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“So, what did we learn?” Momo asked.

The tone of the sassy support was smug to the utmost and for once John had no room to tease her back. He laid on the couch, his head pounding from the intense hangover that they were working on fixing. The whirring of the mixer only made the pounding in his head worse. It was like his brain was throbbing against the inside of his skull.

“Could it be that one shouldn’t declare: ‘I’m good for one more drink’? Hm?” the fairy maid drilled further down, poking first John, then Rave’s face.

The first fiancée was layered on top of him on the Couch. John barely remembered what had happened, which already spoke to a horrid level of alcohol in his bloodstream. The gap in his memory was as apparent as a bald spot in a once luscious head of hair.

“Could it be that one shouldn’t go out after saying that? Should one maybe listen to the very wise, very concerned fairy? Hmmmmm?” Momo was being extra smug and…

“…You right…” John mumbled.

“What was that? Hm?” Momo leaned in towards his ear.

“You were right,” the Gamer croaked. “Fuck, what did I drink last night?”


“What?!” John’s outrage at his past self shot intense pain down his spine. The feline Lightbearer laying on him groaned from the volume and motion.

“The world is swirling enough without you moving,” she lamented. “Where’s Undine?”

“Oh man, where is Undine?” Momo asked and looked around. “Wow, could it be that two drunken idiots decided to empty a full bottle of vodka into her? Could it be that she’s out cold from that? Right! That did happen. It was you two idiots. Want to guess where Delicia is too?”

John clenched his eyes shut to blend out both the light and the sass blasting he was receiving. He really tried to put things back together. He had… returned to the palace with Maximillian and Magnus. They had played a few rounds of chess then he had decided to go for a stroll and… had he randomly run into his girls doing the same or had they called each other?

“Was random,” the fairy in his head answered.

“And then?” John asked, unable to recall anything past that point.

“Then we split into the reasonable people and the unreasonable people and then I tagged along to keep an eye on all of you,” Momo told him. “Which was direly necessary because y’all have no self-control.”

“Why aren’t we stocked up on anti-hangover stuff?” Rave groaned.

“Because it would take two reaaaaally greedy, drunk people to get both Undine and Delicia so wasted they can’t help anyone in the morning.”

At that point, both John and Rave just surrendered to their suffering and the sassy giggles of the smug fairy maid. It ended only when Aclysia stepped in. “That is enough teasing of our Master.”

Momo glanced at the first maid, hummed, then relented and retreated from the Couch. Lovingly, Aclysia caressed his face. “Have we learned our lesson?” she asked in a gentle tone.

“Probably not,” John croaked.

Aclysia giggled. Three little sounds, like bells of crystal ringing in a warm spring breeze. They were almost enough to distract John from his suffering. The pounding, pounding, pounding of the hangover dragged him back to reality.

Deliverance came in the form of the nutrient shake Beatrice handed him with unusual urgency. The passive maid knelt next to her twin. Quivering eyebrows betrayed a mild level of distress. “Advice: do not repeat such a binge. It upsets me to see you suffer like this.”

John delayed his answer in favour of forcing the thick shake down his gullet. His human side revolted against the sudden and sizable ingestion of even liquid food. Instincts that remained despite his deeply changed nature, which kicked into gear a moment later. All of the nutrient deficiencies and dehydration were fixed in an instant. He burped with great relief.

“Difficult to have the lesson stick when I can just fix it like that,” he confessed.

“Lesson is sticking to me,” Rave groaned. “My head is pounding, my pussy is aching, I can’t feel my legs…”

“Guess why you two were delegated to the Couch?” Momo asked. “You were fucking like…”

“Rabbits?” John suggested.

“No, rabbits have a minimum of grace.”

“Killllll meeeeeeeeeee,” Sylph begged, crawling out of the bedroom. “I wanna die. I wanna die and come back later… I drank sooooo many grasshoppers. So, so many grasshoppers…”

“And who warned you?” Momo kept on gloating.

John wiggled his way out under Rave. His first fiancée did not appreciate the removal of her previous mattress, but the Couch reshaped itself quickly enough for her to stay as comfortable as she could, given the circumstances. “Send for the healers,” she croaked. “Then stab my boyfriend for leaving me alone in my suffering.”

