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So as I've mentioned on Twitter already, the Finale for NNN 2023 will not be posted on the 1st of December, thought I'd clarify that right now as we're nearing the end.

It's still a Work-in-Progress, and will be done by Mid-December at the most. It's possible that it might be delayed even further as I have too much stuff going on at the moment, IRL and 3D Development.

It'll be a very slow month for December in terms of content so there won't be a Christmas Special or any proper comics from my own stuff excluding the NNN Finale. I possibly might upload a mini just to fill long gaps in-between not posting anything and a commission or two depending on how many I finish. I'll be using this spare time to finish some outstanding commissions, some of which have been left for a bit too long for which I apologize.

So pretty much, December is just a mini-comic or two, 2+ Commissions (Not entirely sure how fast I can get them done to upload more) and lastly, the Finale for NNN 2023.

As for Blender Animations, still working on some projects, Aya/Lucy workout rework is at the top of queue but as we head into December, we might need to put a lid on it since I've got too much work to worry about as animation in general is not a high priority as well as trying not to burn out too quickly since IRL work is about to get real hefty as I do work in the NHS/Science Sector, won't say anymore than that.

Needless to say, I thank each and every single one of you for just having an interest in my content. I really appreciate it. I love the support you've been showing the NNN Series, the kind messages in the comments as well as in DM. Also to those that have donated, as I've always said, you didn't need to but the fact you went the extra mile to support, you have a special place in my heart!
In the end, all that matters to me, is that you enjoy the content. Simple as!

Oh yeah, and I apologise for the daily email notifications this month XD
I'll catch you guys tomorrow then with Day 27!



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