should unfold its basic potential soon, then you will taste release and I will have more of your seed to drink, we all win,” Nathalia purred after breaking the kiss. 

Her hand closed around the base of his cock. Instead of jerking him off further, she trailed down his glancing chest, kiss by kiss. Her lips were like the touch of velvet on his chest as she made her way downwards. Once there, she followed the path her finger had just taken with her tongue. Then, she wrapped her lips around him and sucked him in. The small bumps on her tongue circled around the mushroom-head, the hand at the base suddenly started pumping at break-neck speed.

The pop-up marked the moment he exploded into her mouth. Amounts of cum his balls couldn’t possibly hold in their entirety starting flooding the dragoness mouth with spurt after spurt. It was as if somebody had suddenly turned a vent all the way open. Nathalia’s eyes widened and the vibrations of her moans, caused by the deliciousness of her favourite seed, only made John lose himself inside his climax even more. To this mind-numbing pleasure came another feeling, one of power rushing into him, his souls and body were both being stimulated to unknown heights, his field of view was sprinkled with dots and lighting bolts, slowly robbing him of the ability to see and leaving him only to feel the hollowed cheeks sucking him dry as Nathalia took him all the way into her throat.

When his world was no longer drenched white he noticed several windows. Four Level-Ups, Achievements, Quest Completed, none of that mattered right now. Right now, an amount of Libido that even his Wisdom would have had a hard time keeping in check on a good day, pumped through him. Unknown as that sensation was, fighting it would have been much harder then just swimming with the stream. And why ever would he have wanted to resist this temptation?

Nathalia gulped down the last bit of his semen. With her thumb she scooped up a trail that had escaped her greedy lips. The sight of her sucking that remnant from her thumb while looking him straight in the eyes...Well, it changed nothing about him still being as hard as an iron rod, but it was sexy as hell. 

The dragoness must have noticed the change in his eyes. “Ah, the moment of clarity has hit you, good, raise that Strength of yours and then we can continue, I look forward to you being less…” her eyes scanned his oiled chest, “…average.” 

“Sure thing,” John chirped. His Wisdom told him that worrying was useless, he was already drugged, not like he could change it, and his Libido, combined with the atmosphere and the fantasies about debaucheries yet to come, raised his mood considerably. 

He just hammered the points into Strength until it hit 50. The change took place rather quickly. He didn’t become a bulge of muscles, in fact he barely became any broader at all. But his abs became clearly defined and settled between the many small muscles that had been largely invisible before. On his upper chest, he got some pecks that actually warranted the description. His arms became a bit thick and when he flexed them there was a large bulge. Whatever little bits of excessive fat or skin he had melted away until only the slightest bit remained. His skin also took on a healthier shade as blood vessels became stronger and years of Cheetos and mountain Dew were cleansed from his bloodstream. Not quite a Greek god yet, John nevertheless now had a body that would make him eligible for the cover of the Playgirl. He felt great, wide awake and incomprehensibly horny. 

He was about to close his character screen, he would have time to scan the changes after fucking his brains out, but the slass choice glowed (he already ignored all of the other windows, which had the decency to become transparent so he could bother with them later). ‘Right, I have a class level from the achievement earlier,’ John realized and changed to the Lover Boy Class to quickly do that. Nathalia would be pleased and he wanted to please her, just so that she would come back later and let him fuck her again. Maybe he would get something that would let him dominate her so that he was back in the teasing position? He really didn’t like being on the receiving end of orgasm denial.

Okay, he had no vast amount of time to ponder about this, his Wisdom wouldn’t wait for him. ‘Option 1, boring, fuck that, Option 2, more interesting, probably very good, Option 3…fucking great, if I plan to never jerk off again. Will I ever have to pleasure myself again? No, I have Aclysia, the elemental quartet and Momo even if everyone else leaves me for some reason. Therefore, Option 3 it is.’ 

John closed that window just in time to feel how his Wisdom, and self-control, started slipping. He wanted nothing more than to throw himself at Nathalia and make love to her for as long as he possibly could. Only the dragoness imposing presence, and repeated warnings about her being in charge, held him back. 

