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The spa was called Sensibal and advertised itself by having a small bar in addition to its many wellness programs. It was part of a big hotel, which was a red stone building with rows upon rows of white-painted balconies, but had its own separate entrance and could be visited without an appointment. 

John stepped inside and immediately was enveloped by the thick layers of fragrances usually found in those places. Thinks like rosewood, oranges and the essential oils used in candles. Compared to the cold outside the reception room of the spa was of an unbearable heat, the winter jacket he was wearing surely didn’t help. 

Between the election and now roughly an hour had passed. The trip here itself only had cost around 10 minutes, however, as John luckily realized before he walked in, he was broke. Nothing a quick dive into the dungeon couldn’t have fixed though, he farmed some easier bosses and was promptly introduced to a new concept: Diminishing returns. 

To get right to the point, the money he earned from bosses more than twenty below his current level gave him less money. Another one of Gaia’s hotfixes to ensure that he wouldn’t just milk the system for absurd amounts of cash. Not that the 125000$ he got out of that were anything to sneeze at. 

With a newly filled wallet he walked up to the receptionist. “Hello,” he greeted. “A good day to you,” answered the receptionist, a woman with brown hair bound into a ponytail. “How can I help you?” “I would like one massage please, and a relaxing bath for her,” John pointed his head towards Aclysia, “in the same area, if possible.” “Of course, do you have an appointment or are you here on…” her eyes narrowed, then widened in surprise. John smirked, that was a pretty obvious display of checking out his aura, which was pretty impressive nowadays. Comparing himself to the receptionist, she was match, and he was a campfire. “…a special occasion?” the receptionist finished her sentence.

“The latter, I’ll have to say,” John bowed forwards on the limewood surface of the reception desk and added whispering, “to be honest I would like it if my associate could enter the massage with me; she doesn’t need a program herself.” There was no reason to be this secretive, nobody else was in the room, but the Germans had a saying that caution was the mother of the porcelain box. That saying basically just meant that it was better to be careful. 

“I understand,” the receptionist said and started writing things down with the keyboard in front of her. “Do you have a special request for the massage?” “I would like to have your newest employee do it,” John said, “I heard some good things about that one.” 

At that the receptionist rolled her eyes, but commented nothing, leaving John to wonder what that meant. “Done,” she instead affirmed his request and took a key from the board behind her back. She gave it to John and received a sum of cash in return. “Your room will be the 31, you can change there as well. Please, feel free to use the towels provided.” 

“Thank you,” John said and walked by the reception desk and further into the building. The way was properly guided and the rooms numbered in a logical way, so it wasn’t long until he found room 31. 

The moment he stepped inside he was, somewhat predictably, pulled into an Illusion Barrier. 

‘So, they have more of those here, huh? Makes sense I guess,’ John thought as he looked around. He was currently in a small entrance area that doubled as the changing room. Turning around he found a knob he could turn below the door handle to lock it. He wasn’t quite sure if that would help, but it was better than not. 

There was a locker where he could leave his clothes as well and the mentioned towels. With a shrug, John ignored the locker and instead put everything in his inventory. When he was fully naked he took one of the towels and wrapped it around his hips to remain with some decency. 

“You comfortable, Aclysia?” John asked. The artificial guardian had changed into the goth maid dress. “Yes, of course, master,” she answered, “these clothes are more part of me then they are clothes. Being uncomfortable inside them is impossible.” 

John grunted his understanding. The air was hot and slightly humid and the aromas that had been thick in reception area already were almost unbearably strong here. A couple of new fragrances were added to the mix as well, like musk, pine needles and a hint of burning wood. The heat and smells did make his senses sensitive and it crossed his mind to take Aclysia here and then. 

Aclysia herself looked at the tent that formed from the towel with anticipation. She had no problem with any request her master could have made in this situation. On the contrary, she was willing to go at any moment.

However, John’s Wisdom got the better of him. He was already in an Illusion Barrier, and he was about to get a massage. He should push the sex to later, before he was caught by whoever that masseuse was and after he heard whatever the Horned Rat wanted him here for. 

“Let’s go get inside,” John therefore stated and a disappointed Aclysia followed him through the doorframe that led into the main room, separated from the changing room with strands of rope, which reached all the way to the floor, small pieces of decorative glass strung over their length, which rattled as they fell back into place.

The middle-sized room was the source of the heat he had experienced while changing. It was dimly lit, only a small, weak light came from the ceiling, the majority of the golden twilight coming from the flickering scented candles that were spread all throughout the room, incense burning at their side. The walls and ceiling were made from dark wood, while the floor was a dark grey stone with white veins running throughout the slabs. The heating system must have been located underneath those slabs, as John felt the warmth rising from below. Meanwhile a stone basin on the opposite side of the wall, a steady stream of steaming water running through it, providing a nice ambience sound, explained the humidity. 

