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Isla sat in her room and waited for the subsequent text from Peter. She was already packed, so she just had to sit there and wait for him to arrive and hope that none of the other girls came to see her.

She sipped nervously on her water bottle and frequently checked her phone to see if she had missed the notification. With an exhausted sign, she laid back on her bed and looked at the bland hotel room ceiling. Then, she closed her eyes and imagined Jill, sitting in the passenger seat of her mom’s car, utterly depressed. It was easy for her to begin drifting to sleep with her eyes closed. It was the middle of the night after all, but suddenly-


Finally, some hope. Isla quickly picked up her phone and looked at the screen.

Peter: Here.

Isla hopped to her feet and collected her things as fastly as she could. She felt a sudden rush of energy as she threw her backpack over her shoulder and did final checks of her room. When she was sure her stuff was fully collected, she stopped at the door and took a moment to breathe. Outside, across the hall, was the only other obstacle in her way of leaving the hotel. She thought about checking out but knew Kennedy would handle it anyway. Her shaky hand reached for the door handle and slowly twisted it open.

The door creaked louder than Isla remembered it creaking before, and she stopped a moment to allow all noise to leave the hallway. Then, she quickly pushed it open, resulting in one quick and sharp SCREECH that dissipated in only a moment. Isla bit her lip and stared slowly across the hallway.

It was as if she suddenly inherited elephant's feet, but she felt every cautious step she took towards the elevator shake the hallway. Her diaper crinkled with every movement, sounding like it got a whole new outer layer of cracking ice. She kept her eyes fixated on Kennedy and Heather’s hotel room and inched forward before finally making it to the elevator. She pushed the button and sighed when suddenly-


Isla panicked, reached for her phone and dropped it right on the floor with sweaty, nervous hands. The phone’s loud THUD was followed up by a chorus from the elevator as it dinged, announcing its arrival.

Isla winced, turned to look at the girl's room and quickly grabbed her phone off the floor to look at the message.

Peter: You coming?

Isla realized she had forgotten to reply and pulled her luggage into the elevator. As the door closed, Isla’s eyes widened, as through the crack of the door, she saw Heather leave her hotel room. Thankfully, she was looking at her phone and didn’t look up towards the elevator until after the doors had fully shut.

Her shoulders fell, and she exhaled, feeling the relief of how close that was.


Peter: Fall asleep?

Isla chuckled and finally replied.

Isla: Coming!

The elevator doors opened, and Isla could see the car out front. She ran through the foyer to the front doors as fast as her diapered butt, and heavy luggage would allow her. When she finally got outside, Peter stepped out of his car to greet her.

“Hi,” Peter said sympathetically.

“Hi,” Isla replied with a nervous laugh. Peter quickly helped Isla put her bags in her car, and just as she sat down in the front passenger seat, her phone buzzed. She looked at Peter, confused and confident he didn’t text her anything now that she was here. When she looked at the screen, her stomach dropped.

Heather: Are you awake?

Isla stared at her screen, knowing she couldn’t reply and locked her phone.

Peter drove off away from the hotel and turned down the radio.

“Thank you for doing this,” Isla replied. “I will owe you for the rest of my life.”

“It’s really not a problem. The house I grew up in is in your town, actually,” Peter replied with a smile.

“But, your trip….” Isla started.

“I’m telling you, Isla, it’s not a problem. Besides, with you coming to my school this year, it’ll be nice to get to know someone other than those meatheads.”

Isla began to well with tears. “You’re too sweet.”

“Don’t even mention it,” Peter closed the conversation but, after a beat, began to ask questions. “So, if you’re heading back home and given the conversation at the carnival, did your friend get caught by her mom?”

Isla nodded, anger fuming in her. “It’s not that simple, unfortunately. Her sister and my other friend were in on it. They gave her up.”

Peter shook his head. “I don’t know if this is my place to say, but those aren’t your friends.”

“They’re not usually so bad,” Isla replied, then started thinking back and found the last time they were ‘not so bad’ was pretty long again.

“People change, especially when their life is going to change. Kennedy is going to college and is preparing to be the top babe; Heather is watching her friends go through changes and is feeling left out probably, and you…well, I don’t actually know about you,” Peter replied.

Isla slid a hand between her legs and felt the thick padding beneath her sweatpants. “I think I’m regressing.”

“Regressing? That makes sense. To what, a simpler time?” Peter asked.

“Very simple, but it’s also complicated. I think I’ve had a sexual awakening,” Isla dropped casually, then blushed and nervously looked at Peter.

It didn’t take long for Peter to figure out what she meant. “You and Jill, you two are…?”

Isla nodded. “More than friends.”

Peter nodded, and Isla struggled to tell if he was disappointed.

“Sorry,” Isla continued shyly.

“For what?” Peter asked, smiling.

“If you got the wrong idea….”

“Ah,” Peter replied. “Well, you’re lovely, Isla, you really are. But if you’ve found your person, I’m happy for you. Truly.”

“You’re lovely too! You’re so smart and kind and handsome, I just-” Isla faded off, unsure where to take her words next.

Peter laughed. “Thank you. I think that’s the first time someone said that to me.”

“Really? Isla asked, surprised.

“Ah, maybe my mom, but that doesn’t count,” Peter joked, and Isla laughed.

The two settled into their seats, and when the conversation stopped, Peter turned off the radio.

“You can sleep,” Peter said.

“I’m okay,” Isla replied.

“You’re clearly not; those eyes look like they’re about to seal shut!”

Isla chuckled. “I am tired.”

“Then get some sleep,” Peter continued. “We have a decently long drive ahead.”

“What about you?” Isla asked.

“If I need to sleep, I’ll pull over,” Pete promised.

“You better. I’ve seen too many crash youtube videos!” Isla replied.

“Trust me; I’ve seen them all.”

Isla smiled, let the seat fall back and brought her legs into a fetal position facing the passenger window. “Night,” she said, then closed her eyes.

“Night,” Peter replied. As Isla snuggled up, Peter glanced casually at her bum and saw the thick, white diaper crawling up her back from behind her sweatpants. Peter smiled and kept driving.


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