Her hazel eyes had the same look to them as his, glassy and only barely holding any sign of focus as they darted from one part of his attractive form to the other. She wasn’t unaffected by the oil herself, John realized. “I approve,” she said after having drunken from his sight for long enough. “Not quite perfection yet, but good enough,” she added in a less complementary tone, but her crooked smirk was all John needed to see. “You may take the reins, John Newman.”

A mere moment after those words he had Nathalia bent over the lounger. Unceremoniously his pulsating cock pushed past her lower pair of lips. He was inside her gushing pussy completely within a single thrust; he wouldn’t even have needed any former lubrication for that. Hands on her hips he started moving like a machine with one single purpose: Fucking. 

Her pussy was an inferno of shifting, tight flesh wrapping around his cock, massaging its whole length better than her hand could have ever hoped too no matter how long she trained. Every time his dick slammed into her, with his whole, impressive length, and their hips met, Nathalia let out a sharp, throaty cry. Her red hair was shaking, her butt jiggled under the impact, as sight so enticing that John couldn’t help but want to see more of it. He raised his hand. The wet sounds that echoed through the room, caused by their union, were accompanied by a sudden swatting sound when John slapped the dragoness arse as hard as he could. The dragoness yelped in surprise, not in pain.

“Today is the only time you will get away with that,” growled Nathalia, her tone betraying the pure pleasure she was experiencing. “All of today?” John grunted and slapped the other cheek with the same strength. “Rrrrrghr,” a beastly rumble went through Nathalia’s body and she turned her head, eyes and bared teeth back into their draconic shape. She tried to look imposing, but John was certain that she was a paper-dragon in this case. Nothing in the world would make her stop him, nothing, not even her own rage, would make Nathalia stop getting fucked like the lizard in heat she was. A third time he slapped her arse, daring her to prove him otherwise. The rumbling that left her body afterwards was one of begrudging admission, “All of today.” 

A moment later he felt his second orgasm welling up. It was as if the sudden excess of sperm his balls produced wanted to be released, and he had no willpower to push against. Another slap, his hand stayed where it landed, fingers digging deep into her hips, causing depressions to form in the soft arse. He slammed into her with all of his newfound strength, just a couple more time. Then his seed exploded into her and painted her insides white. 

Nathalia’s back quivered as she howled her own climax out. Vast amounts of sperm flooded her pussy and womb, to a point where she wasn’t sure if she could hold it all inside her. Spasming, her vagina continued to wring every drop from him anyway. His seed was to fill her to the brim with that prickling hotness she could only feel when powerful men were taking her.

John pulled out just as quickly as he had pushed in. “What are you doing?!” panted Nathalia, she had felt that his cock had still been rock-hard when he had removed himself. The drug would keep working for…Nathalia didn’t actually know, in her desire she had dumped more on him than on any other mortal before. John didn’t answer, his dick simply pressed against her sphincter a moment later. A good enough response for the light-brown skinned goddess, who relaxed her muscles as best she could to allow him to take her up the butt with ease. Despite the numerous times she had done this before, she was still as tight as the first. 

Lubricated with all sorts of fluids, and with Nathalia prepared to take his entire girth, John had an easy time pushing inside. The tight ring of her sphincter pressing down on his hairless base, he had all 19 centimetres of his hard-on buried inside her anal cavity. It pulsated around him, just as infernal as her pussy, and the soft meat of her backside pressed against his crotch. Then, without any sort of further easing, he gave it the same ruthless fucking he had given her pussy. 

“I aaaaaah, am verrry impresse-ah-d,” Nathalia moaned. “Your thrusts finally m-mhm-ake me feeeeel more than some simple shaking.” “You just wait until I get even more Strength in the future,” John pushed out strained words, his balls already filled to the maximum capacity again and ready to burst. “I will give you a fucking after which even you will need days to feel your legs again.” 

