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There was no way John could cram a proper Kingdom visit into the remaining three days until the wedding, so he did not try. Instead, he had Ehtra schedule something that he wanted to do all the time.

Ehtra sat at the breakfast table, moving things around on her pad using a stylus. Everyone was paying close attention. The permanent secretary had even bound her hair up for this. She was taking to the look during work hours. A combination, John felt, of three factors. One, it was the expected aesthetic of secretaries in this day and age, two, it did make giving blowjobs less messy, and three, the head maid had it.

The first had the most influence, John was certain of that much. Ehtra had also taken to wearing the white blouse plus pencil skirt combination that was so popular in depictions of secretaries. It hadn’t replaced her maid outfit for her most commonly worn attire though. What made her choose one over the other, the Gamer hadn’t worked out yet.

“In accordance with everyone’s schedules, I have come to the following solution,” the secretary angel finally announced. “Salamander, Lydia, Lee, Hailey, Nightingale and Beatrice have him for the next two hours. After that, he has official business at the House of Exceptionals. For the hour after that, Sylph and Rave can have their date. Then, Lorelei and Undine are free to take the hour after that.”

“Seems rather weighted in terms of numbers,” Lee pointed out.

“You can double-check, if you believe you have a better way to do this,” Ehtra challenged, causing the gamer girl to raise her hands in surrender. “That’s what I thought,” the grey angel growled, then returned to her planning. “On the second day, Momo, Scarlett, Gnome and Nia can have the Master creature after breakfast. He will then be occupied for the majority of the day with various meetings, including a public appearance with Max and Irielz. In the afternoon, he should join me and Nathalia for a political meeting with Lu Zhi. A ‘political’ meeting.”

“Couldn’t have put more sarcasm in it if I tried,” Rave joked.

“On the third day, John will be occupied from morning until noon. Delicia and Eliana can join him over lunch and for some time after that. Then, Aclysia, Siena and Metra can have him after a short meeting with a few ministers regarding the upcoming absence. Finally, Claire has him to herself towards the evening.” Ehtra put the pad on the table.

Scarlett did a double check. Since she found nothing wrong with it, everyone trusted this was the optimal allocation of dating time over the course of the days leading up to the wedding.

“Ain’t no time to lose then,” Hailey drawled and got up.

They all got dressed in record time and the clothes they picked were tantalizing to the utmost. The country gal picked the skimpy combination of leather bra and hot pants so tiny, John could see about half of her thong. An example that the others followed. Salamander chose to utilize her human disguise for the day, putting her very dark-skinned appearance into practically the same outfit as the tanned country-gal. Nightingale hummed, then followed suit, reshaping her leotard. Beatrice did the same and, bullied into it by peer pressure, so did Lee.

The latter three did not rock the look to the same degree as the first two. A simple matter of giant tits helping with the bra top. That being said, them looking best in it did not prevent the lesser endowed women from looking delicious. It was effective in another way for those three because it was rare to see them wear something this revealing, especially Nightingale and, once she decided to join in as well, Lydia.

Admittedly, Lydia always wore revealing lingerie around the Palace, but this and that were different things. The queen walking about like a slutty valley girl was a treat of the utmost variety. Who else but him got to enjoy that sight?

“We should stay out of the public’s sight,” the queen stated, expectedly.

She got no pushback on that. Shameless as they were, this was not the kind of get up that was appropriate for public spaces, for a number of reasons, most of them relegated to decorum and the innocence of children. John was happy to skirt the line for the former on most occasions, but the latter he regarded as sacrosanct.

There was also an element of who, when, and where. There was quite a difference between Salamander walking around 90% naked and Gnome. One did that anyway; the other was keeping her exhibitionistic tendencies under careful control.

Lee was definitely one of the girls that he did not enjoy ‘showing off’ in the same capacity. For one, she just didn’t enjoy that kind of thing. She dressed this way for him, but would have died of shame if she looked this way in public, especially if news reached her family. Lydia was the same for similar and yet different reasons, as was Nightingale. Ironically, it would have been easier to justify them being seen naked in all cases.

