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A half-circle chamber was the chosen setting for the event. Animated liquids swirled within the panes of the tall windows, catching the morning light and carrying it forwards as paths of many colours.

Curved benches filled the room, sorted around the broad, central walkway. Each row was longer than the last. The benches right in front of the altar were big enough to hold two people each. The layout of the hall reminded John of a candelabra.

Solemnly, John advanced into the already filled chamber. He walked alongside Magnus and Maria. All those invited had taken their seats in order of least to most important, meaning that only those foremost places were still empty.

The Gamer kept his gaze focused on the ground about five metres before him. Magnus did the same. Neither of them had been given a protocol to follow, but it felt simply inappropriate to focus on the altar before the time. The three of them stopped in front of the steps that, covered by purple carpet, rose to the elevated platform. Maria turned left. John and Magnus turned right. They sat down.

Intimately, John was aware of his harem behind him. They were seated across the two following benches, mingled with other people of import to Maximillian. It was not the set-up that John preferred, but this was not his hour.

With an audible bang, the massive doors that lead directly from the outside into the hall fell shut. All light in the chamber was now shaped by the liquids swirling within the windows. Nearly a hundred people were in the room and none of them dared speak. John closed his eyes and listened to the sound of silence. It was absolute and, unlike most silences, it was beautiful.

Beautiful too was the music that began to play. A soft pitter patter at first, the gentle tones swelled into the opening movements of the Moldau symphony. John opened his eyes just a bit to see the feet of the musicians that carefully stepped into the room, maintaining their performance even as they walked.

The architecture of the hall reflected the sounds with growing intensity. Buildings of this age were built with other goals than efficiency in mind and the sheer beauty of the vibrating notes made clear what the purpose of the room had always been. Underlying drum notes echoed in the soul.

It was in the rising of the song that Maximillian stepped out of a side entrance. Maximillian entered the chamber in the plainest clothes that John had ever seen the man in at an official event. The suit was still tailored to his body and the white shirt pressed, but neither were of exceptional quality. He wore no royal cape, no crown, no rings – nothing ornamented him. His expression was unreadable.

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, facing upwards, beholding the altar that John did not yet dare to behold himself. There he stood and the world fell silent again. The symphony continued.

And reached its peak.

The doors flung open. The sound entered the song as if it had always belonged in it. Daylight flooded the room, blinding most within it for a split second, as they turned around to witness the bride.

Irielz was veiled by white silk. Long gloves and a flowing skirt kept most of her out of view. Only the light grey skin of her shoulders was bare. The veil over her head was impenetrable to regular vision. Surrounded by the light of the rising sun behind her, she struck a radiant figure as she slowly advanced.

None walked with the bride. Irielz’ long skirt whispered over the carpet. Each stride of the short woman was as confident and long as it could have been. None walked with Irielz, no one had been paid to take the place of the friends and family she may once have had. She walked to her future alone and John was certain there was a smile behind that veil.

The symphony reached its end just as Irielz reached her man. An extended hand was taken and for a few seconds, Maximillian struggled to retain his composure. The bounce of his Adam’s apple was pronounced, the blinks too rapid to be mistaken for anything other than a desperate attempt to withhold tears. Shoulders rose and then fell in a singular and deep breath.

Bride and groom faced the altar. They advanced up the steps. John, Magnus, and Maria stood up first. All others followed in kind, filling the once more silent room with the shifting of cloth.

Atop the stairs waited Romulus. The Apex had muted his aura, making his presence, despite his size, second to that of the pair. He wore the finest toga one could ask for, one worthy of any pope or cardinal in its splendour. The altar was surrounded by a symmetrical display of carved gemstones and magically woven plants.

Hands in hands, Maximillian and Irielz faced each other. The Apex began to speak.

“We have gathered here today in accordance to all traditions, old and new, to celebrate the unification of two souls.” Romulus produced three candles out of thin air. A blue one was handed to Maximillian, a red one to Irielz, and a golden one remained in the hands of the Apex. “Maximillian of house Habsburg…” the blue candle ignited itself, “…and Irielz of no house…” the red candle ignited itself, “…two souls seeking the bond above all bonds.”

Romulus lowered the golden candle. Carefully, both Maximillian and Irielz tilted their given lights, until the unified flame flickering atop both ignited the last candle. First Romulus then bride and groom let go of their candles. They hovered upwards, circling above and between them from that point onward.

“Inequality in status is unavoidable,” Romulus declared. “No gulf, even this vast, does matter. The bond above all bonds has many names. Some are simple, like love, others carry with it larger expectations, like marriage, but no matter what it is called, what matters most in it is loyalty. Loyalty to the shared future, loyalty to the goals, loyalty to oneself and each other, loyalty to the halcyon days and loyalty through the darkness. A gulf in status does not matter, because it is no more.”

All was silent as Romulus quietly nodded to himself for a few moments.

“I have observed many rites,” he mumbled to himself. “I have seen and enacted the wedding of many fates. Yet, the beauty of this moment is never any less resplendent. Yet, I am honoured to once more have been chosen to ask of you, your vows.”

