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Welcome to the fourth and final week of the introduction phase. Make sure you have completed the first three weeks before moving on to this section.

Don’t forget this program is free to access here on Patreon. If you wish to support the program, consider pledging. If you pledge for 15 consecutive weeks anytime from now, and you complete this program, you can claim a Kingsglaive inspired medal to acknowledge your achievement.

We’ve already accomplished quite a bit! We’ve evaluated our lives, identified what needs to change and then reflected on those observations. Now it’s time to put a plan into action. Today we CREATE a 10 week plan that will start from next week.

It’s very simple. Finish this sentence: “Every day for the next 10 weeks, I am going to…

Examples could be:

  • Complete a specific exercise routine
  • Eat my five a day
  • Drink a specific amount of water
  • Allocate an amount of personal time
  • Read for a certain amount of time
  • Spend quality time with someone

The possibilities are endless…

Try to select a handful of things you wish to do daily. We recommend between 3 and 6 things. You may wish to use a check list, calendar or to-do app to tick these things off daily. Be specific. Don’t simply right "exercise" or “walk”. Set a step goal, duration or a list of exercises and the number you will complete. Vague targets will end in poor results. 

The key to this week is to make sure you create a plan that is both specific and very realistic for you. Now is the time to deliver! Create a plan that you can manage every day. It shouldn’t be too easy, but it shouldn’t be overly challenging. This is about finding balance. The push will come once you’ve found that balance. Remember, we’ll be adding to this later along with topics to focus on for each week.

Now for the rules: It’s really simple. Make a solid effort to do this EVERY day. Stop making excuses. Stop telling yourself you’ll do it tomorrow. Do you really think you’re going to accomplish your goals by delaying things? No. Let’s do this!

We get it. Some days you will need a rest. Perhaps you’ll get sick and need some downtime. That’s why we’re giving you 15 lives (hearts). That’s 15 days where you can trip or stumble and get away with it. So, if you need to skip a day in part or in full, you lose a single life. Be honest with yourself. Don’t defeat the purpose of the program.

We’ve put together an exercise video for you that we think will help warm you up for the week ahead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MKWnhJqADA 

This week’s challenge is straightforward enough. It’s 15 warp-strikes. We want you to complete 15 dashes. Identify two spots in close proximity and sprint dash backwards and forward. Backwards and forwards would count as 2. If you need to modify this to suit your capabilities, then do so. The key is to get your heart rate up.

So, let’s review what we need to do this week!

  • Create a daily plan that will start next week.
  • Use this week to try different things. See what could work.
  • Complete the exercise video when you have time.
  • Complete 15 Warp-strikes daily.

Remember, if you’re a Patreon, you have access to our support channel. You’ll find other members of the community working on their program. Be sure to state the week you are working on as others might be ahead of you.

Remember, always consult with a professional before participating in any health program. A copy of our full disclaimer can be found here: [link]



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