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Two pages to go till the end of this first chapter!



Annony Moose

Messy-hair Audrey is super-cute.


I love it! I just LOVE it! 🥰 Not only Audrey is a great character (one of my favorite actually) but this comic is really fun and interesting! I love the underwear set they cave her with the uniform, it couldn't be more plain and basic, it's really uniform-like, and that's exactly what I was expecting 😊 I guess the guards would be a bit more daring regarding their underwear when they get more experience/years of service, like having a frilly or lacy waistband or a fancy or colorful bra can be unoticied (unless you get stripped of course, which never happen)


Hahaha... glad you're enjoying this one! I am for sure and was planning this one long before I started it As for those fancy undies for the other guards... there is the odd uniform violation, can we say! But of course, those are only the recorded cases... there may indeed be many more 🤨