‘Wonder if there is someone I could call,’ the Gamer considered. Momo may have insisted this was a valuable learning experience, but he did not want any of his women to suffer the debilitating effects of a hangover the entire day. ‘Realistically, I’d just need to have either Undine or Delicia fixed up…’ “Where is Ehtra?” he asked, while contemplating that issue. “Feels like she’d be right there with you in berating me.”

“Dying,” Momo answered and pointed towards the bedroom door.

John poked his head in. Rather than the usual, pleasant smell of various perfumes and shampoos overlapping into an aroma of sweet femininity, he was greeted by the obvious stench of sweat and booze. Three quarters of his harem were in various stages of suffering. One of the women least affected sat up to meet his gaze.

Drowsy Lydia was adorable. The stern queen yawned and scratched her head. Copper red hair was entirely dishevelled from rolling around. Quietly, she made her way out of the carpet of sprawled out bodies.

“Good morning, my love,” she greeted him in a low voice.

“Morning,” John answered in kind and kissed her. She tasted bad, like sour grapes without any of the advantages. Usually, John was spared the majority of drawbacks of human physiology, but not even their high-level magic could fully neutralize the taste in her mouth that came from sweet drinks and beer.

Their kiss was cut consequently short. Perhaps self-aware, Lydia blushed a little bit, then made her way to the communal bathroom to brush her teeth. John followed her in that endeavour.

Apparently, the number of ‘reasonable’ women had been fairly small. Besides Momo, who had stuck around to watch over them, only Aclysia, Beatrice, Metra, and Nightingale had taken their leave when the two groups coalesced. Irielz and all the other women at the gathering had been gone at that point too.

After brushing his teeth and sitting back down, John followed the gradual emptying of the bedroom. One by one, his girls walked, swayed, stumbled, and crawled out. Some slept the hangover off with no difficulty at all, if they even got one. Eliana, predictably, was perfectly fine. Lydia was good after a glass of water. Most of the other girls were in pain, but they weren’t tortured to the degree that Rave and all of the elementals were.

John had scarcely seen Siena walk with such a lack of elegance. What usually was a sashay had turned into a lumbering gait befit of someone who wore high heels for the first time. Barely making it from bed to Couch, she face-planted into the reactive furniture.

Last to make her way out was Ehtra. The grey angel had a hand on her head and a frown so deep that John wondered if the corners of her lips could sink below her jaw. “What did I do last night?” she groaned.

“An excellent question,” Momo said and hovered over. “I got a video.”

Eyebrow raised, Ehtra looked at the phone the fairy practically shoved in the angel’s face. John was not privy to the visuals. The audio, however, echoed in the entire room. It was a cascade of very slurred, very drunk confessions of love and compliments, interwoven with wet kisses. The angry maid blushed intensely.

“Delete that!”

“No,” Momo said and put the phone into her inventory.

The angel growled, while Undine slugged her way to the bathroom. The water spirit looked like she had been put through the wringer and was more a block of black gelatine than deep blue liquid woman at the moment. John did her the favour of turning up the shower for her. The water was rapidly absorbed into the block and slowly the Undine he knew and loved was manifesting again.

Once their healer was rehydrated, she got to work patching everyone else back up. Thirty minutes later, everyone was hangover free. It was already 3 in the afternoon by that point.

“How long were we out?” John asked.

“Out until 4 AM, fucking stopped at 6,” Momo informed.

Finally, something he could tease her back with! “Well, how do you know that, hm?” he asked with a smile. “Were you watching perhaps?”

“N-no!” Momo stammered and took a step back.

John seized the moment, approaching the fairy maid with confident steps. Her back hit the wall. The palm of his hand slammed hard against the plaster next to her head. White eyes opened wide in a moment of shock and horniness. She blushed with the fury of a thousand dawn flowers. Putting the elbow of his other arm above her shrinking, slumping form, he bowed over her.

‘That little bit of extra size is putting in a lot of work,’ John thought, putting the shorter woman in his shadow. All of Momo’s smugness was wiped away, replaced by a lip quivering look of awe and attraction. “Let me guess then: you took part?”


“What did I do to you?”

“You… used the hypnotic command and then… pounded me into the Couch…”

“And you loved that didn’t you?”

“Yeah… but you should still drink less!”

“I’ll consider it. For now…” He clicked his fingers. “Momo, Mind Control. Suck my cock.”

