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Special thanks to Krullness for the incredible gift!

Looks like I can be a lot more productive now and start messing with some 3D animation programs that won't immediately lock up my PC :P

Blender! Install!


The Humbling Gift Stream : Pum'Kin Guy

PG gets an insane gifts from Krullness! (TY!) and other assorted things. Again, the generocity is incredible, and both Dawn & I appreciate it :) So expect some actual game streams when I get things set up, Prior to this, I've been working on an old "gaming laptop" with a GTX 870M, and even playing Saints Row 3 was a bit of a struggle, so this is an incredible leap forward for all aspects of work and play. Time to try out some CGI animation!!! :o (Thanks to everyone who was being patient in chat while I went through things) :)


Zhon Lord

I don't know how often you read the patreon comments, if at all, but let me be clear on something: "from my perspective all we do is draw things"?! No no no no no, get this straight. You draw things, yes, but you also promote logic and rational thought, you blast through people's attempts at political correctness, and you work hard every goddamn day to present it in a manner that's both thought provoking AND entertaining. You. Deserve. That computer. JiM. You rock. And Krullness, you're amazing for sending that to him.


what is a computer


Ya’ll deserve the love! Foamy the Squirrel has kept me , and I’m sure many others, sane and laughing during the past year of quarantine gloomies.