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With newfound enthusiasm, Jill and Isla started heading back to the hotel on foot. The two exchanged occasional, giddy glances at each other, thrilled with their new future plans. Jill couldn’t help but groan though, as the heavy bulk of her soaked diaper disrupted her stride.

“I can’t wait to get into a fresh diaper,” Jill said.

“I thought you might go back to panties for a while now that Kennedy found out,” Isla replied.

“What? Who cares! She knows. Everyone knows now, except maybe those boys Kennedy kept dragging us around with. If I go back now, she’ll just bring it up anyways. And imagine I have another accident? I can literally hear her voice in my head. ‘Well, maybe you should’ve kept your diapers on, little Jill!’” Jill mocked Kennedy’s voice, and Isla laughed, then blushed, feeling something inside herself that she had never felt before. Butterflies danced in her tummy, and she felt floaty.

Suddenly, the butterflies became uncomfortable, and before Isla could even give a thought to the source, she felt warmth spreading in her pull-up. Isla stopped abruptly, launched her hands between her legs and clenched. She managed to stop the flow, but for how long, she didn’t know.

“Are you having an accident?” Jill asked bluntly with a sly smile.

“One moment, I was fine, and the next, I was leaking. I think I’m getting too used to these things,” Isla blushed, trying to relax and see if the clench would hold.

“Well that’s good,” Jill said, moving close to Isla. “Because when we’re at your school, it’ll be 24/7, 365.”

Isla bit her lip. “Same for you?”

“Hmm, I think it’ll depend on the day,” Jill said, then turning to continue walking before stopping again and winking to Isla. “Some days I’ll wanna pee my pants, you know?”

“Oh, I know,” Isla said, discomfort building. “I think I’m gonna have one of those days right now….”

“What, you’re pull-up not cut out for your big girl accidents?” Jill teased. Isla suddenly became aware of the cars zipping by the sidewalk they were traversing and tried to hide her face.

“I’m not sure….”

“Well, go on,” Jill prompted. “Let’s see.”

“Let’s see?” Isla asked.

“Let’s see if they hold it all.”

Isla inhaled deeply, each word Jill uttered turning her on. Isla straightened up, spread her legs slightly, and relaxed. It didn’t take long for the floodgates to open and the piss to flood into Isla’s pull-up. Unfortunately for Isla, the sex toy was still lodged firmly in her pull-up, which didn’t help with leaks. Not only was her dripping wet pussy gradually saturating the diaper while they were at the carnival, but now the vibrator acted as a barrier, and piss was redirected to either side of the pull-up, instantly putting it in the position to leak.

Jill relished in the hissing noise that could just be heard from Isla’s pull-up over the traffic zooming by, and before long, Isla felt the breach.

“Oh shit!” She whispered and looked down at her legs. The pull-up couldn’t take much, and Isla couldn’t stop the flow. Pee burst out the sides of the pull-up from where it began to pool near her butt, and Jill watched as streaks of liquid flowed onto Isla’s tights under her skirt.

“Wow, that didn’t hold shit!” Jill laughed.

“I don’t think it could hold a shit,” Isla joked. When Isla’s bladder finally finished voiding, it didn’t even look like she had worn a diaper, and she may as well not have, given how soaked her legs got anyway. Thankfully, her black tights made the accident less apparent than it could have been.

“Let’s get back to the hotel. I doubt they would leave without you,” Jill suggested. “Leave without me? Maybe. But definitely not you.” Isla laughed and followed Jill.

After an uncomfortable and soggy ten-minute walk, the girls arrived back at the hotel, and Heather was outside waiting for them and vaping.

“That was stupid,” she said, upset.

“Sorry, I just had to get out of there,” Jill replied.

“Uh-huh. Well hurry up and get packed,” Heather urged. Jill and Isla nodded and turned to head upstairs, but Heather stopped them. “Wait, Isla, can we talk for a minute?”

“Can it wait until we’re on the road? I need to….” Isla referred to her legs, and Heather finally noticed the wet streaks down her tights.

“Oh, well, I-” Heather stumbled over her words awkwardly.

“We’ll be down in a minute! Don’t worry,” Isla assured, then rushed into the hotel lobby with Jill. Heather sighed, then sucked back at her vape.

As soon as Isla and Jill were alone in the elevator, Jill attacked Isla with kisses. She sucked and licked Isla’s neck and lips, and Isla couldn’t help but laugh and pull away.

“Wait a minute!” She whispered.

“I can’t wait; I need you,” Jill pushed herself back against Isla, grabbing her ass with one hand and using the other to bring Isla’s hand under her skirt and to the front of Jill’s diaper. Isla succumbed to the heat and pushed against Jill’s clit through her thick, saturated diaper. Suddenly, the elevator slowed, and Isla and Jill pulled away from each other.

When the doors opened, they saw Kennedy.

“Hey,” she said bluntly.

“Hey,” Jill replied in the same tone.

“Where’s your bag?” Isla asked, observing Kennedy was empty-handed.

“In the car. Hurry up and get packed. We leave in ten,” Kennedy said as she stepped into the elevator; Jill and Isla stepped out and stared at Kennedy for a moment.

“Go!” Kennedy urged as the doors closed. Jill and Isla hesitated for a moment before walking to their room and unlocking the door. Jill proceeded to go at Isla’s lips as soon as they were alone again, but Isla calmly pulled back.

“We have to go,” She said sadly.

“I hate this,” Jill groaned. “I got all worked up using that toy on you, and we can’t even do anything about it.”

“You’re telling me,” Isla laughed. “But we need to go. Otherwise, your mom might find you, and who knows what will happen then.”

Jill nodded, upset with the reality but acknowledging Isla’s truth. She then stepped away from Isla and started undressing. As the girls removed their clothes, they remained silent, frustrated by the appetizing appearance of their nude partner and the inability to act. Both girls tossed their heavy diapers, and Isla finally removed the vibrator. Then, after a silent agreement to both return to the full-sized, adult diapers, they wiped themselves down and diapered each other like it was something they’d do on a regular occurrence.

Padded, packed, and both resorting to comfy clothes (t-shirt and sweatpants), Isla and Jill stood by the door, exchanged a final private kiss, and left their hotel room. By the time they returned to the elevator, it had been ten minutes exactly.

For once, the elevator ride was quiet, and when they got to the bottom, there was no frantic need to hide anything. They just stepped out, walked towards the doors, and-

“Jill Elizabeth Lanson,” Carmen’s voice broke the zen of both Jill and Isla, who’s stomachs dropped at the sound of it. Jill stared directly at her mother, standing in the middle of the lobby, arms crossed and looking furious. Beside her was Kennedy, hanging her head, and not far behind her was Heather, who looked like she couldn’t watch.

Isla took in the scene and panicked, trying to figure a way out of it. The only response she could muster was to reach out and hold Jill’s hand.

“Your sister told me everything,” Carmen continued. “We’re going home. Now.”


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