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Isla took a deep breath as she walked up the steps of her home and approached the front door. She was nervous and running through dozens of possible scenarios in her head. She imagined her mom screaming at her, running her out of the house, and even Carmen secretly hiding in the shadows, waiting to foil her plans. With her brain buzzing, she looked back to Peter, parked far enough away so as not to be seen, and exhaled.

“Fuck it,” she whispered and inserted her keys into the door. The house was quiet, but she knew her mom was there. “Hello?” She called out.

Suddenly, Isla’s Mom popped out from another room and looked at Isla, confused.

“Hey, Hunny,” She started. “I didn’t think you’d be back for a few days! Did something happen?”

Isla met her mom halfway as she walked over to hug her daughter. “Well, kind of, yeah,” Isla replied, hanging her head.

“What happened? Was someone hurt?” her Mom asked with growing concern.

“No, no one was hurt. Well, not physically hurt. There were some hurt feelings though, that’s for sure.” Isla explained.

“Oh no, did Kennedy drop you off?”

“Um, no…I actually got a ride home with a friend,” Isla blushed; she hoped to avoid this topic, and her Mom started getting busy in the kitchen.

“What friend?”

“You wouldn’t know them. But Kennedy and I fell out, so I’m home early.”

“Well, I didn’t take anything out for dinner, but I think we have a frozen pizza or something. Or we can order!”

Isla cringed but dug her nails into the palm of her hands and let it out. “Actually, Mom, I’m going out again tonight.”

“Oh! Okay, are you going to eat out then?” Her mom replied, still oblivious to Isla’s discomfort.

“Um, well yes, but Mom…I’m planning on driving to school tonight.”

Finally, her mom stopped her busy work and looked back at Isla. “What do you mean?”

“I’m going to leave tonight instead of at the end of the week,” Isla reiterated.

“Oh, well, I guess that’s fine. Is your room ready?” She asked.

“Yes, it’s ready,” Isla fibbed.

“Why do you want to leave tonight? You know it's like a three-day drive, right?”

“I just…I’m ready to go now. I will stop before it gets too late; find a hotel; it’ll be fine!” Isla’s nerves reached a peek, and her anticipation was killing her. She felt it was going well, but she thought her mom could pivot at any moment. Her mom approached her again and looked Isla up and down.

“Okay, but you need to text me when you’re stopping and where you are; you know I worry,” her mom finally answered. Isla perked up.

“Really? I mean…yes! I’ll text you. No problem,” Isla replied, then suddenly felt bad. “You’re not mad or anything?”

“Don’t be silly. I’m certainly sad you’re not going to be here every day, but I kind of came to terms with it while you were away. And I’m excited for you! A new chapter, new people, new experiences. It’ll be great. And I’ll see you for the holidays!”

Isla felt herself well up with tears; she was so caught up with the road trip that she didn’t emotionally prepare for this departure. She threw herself into her mom’s arms and hugged her tightly.

“Love you,” Isla said.

“Love you too,” her mom replied. “Oh, and I even went ahead and put your stuff in your car already!”

“You did?” Isla replied excitedly. “You didn’t have to do that!”

“It wasn’t much. Besides, I think it helped me cope,” her mom laughed. “Okay, well, do you need to use the bathroom before you leave?”

Isla chuckled to herself, realized, and tried to play it off that she was clearing her throat. “No, I’m okay,” she replied, squeezing her legs together and feeling the padding beneath.

“Well, then, I guess…see you later!” Her mom said, her eyes tearing up as well.

“Bye, mom,” Isla said, then went to the garage where her SUV was parked. She checked to trunk to ensure all her boxes were packed, and when she confirmed they were, she hopped in the front seat and ignited the engine. Isla was so familiar with her car, but she realized she had never sat in it while in diapers and was intrigued by the foreign cushioning in the familiar seat.

Finally, Isla checked the time. 4:00pm. They had lots of time to get over to Kennedy and Jill’s house, grab Jill and go. Isla opened her phone, texted Peter Jill’s address, and then texted Jill.

Isla: We’ll be there in 15 minutes. Be ready.

Isla pulled out of the garage and looked behind her to see her mom waving to her from the window, a teary-eyed smile across her face. Isla waved back, slowed as she approached Peter’s car, and lowered the window to talk to him.

“Okay, I texted you the address, but you can probably just follow me until we need to split up,” she explained. “You’re still okay to help?”

Peter nodded. “Happy to.”

Isla nodded in response and pulled away. As she drove the familiar road to Kennedy’s house, she sat in quiet contemplation. She wondered if what she was doing was right if her mom would hear about it through Kennedy and Jill’s mom, what Kennedy and Heather were doing right now and if she would ever see them again.

As her thoughts ran laps in her mind, she felt compelled to push on her bladder and try to release some pee into the padding in her pants. It was an odd compulsion, and she didn’t know why she felt it other than to void her bladder and avoid additional stress. Or maybe it was that she started to feel comfortable in a wet diaper, but regardless, pee slowly trickled into the padding as she drained the small bit of pee left inside her. Isla sighed and finally felt relaxed.

Before long, Peter and Isla had arrived at Jill's house. They both stopped just out of sight so they could converse.

“Okay, this is it,” Isla said. “You know what you’re doing?”

“I think so,” Peter replied. “Keep the mom distracted long enough to get Jill out of the house.”

“Yeah. Do you have the address to your place?” Isla asked.

“It’s gonna be a few days' drive down there,” Peter replied. “I’ll text you the first hotel we can stay at.”

Isla nodded. “Alright, I’ll text Jill.”

Isla: We’re here. When the doorbell rings, that’s your signal to move. I’ll be in the alley waiting.

Isla waited for a moment, her heart beating heavily in her chest. Finally, her phone buzzed.

Jill: I’m ready.


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