Maximillian and Irielz began in unison, “”I vow to dedicate myself to the happiness of my partner and our household. I vow to be ready to aid in times of darkness and further the times of light. As in sickness, so in health, I shall be my beloved’s guiding flame. I vow to…”

“…always dedicate myself to the safety of my wife.”

“…give my husband all he needs to assure our prosperity.”

“I vow to be patient and to make her my world.”

“I vow to be understanding and to bear him many children.”

“”I vow to stand with my beloved, until the skies crumble, until even ashes turn to dust, until death do us part. No sooner shall I leave my beloved’s side.””

Romulus opened his arms widely. His towering size made him appear like a benevolent icon, standing over the young loves that spoke their oaths in his resplendent shadow. “Then, do you, Maximillian, take Irielz as your wife? Do you take her hand? Do you accept her as your duty? Do you wish to bind yourself to her, your wealth, your happiness, your very being?”

“I do,” Maximillian answered without hesitation, taking a ring from Romulus and sliding it over Irielz’s finger.

“And do you, Irielz, take Maximillian as your husband? Will you let him take your hand? Do you accept him as your duty? Do you wish to bind yourself to him, your future, your happiness, your very being?”

“I do,” Irielz answered in a whisper, taking a ring from Romulus and sliding it over Maximillian’s finger.

“Then, by the power invested in me by all customs old and new, I declare you husband and wife.” Romulus stopped to offer a fatherly smile. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Maximillian reached up with trembling fingers. When he lifted the veil, the motion was smooth and confident regardless. It came to rest as a layer over Irielz cascade of black hair. Revealed was the face of the succubus, wet trails running over cheeks, framing her smile with the tears of happiness. She got on her toes and awaited the moment that swiftly arrived.

The husband’s lips touched the grey lips of his wife.

The silence in the room erupted into a wave of cheers. Flowers flew high into the air, as people stomped and clapped and shouted for the pair. Where solemn anticipation had been a moment ago, now there was a release of energy euphoric in its joviality.

The kiss broke and the newlyweds turned to the crowd. They smiled and raised their hands, sporting rings of deep purple. All the cheers became even louder. Husband and wife faced the crowd for a few moments, before Romulus picked them both up in his enormous arms and carried them down from the altar.

“Always to the future!” the Apex declared, then tossed the pair into the proverbial arms of Laralia, Alice and Hawpler. The other haremettes/elementals of the king caught them effortlessly, pulling them into an embrace that they did not quickly escape from. The order in the room broke down, as all approached the pair.

John managed to get ahead of everyone. “I won’t take you for long,” he promised. “I’m happy for you two.”

“Always the talented speaker,” Maximillian answered and cleared his throat. There was a lump there that probably was going to be with him for most of the day.

The two young men embraced each other again, then John stepped backwards. All had been said yesterday.

“Ladies! Get ready!” he heard a shout behind him. Interested, John turned his head just in time to watch a bundle of flowers get thrown by Irielz. It flew in a long arch over John’s head, then descended, landing in a hastily raised hand.

Rave looked confused at the object in her hand. She had been talking to Eliana, not even paying attention, but she knew what she had in her hand. She laughed, loudly, and the haremettes all around her began to poke her in the ribs.

“Guess now we really gotta go ahead with it,” the feline Lightbearer said out loud, to the amusement of the other guests.

John stepped away, letting the newlyweds be showered with all of the attention they deserved for a few minutes, until Maximillian managed to peel himself out. Flanked by Romulus and John, the pair walked back to the gates and strut out to the public area.

More petals were sent tumbling down from the window and rooftops as, under the cheers of thousands of people, the royal pair stepped out into the main road. They entered a carriage, to do as monarchs did – if they managed to not look at each other for long enough to smile and wave.

John stayed where he was, watching them roll away. ‘I’ll have that,’ he thought to himself with a soft smile. “You didn’t actually bind their souls together or anything, did you?” the Gamer asked Romulus.

The Apex stood next to him and chuckled. “Of all my powers, that is not one of them,” he answered and shook his head. “Yet, I did – in all the ways that truly matter.”

“Thank you for that. It meant a lot to them.”

Romulus put his massive hand on John’s shoulder for a moment, then walked away. The gesture made John think back to that girl yesterday. He hadn’t seen her around since. ‘She’ll figure it out,’ he considered and walked to a spot off to the side of where his women were waiting.

Rave was still holding the flowers. “Maybe I should focus on this,” she mumbled. “Ya know, make it number one priority.”

“You absolutely should,” Eliana agreed.

“We have things to do though?” Momo suggested. “My thing next month.”

“You can’t marry him either until she does.”

“It’s not as important to me.” Momo tugged at her bangs. “I’d like it, yeah, but it’s not that important to me.”

“…Digging,” Lorelei mumbled, her hollow tone drawing all attention. “Digging jaws… drawing the blood through obsidian teeth… The pool is the beating heart, the Throne stands as the centre. The god warrior is ready.” She trembled head to toe. “Why now?”

“Sounds like that veil just got weakened,” the Gamer answered.

“We’re being anticipated?” Ehtra asked.

“…I believe so,” Lorelei answered. “I see the wheel turning. I see the eye on us. I see… the eyes of the world on us.”

“Well, I think our marriage has to wait a little while yet.”


End of Season 3 Arc 10.


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