From smug, to horny and intimidated, to finally mindlessly obedient, the fairy maid’s mood shifted. Like a submissive ordered on her knees, she dropped. When he turned away before she could wrap her lips around his manhood, she rapidly crawled after him to the shower room. Now that the hangovers were dealt with, he wanted to be clean. The entire harem followed.

He gave his dick a thorough wash before he actually had Momo start working it. The ‘mind controlled’ maid was waiting eagerly for the moment he gave her permission. Once her pink lips were around his manhood, he couldn’t hold back. He was fucking her face as if he hadn’t been around a woman in over ten years.

That he had apparently been inside her less than ten hours ago mattered just as little as that he definitely had been inside her twenty hours ago. He desired her intensely and was using her throat in that way. A few more hypnotic suggestions made the fairy orgasm every other plunge. Her mind did so eagerly to surrender to his demands.

Simultaneously, Aclysia and Beatrice were cleaning him with their hands and the sliding of their symmetrical bodies. It was heaven. Wet and moaning heaven, created by three Asian-appearing maids serving him with all they had to offer.

Past the scrubbing down in the shower, and a relieving orgasm, the harem moved into the room with the bathtubs and pool. John picked one of the smaller tubs for himself. It was a specialized design. It was shallow at the centre, designed for only one person to lay down, while several more could surround them. John liked to call it the ‘Master’s Tub’.

Reasons for that were obvious. The middle was designed for him, by its (already updated) dimensions. The backrest was form-fitted to his spine, the leg compartment measured as long as he was. Once he was situated at the centre, Aclysia and Beatrice sat down in curves of the headend, giving his arms a nice place to rest. Claire and Delicia soon climbed in to cover his legs.

A snap of the fingers and the word, “Cleanse,” released Momo from the mind control.

“Perv!” she chastised him immediately.

“Absolutely,” John agreed. “You two coming in or not?”

Ehtra and Momo looked at each other, then the admittedly decadent bathtub. The Gamer used it surprisingly rarely. Having maids clean every millimetre of his body was every bit as wonderful as it was dangerous to his already inflated sense of self-importance.

John sensed Ehtra’s impending switch in the neutrality of her expression and the curious look in her eyes. As the days in their relationships passed, she was getting more comfortable letting her submissive side take over and he was getting better at spotting it. That she would ever get as openly perverted as Eliana was doubtful though.

“Ehtra, my cock is unattended,” he spoke in a demanding tone, fully pushing the First of Hatred over the edge.

“I’m sorry, Master,” the submissive angel swiftly answered and climbed into the tub.

Her wings disappeared whenever she was in the shower, leaving the smooth, chocolate skin of the sixth maid’s back on full display. More than the shifting of her muscles, her fat ass caught the Gamer’s attention. Straddling his hips in the water, too shallow to even submerge his groin fully, she aligned their sexes.

“Let my holes be the tools of your relief, Master,” she sighed as she glided down.

John might have given her jiggling butt an approving smack, had both of his hands not been in the tender care of other maids. Using the constantly cycling, softly soapy water, Aclysia and Beatrice rubbed his limbs from shoulder to fingernails. Claire and Delicia did the same from his hips to his toes.

“It’s really, really weird how much I love being a cleaning maid,” Delicia thought out loud.

“There is nothing weird about loving to clean Master,” Claire disagreed vehemently.

“I concur,” Aclysia hummed.

“Affirmative,” Beatrice stated.

“Clea-ahn-liness of the body speaks for cleannnnliness of the soul!” Ehtra shouted, bouncing on his manhood. Her folds were massaging him with more intensity than any of the hands around. He doubted that that aided in him getting cleaner, though.

“You’re all down bad,” Momo complained, even as she climbed into the bathtub. The last woman in the current set of maids soaped herself up, then closely layered herself on top of his chest. Flat breasts grinded against his pectorals and collar, while thick thighs rubbed against his sides.

John was melting into the various sensations of hot water and even hotter bodies. Eyes closed, he let go of any semblance of self-control. Ehtra plunged down one more time, then stopped. The orgasms from bouncing on his hard cock were put to a new peak when his seed shot up into her depths.

A late, but good start into the day.


Christian Krueger

I LOVE how sassy Momo is. and its nice to see that even this group of power house cand suffer just as badly as normal creatures when exposed to too much boose.

Christian Krueger

note too self...try not to comment and just send without proofreading...when you are half asleep