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When I woke up, I reached over to Hazel’s side of the bed to find she was gone. What I did find was the faintest little circular stain from what I could only assume was an overnight accident. I felt my arousal building quickly but managed to suppress it beneath my tiredness. As I started to come to, I heard rustling in the kitchen and figured I’d roll out of bed.

The diaper I was wearing was dry, unlike how I suspect Hazel’s looked this morning, but it still felt foreign to walk around in, and I was eager to get them off now that I’d be unable to see when Hazel’s bladder fails her.

I walked into the kitchen, yawned, and saw Hazel cooking something on the stovetop.

“Oh good,” she said, smiling as she saw me. “I was about to come to wake you up. Breakfast is ready!”

“You don’t normally make a whole breakfast on work days,” I said, somewhat inquisitively.

“Yeah, I woke up a bit early and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I just got ready and decided to make us a good meal.”

“Well, that’s sweet of you baby; thank you,” I said and sat at the table. Hazel had prepared scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, hash browns, and even cut up some fruit. Coffee was hot and ready, and my mouth watered as I looked at everything she had cooked up.

“Dig in!” She commanded, and I did as I was told. Everything was delicious. After forking down a bunch of eggs and sausage, I saw Hazel’s grin grow as a devious thought clearly came into her head.

“So,” she started, suddenly sounding lower and surprisingly seductive. “Do I need to check your diapers this morning?”

I choked and coughed on toast and watched as she laughed at my reaction. “Is that a yes?” She teased.

“I’m dry,” I assured her. “What about you?”

Hazel hesitated. She didn’t have to say it, I knew she most likely wet her diaper overnight, so I let her off the hook for her sake and for the sake of the tent rising in my pants just thinking about it and continued. “You know, I don’t think I really need to wear them all the time.”

“Don’t be silly,” Hazel said. “You’ve been a wet sticky mess lately, and you’re going to work. That’s the last place you want to get an unannounced stain on your pants.”

“It wouldn’t happen at work,” I started. “It only happens when I’m with you and can see you.”

“Well, that’s flattering but also not true; what about at the doctor's yesterday?” Hazel asked me. “Couldn’t see me then.”

“Yeah, but I was thinking about you, and I had your panties. Still, it won’t happen,” I tried to brush it off.

“Look. When you get to work, you can do what you want. But you’re not leaving here without a diaper on. Okay?”

Hazel’s tone sent a chill down my spine. She spoke like a mother would speak to their child but with a cold, twisted pleasure behind it. I stopped chewing for a moment as I processed her demand.

“Alright, but I’m just going to take it off as soon as I get into the car,” I said.

“I’m going to strongly advise that you don’t. I’m sure our water bill is high enough already this month from all the laundry we’ve already had to do. I wouldn’t have to do another load for your sticky pants and underwear,” Hazel eased her tone and smiled like she seemed to enjoy it but kept her firm stance. I was starting to feel a bit annoyed and just wanted to move on, get ready and go to work where I could live a normal day without a diaper crinkling between my legs.

After breakfast, we both got ready and retreated into our regular routines. Hazel worked from home, so she tucked into our home office, and I kissed her goodbye as I headed out for the office. However, Hazel couldn’t say goodbye without first grabbing my crotch and ensuring I was diapered. I rolled my eyes, trying again to fight a wave of arousal, and left.

As soon as I was in my office, I went straight to the bathroom and walked into a stall. I dropped my pants and grabbed at the waistband of my diaper, ready to remove it. However, I found myself freezing, hesitating to drop the padding to the floor where I could shove it into my bag and put it back on before I got home. Something in my head was screaming Hazel’s warnings, but I shook them off and dropped my diaper off my waist.

It felt like such a relief to have the diapers off my body. I didn’t realize how much bulk it added and how much better my cloth underwear felt against my skin.

I returned to my office, feeling like a new man, and started working.

As I was going about my business, I watched as one of our newer employees, a 19-year-old named Miley, ran to the bathroom in a rush. I wasn’t sure what it was about, whether she was crying about something or she was desperate, but the latter was what I thought about. Miley was very different from Hazel; she was tall and blonde but with smaller, pert breasts. I found her very attractive, though I knew I would never pursue anything while with Hazel. I was horny, but I’d never be unfaithful.

In fact, as I watched her run to the bathroom, my mind started to wander to Hazel. I closed my eyes and imagined her. ‘Oh fuck, Bo, I’m pissing myself real bad,’ she said in my internal fantasy. My mind’s eye revealed her tight ass on her 5”2 frame getting soaked by an explosion of piss from her tight little pussy. I imagined her moans as she lost control. Her wide eyes as she looked up at me, humiliated at what she had just done. ‘I can’t control my bladder Bo; I’m just going to be pissing my pants all the–’

“Fuck!” I gasped and opened my eyes, returning to reality as I felt my arousal near its tipping point. I knew I didn’t have long, so I quickly jumped out of my office and zipped over to the bathroom across the hall.

As I entered the stall, I could hear the hiss of Miley’s desperate release into the toilet bowl from the women’s bathroom next door, and that was it. I managed to undo my pants and pull them down a little, but I couldn’t get my cock out before spewing a massive premature load into my underwear. I gasped heavily as the orgasm overwhelmed me, and I couldn’t help but let out a little groan of pleasure. But when the post-nut clarity started to set in, I looked down and saw the mess on my underwear. Cum was seeping through it, dripping down and soaking the fabric. I sighed, took them off, and grabbed the diaper back from my bag.

‘Goddammit Hazel,’ I thought. ‘This training better work.’



I'm glad Bo has accepted that he NEEDS to wear a diaper too!