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I couldn’t sit back down on the bed. All I could do was stand and pace the bedroom floor while I waited for Hazel to clean up her latest accident. Even still, after all this time focused away from my pee kink, I couldn’t help but feel my cock wake back up after seeing her lose control like that all over the floor; and I had just cum as well. But once I left the room, it started to relax, likely because the rest of me couldn’t.

As soon as I exited the shower after once again cumming too fast inside Hazel, I immediately went to google and did a quick search. It didn’t take me long to find the truth of it all: Hazel’s methods were intended for the opposite desired effect. There were hundreds of Reddit forms, captions, etc. The whole kink experience, just like my piss kink, but for a different type of loss of control. I felt stupid, betrayed, and all-around conflicted. It was hard to deny how hot the sex was, despite how quick I was. But was that the hormones attached to orgasm talking or my genuine feelings? I couldn’t know for sure yet, but all I knew is I needed to clear this up immediately.

Hazel finally walked into the room; head hung and with a fresh diaper taped around her waist. I tried not to look at it but couldn’t help for dashing the occasional casual glace down and its blindingly white, thick padding. She avoided eye contact, and we stood without speaking for a moment. Eventually, I couldn’t wait any longer.

“So?” I asked.

“So…what?” She responded, clearly not eager to jump to an honest response.

“Tell me you knew! Tell me you knew this whole time that what you were doing would make me faster, not last long. Tell me about this premature kink.”

Hazel hesitated, which gave me my answer, but I still wanted her to say it.

“Hazel, please. Just tell me the truth. That’s all I want.”

I waited another moment while Hazel shifted uncomfortably. We never fought, and she was never all that great with confrontation, so I knew this situation was putting her off. At this point, her hesitance was telling me everything, but I began to question if she would even speak to confirm or deny anything.

“Okay, fine. I knew. I knew it all along. I lied to you about the process. I lied about it being from the doctors, and I was selfish and manipulative. I’m so sorry, Bo. Can you forgive me?” Hazel burst into tears, dropping the confident aura she had been holding in the bedroom, and approached me. She reached out for my hand, and I couldn’t resist taking it.

“But…why? Why would you do that? Why would you even want this?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Like, don’t you want me to last long?” I questioned. “Why is me cumming quickly something you even wanted? That’s what doesn’t make sense to me.”

“I don’t know….” Hazle responded quietly, once again dancing around an answer.

“No. You do know. So tell me.”

“I just…I really liked it. I liked the control I had over you. I liked how sexy it made me feel. When we were having sex before…I don’t know; it was starting to stagnate. I never came during sex, and truthfully, I wasn’t all that interested in sex anymore. But when you started cumming quickly, I was suddenly awoken. And I wanted to feel that it was because of me, and not just because I p-” Hazel started but stopped before she could reveal what I was worried she had already known.

“You can say it.” I encouraged.

“I didn’t just want you getting that excited because I peed myself. I wanted it also to be just…because I’m sexy to you.”

It was gutting to hear, but everything started to fall into place, and I started to emphasize with Hazel. She was right; as I reflected, I knew I wasn’t considering her needs in the bedroom. Most of the time, I would be watching wetting porn and then come to her when I was looking to get off. It was just as selfish as her making me faster for her sake. I laughed as I realized we were both getting twisted arousal from each other's sufferings.

“Is that so wrong?” Hazel asked, responding to my chuckle.

“No, baby, it’s…well, it’s a little wrong how you tried to achieve that, I won’t lie,” I responded.

“I know. I’m sorry. It’s reversible if you’re wondering….”

“Why didn’t you just…tell me this is what you were into?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you thought me peeing my pants was sexy?” Hazel replied. “It was obvious, but you could’ve at least said.”

“Fair, but I didn’t do anything to make you pee your pants more. In fact, I wanted you to wear diapers-”

“-So you could stop cumming in your pants when I had an accident?” Hazel finished my sentence.


“Well, that’s very thoughtful, but I absolutely loved seeing that tent rise and the little sticky stains forming on your pants,” Hazel teased, moving closer to me.

“Why the diapers for me then?” I smiled.

“Well, just like me, we couldn’t go out with stains all over ourselves, could we?”

“No, we couldn’t.”

Hazel leaned in, but I still hesitated.

“So, do you hate me? Are you going to leave me?”

“I’m not going to leave you silly,” I assured. “But I think we’re done training.”

“Well, we can work on making you faster again if you want that….”

I contemplated a moment.

“How about this: If you get some good info from your MRI, you get treatment, and your bladder starts to improve, we can work on my upwards speed.”

“But that might take ages! And It might not even improve!” Hazel protested.

“Maybe, maybe not,” I replied. “But hey, so long as that’s the case, I’ll be your premature ejaculator. Deal?”

Hazel’s eyes widened, and the biggest smile I’d ever seen grew on her lips. She jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

“I take that as a yes?” I laughed.

“Thank you baby,” Hazel said.

“Hey, we’re in this together, aren’t we?”




Really enjoyed the story! Quite a fun kink, I hope if the story is ever continued, Bo will convince Hazel that she is a beautiful woman with or without diapers and she will further train him to be her good little subby pre jac.