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Isla’s eyes slowly opened to the light of the following day. She was slow to realize and initially confused that it was, in fact, the morning, but as she came too, she scrambled to check the time. 8:30 am. “Shit,” she whispered and looked through her messages. There was a collection from Jill, obviously up restless and hopeful. Isla kicked herself for not giving Jill any updates, but she was playing it by ear.

Suddenly, Peter snorted, indicating to Isla that he was asleep. They were on the side of the highway; clearly, Peter, at one point through the night, realized he needed a rest, so he pulled over and passed out alongside Isla. Isla smiled at his sleeping face, not really wanting to wake him but knowing they had to hit the road.

She shifted forward slowly, reaching her arm out to shake him awake. As she shifted though, she stopped. Something felt off between her legs. Isla wiggled her hips to get a better feel, then fell back into the seat and reached her hands to her crotch. “Shit!” she whispered again. She had wet in her sleep.

The diaper was seriously large, severely expanded from whatever wet and wild dreams she had in the passenger seat of Peter’s car. She began frantically checking every inch of her bottom, ensuring nothing escaped overnight. As she pulled down her pants to examine the diaper in better detail, Peter woke up.

“Hey,” He grumbled. Isla looked up, still holding her pants down, and immediately turned bright red with embarrassment. She covered herself up quickly and cleared her throat, trying to act natural.

“Hey, guess you were tired too, huh?” Isla asked.

“Yeah, about an hour after you passed out, I felt my eyes start to close. Pulled over right after that for little a power nap…guess it turned out not to be a little power nap, ahaha….” Peter stretched, noticed Isla's discomfort, and tried to ease the tension. “Do you need to change?”

“What?” Isla asked fearfully. She heard him, but she wasn’t sure what he meant yet.

“Do you need to change,” Peter asked more directly and pointed to Isla's crotch. Isla squished her face in embarrassment and groaned.

“...yes,” she said from behind her hands.

“There’s a McDonalds about 25 minutes up the road. We’ll stop there, get some breakfast, and you can change?” Peter offered.

Isla nodded. “That sounds nice.”

Peter rubbed the remaining sleep out of his eyes, turned on the car and pulled onto the highway. After a few minutes, Isla started to relax.

“When did you find out?” Isla asked him.

“About the…” Peter started.

“The diapers, yeah,” Isla helped him finish the sentence but couldn’t look at him when she said it.

“Well, I didn’t want to say anything, but I saw a little bit of it when we were at the arcade,” Peter confessed.

“Really? And you still wanted to hang out with me?” Isla asked.

“Well, to be honest, I didn’t know for sure it was a diaper until just last night. When you snuggled up to the side, your sweatpants pulled down, and I got a pretty clear shot,” Peter laughed.

“Oh my god. That’s so embarrassing,” Isla groaned.

“Hey, don’t be embarrassed. Incontinence can affect people of all ages.”

“Yeah…” Isla replied. She considered confessing but held back. Besides, she wet herself in her sleep; he wasn’t too far off, considering…

Isla pulled out her phone and typed a message for Jill.

Isla: Good morning. Sorry for not replying last night. I’m coming for you.

After a few moments of waiting, Isla put her phone down. Jill was probably home and asleep now. With her staying awake and driving through the night, it was understandable for her to be asleep at this early morning hour. However, her phone suddenly buzzed, but when she looked at the message, it wasn’t from Jill.

Kennedy: Hello? Are you coming to breakfast or not?

Isla didn’t know what to reply, or even if she should. She just shifted back and forth in her soaked diaper, contemplating the options. It was inevitable that they would discover she was gone; eventually, she just hoped she would be home by then.

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, but by the time she thought to type something, Peter slowed and pulled into the McDonalds parking lot. She put her phone away and settled on thinking about it later. Peter stopped in the parking lot, and the pair exited the vehicle. Isla felt the weight of her heavy and full diaper as she stood and noticed how even her baggy sweatpants couldn’t hide their bulk anymore. She blushed, hung her head, and waddled to the trunk of her car to get a change out of her suitcase. Peter kept watch, even though the parking lot was dead quiet.

Isla quickly grabbed a few diapers from her suitcase and put them into her purse. Then, she closed everything up, nodded to Peter, and he closed the trunk and headed inside. Isla followed closely behind him, using his body as a barrier to any upcoming eyes as they entered the McDonalds. When they entered the doors, Isla located the bathroom and hustled over to them.

“Hold on!” Peter stopped her. She hesitated to stop, being now completely exposed with the bulky diaper outlined under her sweatpants, but she did and awaited his next words. “What do you want?”

“Oh,” Isla said, blushing. “Just a sausage, egg McMuffin meal, and an iced coffee!”

“You got it,” Peter replied, and Isla hustled to the bathroom. Thankfully, it was a private stall, meaning she had lots of room and total privacy for her change. She locked herself in and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The diaper was pretty obvious, but it was her face that shocked her. She looked exhausted and worn down; her hair was messy, and her eyes were dark and sore-looking. She sighed, hoping that this exhausting experience would be over with soon and she could just get on with her time with Jill.

Isla dropped her pants, sat on the toilet and removed the tabs from the full diaper. Then she tossed the used mass of padding into the garbage, wiped herself off, and secured a new diaper underneath her bum. She was getting pretty good at changing herself, but as she powdered her crotch and began taping herself in, she couldn’t help but wish it was Jill doing it.

When she was finally changed, Isla pulled her sweats back up, now loose and baggy around her waist, washed her hands and exited the bathroom.

By the time she got out, Peter had already ordered, and the food was ready at their table. Isla sat down, grateful to be sitting in dry padding, and took in the delightful smell of their greasy breakfast.

“Thanks, I’ll get the next one,” Isla offered.

“Sounds good,” Peter replied, and the two dug into their food. “So, have your friends texted you yet? Do they know you’re gone?”

Isla pulled out her phone and checked. Sure enough, Kennedy had a follow-up.

Kennedy: Where are you? Did you leave??

“I think they’re just realizing,” Isla replied.

“Must be a funny feeling, disappearing like that,” Peter said.

“Yeah, it’s kinda…fun,” Isla confessed with a smile.

“Hey, this is kinda fun for me too. Aiding a fugitive sort of thing,” Peter laughed. “What about Jill?”

“Nothing yet,” Isla replied through bites of her sandwich.

“Probably still sleeping, unless her mom took her phone away?”

“Possible, actually. I should be careful what I text.”


“What’s your plan when you get home?” Peter asked. Isla shrugged.

“I’m still figuring that out. I have a car I’ll be taking to school, but if I’m kidnapping Jill, I can’t just pick her up and go back home.”

“You’ll have to take her all the way to school then,” Peter suggested.

“I guess so, but my housing isn’t going to be ready until the end of the week,” Isla groaned.

“You guys can stay with me for a bit; I have a spare room,” Peter offered.

“Seriously?” Isla asked. “No, I can’t. You’ve already done so much-”

Peter cut her off. “I don’t mind.”

Isla sighed and smiled. “Thank you. I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”


Isla's phone buzzed on the table. She smiled. “Probably Kennedy or Heather freaking out.”

When she looked at her phone, though, her smile faded. It was Jill.

Jill: You better hurry. This morning, I heard her on the phone, and I think she’s trying to send me somewhere—some sort of correctional camp or something.

Isla: Did you hear when?

Jill: Tonight.

“What is it?” Peter asked.

“We need to go.”


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