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Guess what we're talking about... Yes. You guessed it. Final Fantasy XVI.




I got goosebumps when they called the boy Joshua... my name, and to see what happens to him later on - incredible!


I do apologise for the moments I spoke over Alex. It was either a slight lag that was caused specifically by me having to hotspot mobile data to do the recording (and was not so strong), or I had just opted to be rude - already I can't remember.


I AM PUMPED Dont care how far away it is <3 I know that I have something new and exciting to look forward to ^-^


I am so excited. I also want you to know, that these are my favourite kinds of pomcasts. Of course I love all pomcasts, but as someone who doesn't spend much time reading or warching reviews, listening to these kinds of discussions gives me a great insight into others opinions and in general about upcoming and previous game development