“I will rrrremember that promise,” Nathalia purred and then let out a groan that transformed into a perverse scream as she came from being fucked into her ass, her whole body tensed up. “Yesssss,” she hissed, the metal frame of the lounger screeched as it was crushed by Nathalia’s hands, having been her anchor. A moment later John, unable to resist the quivering tightness, came again. A load just as big as the last one started to pour into her anus. One spur, two spurt, his balls tightened again and again. He pulled out as he was still coming, leaving a cum-leaking asshole, as he spread the rest of seed all over her back, even at the fourth spurt there was more than enough force to almost reach her neck, and butt.

John grabbed Nathalia by the shoulder. The dragoness, quivering from aftershocks, didn’t resist, just looked with interest as he dragged her over to a wall and pushed her back against it. Finally, John had her glorious tits in front of him. His lips found her chocolate nipples as he buried his cock in her pussy again. 

“By my fire, yeeessssss,” Nathalia hissed as she was roughly nailed against the wall, John roughly biting her nipples and fondling her huge tits with reckless debauchery. Nathalia’s arms maybe would have scratched on his back on similarly rough fashion, but the dragoness had no coordination to move them anywhere, instead her fingers uselessly pressed against the wall as she moaned out her pleasure. 

The moment John’s balls refilled they emptied again and this time the dragoness womb couldn’t have hoped to contain it all. Two loads, bigger than anything John’s balls could have possibly held in the first place, now resided within her pussy. The only thing keeping that absurd amount of seed in place was the cock that put them there. And the owner of that cock was not done, not by a longshot. 

Taking one of Nathalia’s legs and stretching it over his shoulder, John continued his assault. The dragoness was as flexible as John had expected, took the almost 180-degrees angle her legs were in now without a single problem. Instead Nathalia relished in the change of position, moaning even louder. There was not a single doubt that she could be bent into whatever sexual position he could think off; however, creativity wasn’t his goal right now. He wanted to bury his dick as deep and as often inside her tight cunt as he could, until it turned into a raw mess, oozing with his seed and once that was done, he would mark her whole body with his gooey climax.

It was a primal desire, a wish of such outmost perversion that the reasonable part of John’s brain fucked off completely until it would be needed again, and his increased Libido only spurned this development further. He would fuck her until there was not an inch left of her that wasn’t sweaty or splattered in seed. His balls tightened again and he added a third load to Nathalia’s womb, which now had to stretch to somehow handle this new development. 

The scream of pleasure as her stomach bulged from the sheer volume was deafening. Her fingers dug trenches into and splintered the wood they rested on. Her whole body was rocked by spasms so strong that John was afraid he would fall over, or get crushed by an uncontrolled motion of the goddess. The constant stream her pussy was drenched in turned into a literal gushing as her juices splattered over their joined hips. Trying to hold onto her leg, as he just kept fucking her through their shared orgasm, he watched the glorious change on Nathalia’s face unfold. 

With each of his thrusts, pushing her orgasm higher and higher, her eyes rolled up her skull a bit more, until only half of her iris was still visible. Even then his thrusts still made then momentarily jump upwards, almost vanish at times. Her mouth was wide agape in a scream turned into a voiceless O as more wetness, even more than the first wave, exploded from her crotch and splattered on the floor and John’s sex just as he pumped sheer endless amounts of his seed inside her. 

John experienced like one orgasm carried over right into the next one, another load, not quite as big as his balls refilled quickly, but not instantly, bloated her birth canal even further. Once that orgasm was done, he pulled out and cum started running from her pussy like from a leaky barrel. 

“Don’t…you dare…stop…” Nathalia panted and moaned as her own oversensitive senses were stimulated by the mere feeling of John slowly pushing her down to her knees. “I…” John had to gulp, his throat was dry from all of the moaning, “…want you to suck me off and let me cum all over your pretty face.” 

