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Isla explained to Peter what Jill had texted her as they rushed into his car, and he immediately understood the urgency.

“So her mom is going to send her to some…correctional camp? I thought Jill was 18?” Peter asked.

“She is, and that was my first thought too. But apparently, her mom knows the person who runs it, and they’ve made some sort of arrangement,” Isla explained.

“Well, on the one hand, even if they get her there, her age should allow her to leave whenever she wants. But on the other hand, if they manage to take away her phone and its way out in the middle of nowhere, it's possible that she wouldn’t be able to leave or tell us where she is,” Peter thought out loud. Isla nodded, understanding.

“So we really need to get her before she is out of our reach,” Isla said. “Which basically means in the next few hours.”


Isla looked out the window, thinking through her plan. ‘Luckily, all my stuff is already packed,’ she thought. ‘But how do I get Jill out of the house?’

Suddenly, her tummy grumbled loudly and shifted uncomfortably, and Peter looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

“You okay? Need to stop?” he asked.

“I’ll be okay,” Isla replied. “We just need to get back as soon as possible.”

Just as Isla settled back and tried to relax, her phone buzzed with a phone call. Isla looked at the screen; it was Kennedy. Isla declined the call and put her phone back down.

“Not Jill, I’m assuming,” Peter said.

“Kennedy,” Isla responded, and her phone rang again. This time, it was Heather, and she declined it, but the calls just kept flooding in. Kennedy, Heather, Kennedy, Heather, until finally Isla had had enough and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” She answered, annoyed.

“Jesus christ Isla, we thought you were dead. We had the hotel staff open your room because we thought something had happened, but you were just gone. Where the fuck are you?” Kennedy asked.

“I left,” Isla replied bluntly.

“Yeah, no shit,” Heather said. “Where are you?”

“On the road.”

“With who?” Kennedy asked.

“None of your business,” Isla replied bluntly, and Peter smiled.

“Look, I’m sorry about everything that happened, it was wrong, and I shouldn’t have given Jill up to my mom. But like, at least try to see it from my perspective. I just wanted to enjoy our last trip together before school and not worry about my mom all the time. Is that so wrong?” Kennedy explained.

“Yes, it was wrong.”

“Please just come back Isla; we don’t want to finish this trip without you. It wouldn’t be right,” Heather pleaded.

“What isn’t right is selling out your own sister to her mother when you knew the consequences she would face. I care about Jill, and I’m not going to let you ruin her life just because you wanted to drive around, get drunk, fuck strangers and sleep in shitty hotels. Fuck you. Goodbye forever,” Isla hung up and quickly blocked Kennedy and Heather’s numbers. After a moment of heated silence, Peter spoke.

“Wow, that was something,” he said. “That must've been cathartic.”

“It was,” Isla replied. “I’ve never told Kennedy off like that before. Usually, I just kinda….”

“Let it slide?” Peter finished her thought.

“Yeah,” Isla sat with herself for a moment, feeling proud of herself for finally standing up to Kennedy before moving back to the task at hand. “So, how should we get Jill out of the house?”

“Well, is it easy to go unnoticed in her house?” Peter asked.

“I don’t think so; we’ll have to distract her mom somehow.”

“I’m unfortunately no use. I distracted her at the carnival; now she knows my face.”

“Maybe, but maybe not….”

Isla started to think when suddenly she was reminded from her stomach of her coming needs. Her insides twisted again as she felt the need to release building, and she winced.

“You sure you’re okay? We can stop somewhere,” Peter asked, recognizing her discomfort.

“We don’t have time to stop,” Isla reminded him. “And besides, I’m protected.”

“Right,” Peter responded hesitantly. “Sorry, I knew that.”

Isla smiled as Peter blushed. “It’s okay; I’m still getting used to that fact, too.”

“Oh yeah? Have you not needed them for very long?” Peter asked.

“No, not really….”

“What happened?” Peter started. “If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”

“Um, I don’t know,” Isla looked away to hide her awkwardness as she tried to find the right way to explain. “I just started needing them….”

“Did you see your doctor? My aunt had a spinal issue causing her incontinence, and she had to get surgery, but it sorted it out.”

“No, no doctors,” Isla felt terrible lying to Peter after he went through all this trouble to help her, but it was easier than the truth.

Suddenly, Isla’s insides twisted with pain, and she felt a mess starting to push out her backside. ‘Damn McDonald's,’ she thought to herself as she tried to hold back the mess.

“Well, don’t be shy if you need to pull over and change. I just want you to be comfortable,” Peter added. Isla smiled but blushed as the mess kept up its escape attempt.

Her bowels began to relax despite her fight to clench them, and Isla’s heart rate increased. A wetting she was okay with as it didn’t cause much fuss and smell, but a poopy accident was different. Isla didn’t want to have to stop; they were only a few hours out, but at this rate, her diaper would be full, and there would be no hiding from the fact that it was.

“I’ll let you know….” Isla blushed and shifted in her seat, which she quickly realized was a mistake. The thick diaper was pressing against her bottom and spreading her bum so that no matter how hard she clenched, there was an opening. As she shifted, that opening grew, and without so much as a build-up or warning, a giant mess sprung out of her and quickly filled the seat of her diaper. Isla froze in place as she felt the mess spread within the thick padding, and her face went pale as she stared out the window. She tried her best not to sit in it, but suddenly the car went over a bump, and it didn't matter. Her butt planted itself firmly in the seat and the mess squished beneath her weight. Isla cringed but didn’t hold back as her bladder signalled that it needed a release too.

The flow was natural and hardly required any mental power to release. Isla began to worry just how easy it was getting to fill her diaper, regardless of what was filling it, even with only a few days of 24/7 wear.

Casually, Isla tried to roll down the window to stop the smell from festering, but that was all the signal Peter needed to know that Isla needed a change. Peter slowed the car to a stop, and Isla knew.

“Well, there’s nothing ahead of us for a few miles, but there’s also no one else on the road,” Peter explained. “You can use the back seat.”

Isla didn’t even look back at him; she just opened the door and hopped out of the car. As she did, she stepped into a strange puddle. It was strange since she didn’t recall it raining, but her thoughts quickly redirected to the change.

Isla opened the back seat and grabbed a new diaper from her back.

“Don’t look,” Isla said to Peter.

“Oh, trust me, I worked a childcare job for a few years,” Peter laughed. “The last thing I want to look at is that diaper right now.”


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