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At first, I had some free time, and finished new card design for the reworked Enhards.

What do you think? I like how well it looks :D

I think I will use stock photos for cards visualizations. Maybe later I can draw my own artworks. Or I would hire some freelancers to do so.

I'm creating new CCG mechanics at the moment. It goes well, really well. I already have rough concept of reworked Enhards. And I think it would be nice to give my dear patrons some info about the development ;)

So, lets talk about common CCG mechanics.

As you can see, this card is Green-themed. There will be 5 themes: Neutral (grey), Submission (red), Intelligence (blue), Fortitude (green), Attraction (pink). Some names could be changed in the future. 

Green cards connected with fitness and health, as like as the card "Daily Tennis" above. We'll talk about other themes in the next diaries.

Also, you can see blue frame around the photo and blue triangle at the very bottom of the card. It shows the rarity of the card. There will be 4 rarities: common (grey), rare (blue), epic (purple), legendary (orange). The better rarity of the card - the better stats it has.

As you might know, usually you can't play a card just for free in CCGs. You need some resources, like mana or something else. Enhards have similar mechanics. On the "Daily Tennis" card you can find some elements with some resources. 

Green rhombus at the top of the card refers to progression in Fortitude, like experience. I call it "Progression points". E.g. you can't play a card with 3 green rhombus if you have less then 3 progression points in Fortitude. You can get some progression points using some cards, like "Daily Tennis" itself. Also, you don't spend progression points on playing cards, it works more like a requirement to play a card.

Rhombus with blue sparks at the bottom-left corner refers to Energy. It's red and it has 5 on it. It means that you lose -5 energy to play this card. The same with the rhombus with fire flames, except that it refers to Stress. So it means that you get +5 stress to play this card. Red colored rhombuses always refers to negative effect. You don't want to lose your energy, and you don't want to become more stressed. 

So, "Daily Tennis" card needs 1 fortitude point to be played, and gives you +1 fortitude point, but you lose -5 energy and gain +5 stress. Let's compare it with another card.

This card needs 2 fortitude points to be played. Unlike the previous card, "Rest between Sets" gives you +3 energy and you loses -3 stress. Because green rhombuses refers to Positive effects. Also, you draw 1 card from your deck.

Also, there will be 2 more resources: Money (sure, green papers), and Beauty (maybe ill change it to arousal, or will use both). We'll talk about them in my next diaries. And about card types, special effects, connections between cards and other things. 

I'll try my best to write Dev Diaries weekly :)

And feel free to leave your feedback ;)


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