“Aren’t we beyond foreplay?!” Nathalia roared but grabbed his dick and aligned it with her lips. Despite her words she was as greedy. She had given him the reins and was happy with the outcome, she would do him this one favour. John ran his hands through her orange-red hair, pushing it backwards so that he would have a perfect view of that beautiful, threatening beast of a woman he would continue to defile. Although, in her, there wasn’t anything left he could taint further, nothing that he could want and she wouldn’t give. For some reason that thought only made it all the more perversely fulfilling. 

Nathalia pulled her full skills on this blowjob. Millenia of sucking dick and now any man would have given a hand to experience the expertness with which Nathalia pushed all of the sensitive points of his dick. A slimy sensation rubbed over his whole length as her extendable tongue wrung around him while he was still inside her mouth, it was like he was getting a blowjob within a blowjob. 

Not able to hold back, he forced her head back and forth, swinging his own hips in the rhythm. For a moment he wished she would have her horns, just so he could have grabbed them and enjoyed the full feeling of facefucking a dragon. In and out of her throat he thrusted as her tongue coiled around the rest of his dick and pressured every inch with writing pulses.

After his first spurt of semen, the orgasm having come quick and without any announcement as was now in a permanent high, he pulled out as quick as possible. He held his dick, jerked it out of habit, even though it didn’t accomplish any pleasure, as this load splattered all over her hair and face. It dripped from her chin and onto her breasts. Those beautiful, from shiny from sweet and dropping saliva, orbs of soft, bountiful meat. He pulled Nathalia back on her feet and had her lay down on her back on the lounger. Her tits were the last part of her body he had yet to decorate with his load. 

He entered her pussy again. A splurging noise as his cock sealed the remaining, still leaking, cum inside, followed by the squelching sound of him fucking her overly wet cunt. Her legs, stretched in front of him in a V-shape, were where he held onto her. 

No skills involved, no try to bring her to the maximum of her pleasure, just pure, beastly fucking. In and out, until he was ready to unload again, fuelled by the oil Nathalia had poured into his fire of lust. 

This time he pulled out just as his first jet of white seed flew from the tip of his dick. It had more than enough force behind it to reach all the way to her tits, the second, third and even fourth spurt doing the same, as the rest puddled on her stomach, the last ones he wiped on her wonderful, thick thighs. 

The chest, now tainted and marked as he had wanted, rose and fell in quick, ecstatic breaths. For a moment he was hypnotized by that view. Then he looked further upwards. Nathalia’s eyes were filled with the sexual desire only this dragon in heat could have. Although John’s goal was met, his Libido was still increased and his cock stood at attention as if he hadn’t used it at all yet.

“Continue-mhm,” Nathalia demanded, aftershocks rocking her body even now that nothing was touching her, “surely you aren’t satisfied with this laughable amount of seed you put into and on me?” The challenge was voiced and John, not one to back down from the idea of fucking until he dropped from exhaustion, continued. 

He didn’t know how many more times he came, or even how long it took him. He didn’t know when they had dropped from the lounger. He didn’t know or care how his body was able to support this volume of liquid that was shooting out of his balls. 

What he knew was that, at the end, they were both in a total mess. The incense filled aroma of the room had been completely overturned with the erotic stench of their love-making. Not an inch of Nathalia’s skin was clean, she was glistening from his cum and sweat, her hair was a soaked mess, her eyes, unfocused, her lips curved into a happy, well-fucked smile, her cunt and asshole wide open, would have been leaking John’s cum, if he wouldn’t have been busy riding him for one last orgasm. 

John’s strength had long since faded and Nathalia was riding him for whatever he could still give her. She rolled her hips, with the slightly bulging stomach above, her physique apparently absorbing his seed at a pace just fast enough to prevent major bloating, in a manner that indicated no exhaustion whatsoever. A last time John felt his balls tighten, then his dick finally went limp. John didn’t care that the floor was slippery from all kinds of sexual juices, he was just happy to continue to lie down.

“I admit,” Nathalia spoke, getting up as John was still struggling to gain his breath, “I will fall asleep masturbating to today’s memory for a few weeks.” 

That was probably the highest compliment he would ever get from anyone.


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