In the middle of the room was a lounger, consisting of several segments that could be changed in position as needed. Currently it was a simply straight piece to lie down on, however, and a hole on John’s left-hand side, the size of his face, indicated how he should lie. Next to the lounger was a table full of oils, soaps and other articles used in massages.

The masseuse wasn’t seen anywhere around, but John had an inkling that she would come from the other door to the left of him once she was ready, so he decided to not have things delayed further than needed and just laid down. Aclysia stood next to the doorframe they came from and kept quiet.

The lounger was pretty comfortable, well-padded and the hole made him lying on his stomach easy, although the floor was a less than interesting thing to look at. 

A breeze accompanied by the same rattling of glass told John that somebody had just entered the room. He saw a pair of feet, light-brown complexion with carefully trimmed nails, polished to reflect the candlelight.

He wanted to raise his head and greet whoever just entered, but he felt a hand on the back of his head, gently, but firmly, holding it in place. A raspy, sultry voice, clearly female, although on the lower side for one, reached John’s ears. “Remain comfortable,” the masseuse said with a chuckle, “we have all the time we need to look at each other.” “Okay?” John answered, puzzled by the choice of words. He heard bottles being moved, a clack when one was put back on the table and, a moment later, hands on his back. 

Lathered in oil, they quickly glided it over his lower back, spreading the slippery fluid. With experienced, long-winded movements the masseuse worked her way upwards, only stopping to apply some more oil. Eventually her hands glided over his back effortlessly and she slowly rubbed the tension from his back.

“So, what brings you here?” the raspy voice asked, focusing on an area just above his left shoulder blade. “Mhm, you know,” John answered in a deeply relaxed voice, “a request.” The only part of his body with only tension left was his dick, being relaxed to this degree made thinking hard. He still was aware of who sent him here, but with Aclysia watching over him he didn’t feel any need to be alert. Whatever the Horned Rat wanted to him to see or hear, he would know soon enough.

‘I wonder if they give happy endings here?’ John thought, shifting slightly, his naked cock rubbing against the soft towel, which was stained with a drop of pre-cum in response. The question would be very awkward if denied. Another, actually an even better idea, would be to ask to rent a room in the hotel next over for an hour and just bang Aclysia. Either that or he would create an Illusion Barrier to ‘borrow’ somebodies home. He had little qualms about things when he was horny.

“A request you say?” the masseuse now went onto his shoulders, kneading the muscles until they were soft. “Don’t you mean just a Quest, John Newman?” He tensed up slightly, so it started. He had expected the masseuse to know his name but his quest mechanic as well? “I am not all that psyched that the Horned Rat throws around knowledge about that so freely,” he said as he stretched his thoughts towards Aclysia to check if she was ready to intervene. She wasn’t, as a matter of fact, he felt nothing but her presence. She was completely frozen. 

Now THAT was major cause for concern. John tried to get up, but the hands on his shoulders kept him in place, he could only turn his head and catch a glance of orange-red hair. “Don’t be so impatient, young one,” said the raspy voice, and now that John listened to it with more than half a mind he recognized it immediately. His mind connected the dots and he relaxed again. 

“That you would be here of all places,” John said in a baffled tone as the hands worked until his shoulders lost their stiffness again. It felt twice as good know that he knows just who was massaging him here. “I thought work like this is beneath you…”

Finally, the masseuse pulled back her hands and allowed John to turn his back. The masseuse’s face was right next to his and they saw eye to eye. Strands of her orange-red hair fell over her full lips, the lower of which was slightly bigger. She had brown eyes, but when John blinked they revealed their true divinity, three layers of amber, the core being a glowing gold. “…Nathalia.” 

The dragon goddess blinked and her eyes went back to simple brown, completely normal eyes, stunning, but indistinguishable from a human. “The act of massaging random mortals is indeed beneath me,” she said as she straightened back up, gesturing for John to roll onto his back. With a stranger massaging him he would now have searched for an excuse not to, and hide his massive erection. With the permanently horny dragoness that would not be a problem in the slightest. 

Nathalia wore a white, short bathrobe. Gone were her scales and the constant, lava-like glow of her hair, the obsidian eyeliner or anything else. She looked like an ordinary, thirty-something human. An extremely attractive thirty-something, with tits threatening to spill from the wide cleavage, an ass that stretched the fabric and thick thigs that reached out of the bathrobe, which was cut-off shortly below the hips. 

