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“Alright, levels are good. I think we’re just about ready for launch,” Hank said with confidence over the intercom. I could hardly hear him over the sound of my breathing, which was amplified within my helmet, but I gave him a thumbs up. Hank Pym is a brilliant scientist, and I jumped at the chance to be involved as an intern on his next project. For days I’ve been observing, asking as many questions as he would answer, and hoping for the day when I would be useful to him so that maybe they would offer me a real job. Being a woman in this field wasn't easy, so any opportunity, even an unpaid one, was worth it.

“Marking time and date. September 9th, 1968, 4:14 pm,” Hank continued. My hot breath was starting to fog up my helmet, and it was getting hard to see him. I stood as still as I possibly could while within the containment tube, but I couldn’t help but take the occasional nervous glance up at the protruding prongs at the top of the tube. As many questions as I asked, he never revealed much about the project. I know he had created something called a “Pym Particle” and had been through a rigorous testing process before I got involved, including some successful animal testing. Beyond that, unfortunately, I’ve been left in the dark as to what exactly he’s hoping to achieve here. SHIELD protocol, I assume.

“Pym Particle Test 453, Human Trial 001,” Hank finished his recording and hovered his hand over the red launch button. Then, he looked up at me, his shaggy brown hair partially covering his gorgeous blue eyes. “You ready, Jane?”

I trembled and felt nerves twist my stomach and give me the strange urge to pee. Then, I nodded. I was ready. Hank was brilliant; he told me this would work, and even though I don’t know what ‘this’ is, it would be stupid to doubt his intellect. Were there risks? Of course! But none that would be life-threatening, and nothing Hank couldn’t fix. He’s tested this “Pym Particle” over 400 times, and I get the honour of being the first human to experience it.

“Launch!” Hank said, and suddenly, the prongs above me glowed red, then flashed. I closed my eyes in reaction to the light, but something was different when I opened them again. Suddenly, I was in a much bigger space! I looked at my hands and legs; everything was still in order. The intercom in my helmet crackled on.

“Jane. Jane! Can you read me?” Hank’s voice cut through.

“I can hear you, Dr. Pym,” I answered. “Did it work? Where am I?”

“Look up!” He replied. I did as he instructed and suddenly realized what had happened. Dr. Pym’s blue eyes were staring down at me, and even crouching, he looked as tall as a skyscraper. I had shrunk!

“This is amazing!” I exclaimed. I couldn’t believe it. I was the size of an ant, but I was still human!

“How do you feel? Any dizziness?” He asked.

“No dizziness, I feel great!”

“Alright. Now the tricky part. I’m going to bring you back to normal size now.”

Suddenly, the red glow of the prongs turned blue, and Hank began a countdown.

“Coming back in 10, 9, 8….”

As he began counting, the nerves attacked my bladder again. Although I was no longer nervous, just excited, so the sudden desperation to pee was a bit shocking.

“7, 6, 5, ….”

“Oh my god,” I whispered as the urge intensified. I hadn’t felt the need to pee this bad since childhood, but it was causing me to buckle over as I tried to hold it. I had been in the test tube for some time, but something was strange about how quickly I felt the need. Maybe the shrunken body couldn’t handle it?

“4, 3, 2, ….”

“Fuck,” I bit my lip as a spurt of pee jolted out of me and into my test suit.

“1. Launch!” Hank announced, and a blue flash covered the tube. I covered my eyes again, and when I opened them, I was bigger, but not completely my regular size. I was about two and a half feet tall and buckled over with desperation.

“Dr. Pym, something isn’t right!” I groaned.

“I know, I’ll fix it, just one….”

Another flash, and I was suddenly bigger than the tube itself and hunched over against the top.

“Dr. Pym!”

“I’ll fix it!”

A red flash and I was tiny again. Then a blue flash, a red flash, and a blue flash. Suddenly, I started feeling dizzy, and after a few more flashes, I blacked out.

“Jane, Jane!” Hank’s voice echoed in my head as I came to.

“Hmm?” I groaned, my eyes slowly opening. “What happened?”

“I messed up, Jane. I didn’t set the parameters for your return size, so It was flying blind. I did the best I could, but….” Hank explained, trailing off in the end.

“But what?” I asked before looking down at my body. I looked normally proportioned, only slightly shorter than before, and my pants were soaking wet from an accident I had when I blacked out. “Oh god, that’s embarrassing.”

“It’s not your fault, Jane. Your incontinence resulted from my failures,” Hank said, exasperated. “But don’t worry, I’ll fix it.”

“What do you mean? It was just one accident. It happens. It can’t have been….” As I spoke, I felt a small rush of warmth between my legs as more pee casually dripped out of me into the test suit.

“The constant size changes appear to have slightly altered certain areas of your body. Thankfully, your heart and other major organs seem to be relatively unharmed. But, the unrestrained exposure to the Particle, in combination with a partially filled bladder during experimentation, has resulted in a smaller bladder, smaller, and therefore relaxed, sphincter muscles, and a wider urethra.”

“So, what are you saying? That the experiment….”

“The Pym Particle has made you incontinent. But this is only temporary. As soon as I fix some calibration issues, I should be able to pinpoint the problem areas and return you to your natural state.”

I looked away from Hank and back down and my slightly shrunken and soaked self, struggling to retain what he had just told me.

“For now, I’ve had these delivered from the medical ward,” Hank presented me with a package with “Super Absorbant Adult Diapers” on the side. “You will need to wear these until I can sort out the problem.”

“Well…how can I help?” I asked, trying to put on a positive attitude in the face of thick adult diapers.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got it under control. Why don’t you just get cleaned up, go home, and I’ll call you when it’s fixed,” Hank explained. I opened my mouth to try and persist, but stopped myself, nodded, and got to my feet to leave.

“Don’t forget your diapers!” He said as I headed for the door. I hung my head, grabbed the package, and went to leave.

“It was a pleasure working with you, Dr. Pym,” I added.

“Oh, make sure to return that gear to the front desk before you go. I’ll need to have that cleaned for the next test.

Defeated, I left, and I never heard from Dr. Pym again. From my understanding, SHIELD and Hank went separate ways, which ultimately left me without any hope for recovery. I waited and waited, but the only thing I got was a monthly check from SHIELD for my silence and a bi-weekly shipment of adult diapers. The diapers got thinner and more absorbent, but I still got more bitter, especially since I’m confident that Ant-Man doesn’t have to wear diapers.


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