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John checked himself in the mirror.

His usual suit had been exchanged for one of a dark shade of blue, his shirt was a clean white, the tie in between an interplay of gold and black. The suit was of lesser quality than his regular one. How could anything tailored by mortal hands compare to something tailored by Gaia herself? That aside, it was more appropriate for the occasion. The colours were friendlier and he had to signal that he was dressing up in some way.

Once he stepped away, the rest of his harem, one by one, did the same, each as much under their own scrutiny as that of the other women in the room. Each was in a personal attire of great beauty and formality. By request of Maximillian, none wore anything too daring. There was cleavage on display and the cut of the dresses emphasized certain areas, but nothing revealed more skin than it covered. Colours were coordinated to match that of the individual. Sylph wore green and amber, Salamander black and red, Nightingale deep purples and white, and so on for each of them. There was nothing experimental about their dresses, nothing outrageous or attention grabbing.

They all, simply, looked stunning. It combined the modern designs with the modest elegance of the late Victorian era.

Once they were all happy with their appearance, they headed out. They emerged from the teleporters to the sounds of early festivities. Beyond the hedge that separated them from the public grounds, chatter filled the late morning air. The noises of many a conversation was underlined by the various sounds of human activity. Crates getting moved, items being handed out, food frying, all mingled into that audio landscape of a great event.

They saw none of it, instead heading inside. There was little activity in the corner of the massive palace that they had been quartered in. Stepping into the heart of the building’s public events complex changed that happenstance instantly.

There were people there. The elite of the European Abyss, reaching as far as members of the Great Sultanate, flowed into the chamber from the various side arms. It was a massive room, held up by 16 pillars of the finest stone mined in local quarries. A Roman sense stuck to the foundations, from the beige tiles and the mosaics that covered the ground, despite the various renovations that had been made over the years. The fresco under the segmented ceiling and the stained glass windows were a later addition, but themselves ancient from John’s perspective. Newer were the various electric and enchanted lights, their modern design carefully integrated with the overlapping time periods.

The hall was massive by any objective standard. To John, it felt like a rather standard display of Abyssal luxury at this point. It was a far cry from the truly colossal construct that had been the chamber the Divided Gates had met in and even John’s own Palace had larger spaces at this point. For the amount of people that were invited to the inner chambers, it more than sufficed. Various corridors led to attached side rooms or private gardens for individuals or groups to retreat to.

More people arrived by the minute. The harem had arrived in the middle, roughly speaking. For the time being, everyone stuck to whoever they had stepped into the room with. Low chatter was accompanied by the soft harmony of violins and pianos. Everyone waited for the moment.

Attention shifted from the elevated podium at one end of the room to the main gate at the other. The aura of the Apex descended on the room like a thick curtain of authority. While many people were awestruck by the laurel crowned giant that strutted into the room. The wrap of his toga left almost half of his chest exposed. His masculine, aged features betrayed a stern wisdom that softened as his lips slowly curled into a gentle smile.

Sol and Luna strutted into the room by his side, each of them clad in a dress that may have been poured out of liquid gold and silver, respectively. Not because they sat skin tight, but because of the metallic sheen and flow to them. John wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that the magic woven into them quite literally kept them liquid.

While all were gawking at the first and foremost of the Abyss, John sipped on a glass of minted water a servant had brought them. Even when his and Romulus’ eyes met, the Gamer only felt a short-lived pause in his breathing. A far cry from the iron mantle that had once manifested around his lungs whenever the Apex regarded him.

Attention lay with Romulus for long enough that Maximillian and Irielz stepped onto the podium unnoticed by most. Only John, his haremettes, Osman, Africanus, and a select few others, seemed to notice. Romulus himself obviously did, but chose not to direct his attention that way until Maximillian cleared his throat. The doors to the room closed, all that had been invited apparently having arrived. John found Magoi and Magnus at a nearby table and winked, before turning his attention fully to the pair.

Maximillian wore a regal suit in the red and black of his house. Irielz’ dress consisted of the same colours. To the surprise of many, it was the succubus that stepped forwards and raised her voice.