The decision remained though. Lydia did not want to be seen in public this way and John respected that. “Do you have a location in mind, then?” the Gamer asked.

“I have an idea,” Hailey suggested. “How about the gym?”

John raised an eyebrow. On one hand, a gym date was not what he typically had in mind, but with their busy schedules, they rarely got to go there – most of them anyway. Granted, they did not have the same requirement to preserve their current peak condition. That only made the gym more of a place for relaxation.

As seven, they set out into the Palace’s corridors. The walls stretched further apart, to let them walk in a loose clump rather than a line. “Ya really got to wonder how that works.” The country gal’s gaze wandered from ceiling to floor. “Does it turn other matter into rubber or does it just spawn in new stuff?”

“Both and neither, probably,” John answered. “My powers spontaneously creating matter is hardly something new.”

Their walk was over just a few moments later. The Palace had stopped making sense as a physical layout when John had come back with the Astria upgrade. Now things just always were within a short walking distance. It mattered neither where one began that journey nor how large the room they ended up in was. All one had to do was remember the appearance of the doors or the markers of specific hallways.

They stepped into the gym together. Like any other facility of the Gamer, it was equipped with everything money could buy and then some. Since space wasn’t an issue either, their private gym could compete with public equivalents.

“Home sweet home,” Lee declared as they stepped in.

It was a justified exclamation. While everyone liked to joke, with decent justification, that Lee was a little gremlin attached to her computer, she did actually spend quite a bit of time in the gym. Of all the haremettes, she probably was here the most. Her competition was Nia, Rave, and Metra, and all three of them often left the house for other activities, while Lee stayed within their four walls at all possible opportunities. The young Fateweaver had three jobs in life at this point: maintain her body, maintain the household, and train her powers. One of those was best served here.

The group of seven headed to the competitive corner of the gym. They had plenty of machines, but machines made for poor shared exercise. Instead, they crowded around a wrestling ring. Winners of most matches would be immediately obvious, although attempts to equalize Physical Stat levels through decreasing of mana flow were made. That did not stop them from being fun, however.

Salamander and Nightingale stepped into the ring first. The black and the white skinned woman circled each other. Despite the elemental’s human form, John could practically see her tail curving in anticipation. The harpy was a lot less confident. Physical exercise had never been her strong suit. It did not help that she was two limbs down.

Salamander charged, laughed when she got a face full of feathers, then shouted in anger when Nightingale grabbed her by the ankle. Talons made for a good alternative to hands. Salamander repaid the harpy in kind, pulling her down with her.

The fight instantly devolved into tumbles and kisses. While the scantily clad crowd watched, John put his arms around Hailey and Lee. ‘Quite the different levels of elevation,’ he noted.

“Hey, hon’?” the enigma engineer spoke up.

“Hm?” John hummed, to indicate he was listening. His eyes remained glued to the sight of Nightingale and Salamander. Wrestling with making out had turned into making out with wrestling. The taller fire spirit was on top.

“Ya ‘member me askin’ about the Marathyu guy?”

As an engineer and adept smith, Hailey had a natural interest in meeting the man that had provided them with the Fusional weapons. Except for Inkaryl, all of them had come from the insane smith’s forges. There was a hurdle in letting the country gal meet the man, however.

“Ah, yeah, well… I have no idea where he is,” John confessed.

Lydia turned around when she heard that. “Is that not immensely worrisome?”

“Immensely, yes,” John agreed and then shrugged. “I have no idea what to do about it though. I asked Lorelei and she had some clues but following them did not get us anywhere. Something or someone is keeping him off the radar. Could be the Lorylim, could be the Horned Rat, could be one of his own items. He’s been missing since he gave Rave her bodysuit. It’s past my paranoia threshold and is now just one of those things bouncing around in the back of my mind.”

“I yield,” Nightingale moaned.

“That’s what I thought,” the apocalypse elemental boasted and got up. “Next!”

