King Mog's Musings #1 - May 8, 2019 (Patreon)
Ahoy! Sometimes we can't cover everything in a podcast. It's also very difficult to convey something in a simple caption on an image. With this firmly in mind, I introduce to you "King Mog's Musings". Catchy name eh? Honestly, I am not actually sure who first called me "King Mog" but it has stuck ever since. So, I might as well milk it as much as I can. With no specific schedule in mind. When I have something to talk about, I'll stop by Patreon with a blog update of sorts.
It has been eventful but uneventful recently. While no big project have come to an end or any major milestones reached, there is a lot of work in progress right now. We have so many projects in production that it is sometimes hard to keep track of what is actually happening. Cue Alan and his notepad. He has a habit of jotting everything down and then reminding me of stuff I said I would do but had forgotten about. Damn you, Alan.
So where to begin? I'll start with the biggest current headache, and that is Sydney. We knew that attempting an event on the other-side of the planet was going to be a logistical nightmare but before we've even reached that stage, we've hit trouble on the venue front. Finding a venue for a KupoCon is not easy. Most "conventions" find a venue, stick with it. Rinse and repeat. Well, we don't have that luxury. Sure, we have used the same venues more than once, but we're constantly attempting new cities which means uncharted territory. The time difference has slowed things down a little too. Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with talking with Australians at midnight, but it's not exactly ideal. We'll continue to work on Sydney. We're hopeful to have news to share in the next month or so.
The Bigger Pom is just over seven weeks away. We're very ahead on that production. We're almost ready to wrap it up and put a bow on it. The quest log was finalized this week and is already in production. Almost everything else is either sat in storage or waiting to be ordered. It was important to me to prepare NJ early so that I could offer myself more time to think about Pomex. I'm certainly not trying to favour the UK event over our NJ one. It is just that this event is considerably bigger, and it requires more time to prepare. The great thing about NJ was that we've been away for so long they we've been able to recycle lots of great content from the past two generations!
In other news, I was thinking about getting on a plane for E3 this year. I can't go in to the specifics of my reasons but I've decided to pass for now (I might change my mind). we've got a lot of things in the pipeline as I've said and it's easier for me to action things from my desk than a hotel room in LA. Not to mention, I'm heading to the UK next week on a business trip followed by a Distant Worlds concert in London. Will I be seeing some of you at the gathering we've organised? I'll be bringing #143 of the TriPom series with me. A card that was not being released until Pomex as part of Generation 3.1.
I'll end with an update on guests for Pomex. We're deep in negotiations right now. We're hoping to have announcements lined up in the next few weeks, but I can't say for sure right now. Schedules are a headache and agents are so wonderful to work with...