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With her diaper in hand and the powder and wipes within reach, Isla laid back in the back seat of Peter’s car and started removing the diaper’s tabs. She took cautious glances in Peter’s direction to ensure he wasn’t looking, but he either stared straight ahead or looked at his phone. Finally, Isla pulled the last tab off and lifted the front of the diaper away from her bare skin.

The smell of her messy accident hit their nostrils immediately, even with the door and windows open. Peter coughed away a gag, which just encouraged Isla to move faster. Isla pulled the diaper away from her bottom and sat in a drier, less-messy patch of padding to do her wiping. She wiped vigorously, ensuring she was clean as a button before entirely removing the diaper from beneath her and folding it together, so the mess was finally concealed.

‘Thank god I waxed,’ Isla thought, fully appreciating her lack of body hair on the lower half of her body.

“So, what were you thinking to get Jill out of the house?” Peter asked while looking out the front window. Isla unfolded a new diaper and lifted her clean, bare bottom to place it underneath.

“I’m still formulating the plan, but I was kind of thinking you could distract her while I get her out the back. Maybe make some bogus claim like you were helplessly in love with her and that you’ve come for her?” Isla started while she powdered her crotch generously.

“That could work,” Peter said, thinking. “I could tell her I helped Jill back at the carnival because I am madly in love with her or something. I can probably ramble along those lines long enough for you to get her out.”

“Her house has a back alley, so I could be parked in my car back there while you’re out front distracting her. As long as she’s packed, she could be out quickly,” Isla explained, finally taping the fresh diaper back on and pulling up her pants. Isla stepped out of the back seat and held the dirtied diaper in her hand awkwardly.

“What should I do with this?” Isla asked, blushing. Peter looked back and raised an eyebrow thoughtfully.

“Hm, not sure. I don’t have a great place for it, to be honest, and we don’t want to litter,” he replied.

“I don’t want it smelling up your car,” Isla cringed as the words left her mouth.

The pair sat for a moment, then Peter sprung out of the front seat and stood looking at Isla. “Did your diapers come in a plastic package?”

“Yeah, I think so,” Isla replied. Peter walked to Isla's side of the car, and Isla opened her bag to show Peter the diapers in her bag. Peter’s eyes widened at just how many diapers were in the back.

“Wow, you were well packed,” He commented.

“Yeah…” Isla blushed. Peter grabbed a package of the goodnites pull-ups and removed all the diapers from the plastic. Then, he spread the remaining plastic packaging and asked Isla to place the dirty diaper in the bag. Isla complied, and even though it barely fit, Isla managed to shove the heavy, thick diaper into their makeshift bag. Then, Peter grabbed the edges, tied them shut, and threw the whole thing in the back.

“That should do it…hopefully!”

“Good thinking!” Isla praised Peter. He smiled, staring at Isla for a moment. Isla stared back up at him, his height making her nervous for some reason. Finally, the two broke eyes, and Peter cleared his throat.

“We should get on,” he said.

“Yeah, got a girl to save!” Isla chuckled timidly. The two got back in their seats and hit the road. After a few minutes of silence, Isla thought to text Jill.

Isla: Hey, this is Jill, right?

Isla started to make sure it wasn’t Jill’s mother with Jill’s stolen phone. After a few moments, Jill responded.

Jill: Yes, it’s me. What’s happening?

Isla: I need you to prove it first.

Jill: Okay…what do you want me to say?

Isla thought for a moment, then started typing frantically.

Isla: What was the first challenge?

Jill: You made me drink a lot of water, then we had to go shopping without protection. I was stuck in the change room, leaking into my panties with that lovely romper on

“Her mom hasn’t taken her phone,” Isla told Peter, then returned to texting.

Isla: Actually, the first challenge was to see who could fill their diapers the most without leaking, buuuuuut I don’t think your mom would know about that challenge either.

Jill: Ooooooh, I see what you’re doing. Good idea, but damn, you’re right!

Isla: I can’t wait to do more of those.

Jill: Well, you better tell me what’s going on, or I don’t think any of those will ever happen again!

Isla: Right. Are you packed?

Jill: Actually, yes. My mom has made me pack all my shit so I can take it to this camp. Apparently, the bus comes to pick me up at 6 pm.

Isla looked at the time. It was 1 pm, and they still had a few hours of driving ahead, but she was confident she could make it.

“We have a 6 pm deadline,” Isla updated Peter.

“Oh?” Peter inquired.

“That’s when a bus picks her up to take her to this camp.”

“Better get there before then. Aim for five if we can.”

Isla: We’ll try to get there for 5.

Jill: We? Are you with Kennedy and Heather?

Isla hesitated momentarily, knowing how bad it might look that she’s been travelling and sleeping in the same car as Peter.

Isla: I’m with Peter. He’s going to help us.

Jill: Peter? That’s surprising. But he does have a thing for you, so…

Isla: He’s helping save you. He’s offered us a place to stay!

Jill: Alright. Well, how am I going to get past my mom?

Isla explained the plan to Jill in detail. Peter would distract, and Isla would be parked out back, ready for her to get her stuff in the car and go. It wasn’t that thorough, but it could work. With the plan sorted, Isla punched her address into Peter’s GPS and laid back to rest her eyes. Within a few moments, she was passed out, and what felt like only moments later, she was woken up.

“Isla! Isla, wake up!” Peter said, shaking her.

“Hmm?” Isla groaned. “What’s up?”

“We’re here. We’re at you’re house,” Peter pointed to the house he parked outside.

“What the heck?” Isla yawned. “I swear I just closed my eyes.”

“You were out cold,” Peter laughed. “Well, are you ready?”

“Yeah, well, shit, actually..” Isla said, sighing.

“What’s wrong?” Peter asked.

“I didn’t figure out what I’m going to tell my mom.”


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