“Time to humble her.” Hailey rose from John’s embrace and entered the ring, leaving the empty spot to be filled by the returning harpy.

The match started with more finesse, the two of them circling each other. Salamander had plenty of experience wrestling, even if she typically had her matches with Nathalia in the oil pit. Hailey, on the other hand, had her experience from mud wrestling first and foremost. According to her, the Oklahoma weather could turn on a dime, so there were times at which there were pools of mud under bright sunshine – optimal conditions for kids to get messy. Hailey had been an only child, but that hadn’t stopped her from being a tomboy. The wrestling had only slowed when puberty hit and eventually discontinued entirely.

Experiences and confidence stuck with her though, especially now that she had people around her to practice again – which she often did.

Impatient, Salamander stepped forwards. Hailey tried to duck under the grappling hug and get the dark skinned woman by the waist. She tried and succeeded. Immediately, she lifted Salamander onto her shoulders and went for an airplane spin. Once she had the elemental disoriented enough, they both dropped with all the elegance of wrestlers.

“Ooof!” Salamander overplayed how much the impact on the mat hurt her. “Okay, you have humbled me.”

“That’s what I thought!”

“I volunteer next,” Beatrice stated.

“I ain’t wrestling ya, Bae!” the country gal protested, causing the passive maid to stop halfway in her rising motion, like a machine put on pause. A quizzically tilted head made Hailey continue, “Fighting ya is like playin’ chess against the AI.”

“Suggestion: I’ll be aggressive.”

“…Alright, if ya promise,” Hailey sighed and waved the passive maid into the ring.

Aggressive was the right word. Beatrice threw herself at the country gal the moment the match began. Scantily clad bodies writhed on the ground.

“Need someone to take care of that?” Salamander asked and pointed at the predictable erection.

“I’m good. It’s a good habit to not always give into my lust and all of that,” the Gamer answered.

Salamander did not comment on that further, just plopping down in front of the bench. They watched the match continue for a little while. It was entertaining to watch Beatrice fight like a rabid dog injected with 200 ounces of Libido. Her favourite tactic was catching one of Hailey’s nipples with her lips.

“Y’all don’t have to just watch!” Hailey shouted over. “Ya can talk!”

“I suppose we could,” John said and looked around at this particular configuration of women. Lydia and Nightingale were selectively talkative women. The same could be said of Lee, in a different but still related capacity. Salamander could chat it up when she wanted to and so could John. “You’re the only real talker here though.”

“I ain’t no talker, not compared to who else we got around!” Hailey had to fend off Beatrice while all of this was going on. “Okay, okay, I yield!” Heavily breathing, the country gal rolled out of the ring. Wordlessly, Lydia took her place. “Am I a talk’r?”

“As much as I am a starer,” John joked.

“No, I can’t be that bad, hon’,” Hailey refused with a loud laugh. “Ya stare as if ya ain’t gonna see anoth’r woman again if you lift your eyes for a sec’.”

“It happened once,” the Gamer said, his tone more serious than he intended it to be. The jovial mood in the room stopped and the match between queen and passive maid with it. “Sorry, didn’t mean for that to come out the way it did.”

“Don’t apologize,” Nightingale said, enveloping him in her wings. A soft outer layer, under which Lee’s arms clung to his chest.

“Yeah… don’t apologize,” the young Fateweaver said.

John raised an eyebrow. His surprised expression did nothing to dissuade the other four women from closing in on him and forming a tight cocoon of hugs with him at the centre. “I’m fine,” he assured all of them.

“Can we still want to cuddle ya bett’r?” Hailey drawled.

To that, John had no answer. He chuckled and closed his eyes. “Do what you want.”

They did. Arms tightened around him. Breathing synchronized. The soft background music of the gym was nearly all he heard. His arms were too little to match the love they were giving him. He tried, even if he was doomed to fail. They cuddled him better, even if he hadn’t been bad in the first place.

How could they possibly fail at that?



What was the reference to not seeing another woman again? Momo leaving for a while?


I believe it's in reference to him losing his natural sight