“Honoured guests, elites of Europe and beyond, kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, barons and baronesses, mayors, presidents, and emperor, I greet you all on this occasion. Respected guests, I thank you for your presence, from the bottom of my heart and with the depth that all etiquette requests.”

Irielz took a short pause to perform an elegant curtsy for the crowd below. Once she stood straight again, she continued.

“I know that I am of low birth, in all manners of speaking. I am a demon and as such removed in aspects of intuition from common humanity. I am without family, my memories removed by the warlock that, presumably, summoned me to this world, and as such bring no wealth or connections to the royal and noble house of Habsburg. I am not without power, but I hold no such might that I may be considered worthy of marriage into the high houses from that factor.”

The mood in the room bordered between confused and annoyed. All those that disagreed with the marriage for the aforementioned reasons were reminded why they did so.

“But let it be known that I shall not be a woman married for love alone!” Irielz’ gentle voice suddenly rose into a confident pitch that cracked down on the whipped up annoyance. “I shall wed the magnificent king of Austria, I shall bear the name of his noble house, and I shall assure its continuity. To all duties of a wife, I shall live up. I will bear him many heirs and I will not be idle where my hand may add to the prosperity of this realm. By that…” her voice returned back to the gentle tone, “…I certainly do not mean that I will meddle in the realm of the political. You, highborn, have been born and bred for this purpose. No, I will be as a queen of the lowborn should and serve to ground my husband, to listen, and to relay.” Irielz smiled at the crowd. “Please, gentlemen and ladies of the high society, accept my humble plea. I join you through the luck of love and I shall be no thorn in your sides. I am Maximillian’s queen, not a queen unto myself. I know this.”

‘She’s doing quite well,’ John thought and scanned the crowd. Annoyances had been replaced with scepticism. That was as good as it was ever going to get in the short term. As long as the unruly elements in the court were assured that the ‘proper’ way of doing things was respected, they would at least give Irielz the chance to integrate herself in court life. It was then on the succubus to make good on her words.

“I know this,” Irielz repeated, soft and imploring. “All I ask is that you trust in the king’s wisdom and offer me a chance to be an asset to the realm. For the prosperity of Rex Germaniae and the kingdom of Austria and its greater realm of Austria-Hungary.”

Irielz stepped back to mild applause. The speech had been adequate for the situation, her delivery natural, and her charisma clear. Still, this was not her crowd and the speech had not been exceptional. Greater interest shifted to Maximillian. Even if recent events had made him less popular in the eyes of high society, he had been the longtime champion of the established powers in the realm. They liked him and for good reason.

All it took was one smile for the king to garner their attention. He strutted along the edge of the platform, making his kingly cape flutter through manipulation of gravitational forces. Just as the anticipating silence threatened to vanish, he spoke.

“I am greatly pleased that my reputation is enough to have made you join me and mine today, honoured members of the many courts of the Greater Empire,” he began in a jovial tone. “Your misgivings my bride has said all that is worth saying about. She knows her duties as queen-consort and wife well.” Maximillian turned to her and kissed her hand. The enchantments carried even his whisper through the room. “Better than I know my duties as king and husband.”

The tone alone was enough to get a few chuckles from the crowd, as was the sunny smile on his lips when he whirled back around.

“On the hour of recovery, I left this nation,” Maximillian continued, now deeply serious. “The Five Day War was won and it struck a grievous wound in my heart. The time I declared to be for me, a stronger monarch would have dedicated to his people. It was not me alone that suffered. The subversive tactics of the Blood of the Proletariat left all of us devoid of friends, neighbours, and trusted advisors. Daggers were drawn and many struck their targets.

“It is as a weak monarch that I left these hallowed halls. As a broken man, I sat out. It is as a remade man that I return. Reforged on the crucible of adversity, remade through trust and the power of friendship.”

“Do not dare laugh,” John whispered to Lee.

“Why are you singling me out?” the gamer girl whispered back.

“Because you’re the only one with enough meme brain rot here to not take that seriously.”

“I am made whole again by her,” Maximillian continued and gestured to his queen. “If there is any service you need of her, let it be that. Let it be known that I could not stand here again, had it not been for her, pulling me from the emptiness of the vices I indulged in and showing me once more that there is so much more to live for than myself.

