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I'd love to do more incentives for joining like polls, monthly requests and do tiers and stuff but the problem is that I work so constantly that I would likely work through all of the poll options eventually anyway. I also, to my detriment, don't actually really want to "force" a certain amount of money out of any of you when the next piece could be the complete opposite of something you might like to see compared to the last. So for the foreseeable this year I think I'll just be shitposting as incandescently as I have been and leave It up to the people to act as they wish. I much rather prefer to just focus on the draw/paint and not become a businessperson 

As always, thanks for looking,

                                                          -The Vulgarity Emporium & Indonesian Basket Weaver Club
                                                           Lunch Menu App Designer Spokesperson



UNFORTUNATELY for me I paint all of these shenanigans myself, scuffed colours, lighting 'n all. It does irritate me that AI "artists" try do all the things i don't care about but thats another discussion entirely.

Calvin Yazzie

Uh I terribly apologize that was for another patreon where this guy was trying to ask for money for ai generation, I confused this post with theirs, again I am so sorry