“However, if it leads to sex, I will suffer this degradation…for a few days,” she licked her sultry lips, looking at the tent that just sprang up. “It’s like a craving for certain tastes and spices, I desired it, so I went ahead and made it that way,” added Nathalia, ripping the towel away from his crotch. 

“You made Aclysia freeze in terror again, though,” John complained. “Yes, and it is still adorable,” the dragoness graciously applied oil to her hand and then oiled up his chest. “You have made progress since I last saw you. Not as much as I had hoped however,” she commented on the muscles he had gotten thanks to Endurance. Every other girl he had met was saying “Wow, you look buffer than expected,” but the fire of destruction looked less than stellar. She gave him an off-handed clap on his abs that made him wheeze.

“Well, what can I say, I am a mage first,” John defended himself when Nathalia’s judgemental eyes landed on him. “Raising Strength is not in my program. I would need a few more levels for that,” he let the implication stand on its own. If she wanted him to raise that stat, she would have to give him the strength for that. 

Nathalia narrowed her eyes. Her hand, carefully gliding over his chest, stopped above his heart and pressed down. “Don’t forget the relationship we have, young one,” she hissed as John felt his chest budge under the pressure, the incense filled air was pressed straight from his lungs as his rips creaked and his heart screamed out in pain. “I am invested in you, because you seem fun and your ability is strong, but the nurturing you will need until you prove a challenge to me will give me more than enough time to crush you. Never forget that.” 

John nodded, he had no air left to answer. The pressure decreased until Nathalia continued her work like nothing happened. “However, I will entertain you, just so you can entertain me, but this will be the last time. I will fill you up to the current limit of what your body can take of my essence and then be done with it.” 

Well, it would have been too easy if he could just cheat this out forever, so a limit was to be expected. It was pretty bullshit that he could absorb the power of a goddess as experience points in the first place. “Wait, you said YOUR essence, could I absorb other god’s essence and still go stronger?” 

That earned him a second ride on the pain express as Nathalia’s hand pressed down on his chest again. This time with the fun extra of obsidian claws digging into his skin. The heat in the room increased even further as Nathalia stared down into his eyes, hers having turned back into their true form as she growled. 

“You will do no such thing if you value your life, do you understand me, John Newman?! YOU ARE MINE! I begrudgingly accept the touch of the Horned Rat in your soul, because he is a friend who once saved my life, but if I see the taint of but a single goddess in your aura, you better present me with a good explanation or I will put you on a leash and make you unable to leave me. You are MINE, I allow you your happy little life and whatever girlfriend you want out of sheer graciousness. Never – Forget – That,” a wave of fire burned from the edges of her mouth at the end of her speech.

Why did she specify goddess’? Why was she so adamant about this now when she hadn’t been before? Why did she threaten to leash him instead murdering him? What was that look in her eyes? Questions Observe could maybe provide answers for.

It was jealousy. Oh god, he had a jealous dragon goddess on his throat. Oh god, that dragon goddess was Nathalia. Oh god, this wasn’t good. Okay, it was actually a massive ego-boost, but it was his life that was threatened here. His HP-bar was already down to the three-quarter point.

He nodded again, panickily, and Nathalia let go. He rung for air like a man who had been close to drowning. “I told you that you have an ability on the level of Romulus’ and the more I look at both of you, the similar you become,” she growled, still annoyed. “What even is his ability? If you allow me the question,” John, carefully, asked. His eyes darted to her stats, “Also did you become stronger again? That is…” he repressed the word bullshit, “interesting.” 

“I tire of this and I want your dick inside me,” Nathalia answered, “so I will make this quick. Romulus can rob gods of their power until their existences themselves vanish, if he is given opportunity. You are different in that you cannot steal, you can only take if given, but you have different abilities to compensate. For your other question, last time we met I had merely gotten back what he stole from me, I am still getting used to having it back after missing it for roughly two-thousand of your years. That is all. I now want to be fucked and you will oblige or perish.” 

That was an ultimatum he could live with. Having his life threatened had reduced his erection to limp status, but Nathalia, her hands back in non-scaled form, opened her bathrobe and presented her hourglass shaped body in all her glory to him. There was no way he could have resisted that sight and all thoughts of danger or other questions vanished.

Nathalia raised an eyebrow when the erect cock in front of her grew another two centimetres, now at 19 in total. However, she did not ask, just accepted that that was now happening as she picked up a bottle of oil. “I think you remember the drill, before I can give you of my essence I will need some of yours. Either your blood or your seed will be required.” She hungrily licked her lips, “You are lucky that you have some very delicious seed,” she purred and poured oil into her hands. 

Whatever could be next?!


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