“In my absence, my sister Maria has done a wonderful job of modernizing our infrastructure and putting the Habsburg realm at the forefront of developments in arcano-tech and artifice.”

‘That’s a way to positively spin her spending money like water.’

“I shall make the best of that and you shall hear much about it – another time.” Maximillian’s tone and body language shifted again. “For today, I shall focus on the wonderful things in life, for today is my last day as an unmarried man. Tomorrow, I shall be shackled!”

Universal laughter, especially when Irielz shot him a playfully angry glare.

“For the sake of order, I must sadly separate you, my honoured guests, into two categories. A select few of you will be given bracelets that allow you access to the innermost areas of the palace. Retreats of security appropriate for talks between the most powerful people of the most powerful continent in the world. Do not fret, however, all of you shall find your needs met and exceeded. Catering is provided around the clock. You are free to enter and leave as you please. Programs have been organized for your entertainment. Without further ado then, you are all to have the time of your life on my dime! Let it be a war on boredom!”

The applause for the king was loud, loud enough to bother John for a moment. It faded swiftly after Maximillian and Irielz descended from the platform to join the crowd. Talks soon rose in their place. John and harem joined the trend. “I suppose this is where we scatter,” he said. A group of their size was too unwieldy to move as one and different interests pulled them to different programs anyhow.

“Yes, yes, indeed,” Claire agreed swiftly.

“Master, if you would allow us the absence, Claire and I would be interested in investigating some recipes,” Aclysia said.

“Oh, recipes? Well, as a fellow maid, I should tag along,” Momo said.

Aclysia and Claire turned to the fairy in robotic unison. “There must be many foreign dignitaries that you should meet,” the vampire maid said.

“Are you suggesting that I have greater duties than that of a maid?”

John could see the immediate short-circuit in the duo’s logic. Aclysia recovered quicker from the dazed state. “No such thing could ever be said,” she admitted. “Merely that alternative forms of servitude are valid, as long as they serve the welfare of our Master… If you have nothing else ongoing, then you can accompany us, of course.”

‘Is this related to the thing or is this something else?’ John had to wonder, while the three maids stepped away. “Aren’t you going to look for the recipes?” he asked Beatrice.

“Statement: I do not care about the food they are preparing,” the passive maid answered. “Addition: I have spotted Mister Dra. If you will excuse me.”

“It’s dangerous to go alone, take this,” John said and gestured at the Creator Double. The Gamer’s third body followed Beatrice, while Lee groaned. “What?”

“And you accuse me of meme brain rot?”

“Hey, I have it too, I just know not to laugh.”

Halfway into the density of the crowd, Beatrice spun around. She reached into her inventory and retrieved a giant, blue button with an X in the middle. She pressed it. Simultaneously, a wave of intense doubt washed through their mental connection.

John felt the veins on his forehead swell as he tried desperately not to roar with laughter. Lee did the same.

“What am I marrying?” Lydia mumbled.

That was all the Gamer and the gamer girl could take. The two snorted, then laughed so intensely they had to hold onto each other for support. A tiny smile played around Beatrice’s lips, gone before she had put the button away again.

While the two of them had a giggle, the harem received the bracelets that Maximillian had mentioned and then broke up into standard cliques. Rave grabbed Metra, Salamander and Sylph to find something exciting to do. Eliana, Undine and Siena set out to find a quiet corner or something music related. Lorelei, Hailey, Scarlett and Delicia were soon approached by Maria and entangled in a talk about crafting. Nightingale, Ehtra and Nathalia decided to seek out Romulus for a talk. Gnome, Nia and Lee decided to tag along with Lydia. John sent his second body along with them as well.

That left his real body to move about on his own. The state would not last for long. Inevitably, one group or another would tire of the activities and come back to him just for the familiarity. Until then, he had some time to mingle with the crowds. He considered seeing the bride and groom, but he would see enough of those two in due time.

‘Let’s just roll on the random encounter table,’ he decided.



Is John not the only president in the Abyss?


I greatly enjoyed Beatrice's meme