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Jenny just stared at the giant stacks of diapers quietly for a minute, then she burst out laughing. Mary stood there sternly, arms crossed and glaring at Jenny laughing historically.

“Okay, for once I’ll admit it, that was pretty funny. Is this all your stash?” Jenny chuckled out.

“No, it’s yours. This isn’t a joke Jenny. If you want your money, you’re wearing every single one. And not just this lot, you’re going to be wearing diapers every. Single. Day. Until you walk the stage at your graduation.” Mary was done taking shit from Jenny, and while she came off cold, she loved every minute of this. If there’s one thing Mary knew Jenny valued more over anything, even her dignity, it’s money. 

Jenny didn’t speak for a minute. She just stood in shock while the realization fully swept over her that Mary wasn’t kidding. The stacks of diapers seemed taller and taller the more she stared and looked around. “You’re kidding...there’s no way…” she mumbled, well knowing Mary wasn’t kidding. 

Then began the wave of emotions from Jenny. First, she was scared. She looked around at the room and thought about how wearing diapers cold destroy her way of life. Then, she got angry. “You can’t do this, you don’t have any right!” She yelled at Mary. 

“Oh yes I do, it’s right there in your father's will that you don’t get your money until you graduate college and after my say so”

Thirdly, Jenny became sad. After all of this time thinking she’d had the upper hand over Mary in any situation, she was finally defeated. She knew she didn’t have a choice, she couldn’t just pass up all that money. Lastly, she became confident. Jenny thought herself through it, “I can do this, I don't know anyone at the college, I don’t have to make friends, and besides...it’s only 4 years and for $50,000…” 

Jenny looked straight at Mary and said “Fine. You win. I’ll do it.”

Mary’s face lit up with glee, and she started spilling out the rules.  “Now that that’s sorted, there’s some other things you need to know about your diaper condition.”

“Okay…” Jenny’s confidence started slipping “what else?”

“This weekend I’m getting someone to come in and fix our bathrooms. They are uninstalling all toilets except the one in the spare room, which will remain locked with a key only I will have. The other bathrooms with be locked as well, but if you need to shower or wash up you can ask me and I’ll gladly unlock the door for you.”

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa. You don’t actually expect me to use the diapers do you? Like pee and poop in them?” Jenny said in shock.

“Yes. Of course. That’s a silly question” 

Jenny just stood with her mouth open and laughed in disbelief, Mary continued.

“Replacing the toilets will be changing stations. Speaking of changes, I will be in charge of changing you. You’ll get 3 or 4 changes a day, one in the morning, one midday and one before bed. When you need a change you can ask me, but likely I will tell you to wait until the regular changing time.”

“Wait I don’t want you seeing all of that! That’s my private parts they’re meant to stay...private.”

“You can through your privacy out the window, because these are the rules and you will follow them if you want your money.”

Jenny rolled her eyes, she started trying to leave when Mary kept talking.

“Just to make sure you don’t try changing yourself, you’ll be wearing this until I can trust you will leave the diaper on.” Mary held up a small chain with a padlock on it. It had a loop for Jenny’s waist and for her legs, Jenny’s heart sunk and she slouched over.

“Is that all? Can I go now? I need to pee” Jenny said, exhausted. 

“I think so, if I’m forgetting something I’ll let you know. But if you just do what I say, and exactly what I say, you’ll get your money” Mary said very coy.

“Okay fine. I’ll do whatever you want, but just know that when this four year spell is up I am going to get that money and get the fuck out of here”

“Be my guest. I’m glad you agree, let’s start now.”

“Start what now?”

“Doing exactly what I say. You just agreed to that right?”


“Good. Piss yourself.”

“What?!? Like pee my pants?” Jenny said in disbelief.

“Yes. You want your money don’t you? Pee in your pants. You said you had to go.”

Jenny stood shocked again for what felt like the hundredth time that hour. She looked into Mary’s eyes and once again got back a serious glare, confirming she wasn’t kidding. Her bladder was starting to give her pain, and she really could just go right then and there,it just felt so wrong. 

Moments passed and the two women just stared at each other, one with concern and one with control. Jenny’s fists were clenched and her leg was shaking from growing desperation. She looked up and sighed, bit her lip, and pushed. 

At first nothing was coming out, the mental block of peeing in her pants was stopping the flow, but after a second a spurt escaped into the fabric of her panties. She unconsciously stopped it, and he head shot down to examine the damage. Still dry on the outside. Jenny pushed out another spurt, then another. Her panties were starting to get warm and saturated with pee, and a wet spot was finally forming between her legs. Mary watched on in satisfaction, watching her new puppet perform exactly as she needed to. 

Jenny gave one last push, and that was it. Her bladder was completely emptying every drop of pee inside it. The stream of hot piss hissed on the already damp fabric of her underwear. Mary watched and smiled as the once small wet spot grew larger, and spreading into every dry crease between Jenny’s legs. Jenny just looked down as she felt the trickle of warm pee flow down her legs, wetting herself for the first time since childhood.

Once Jenny was finished, Mary spoke up. 

“Oh my, what a naughty girl you’ve been.”

“What? You made me do-“ Jenny was cut off.

“Looks like the little baby thought they could get away with not wearing a diaper. That’s okay, it’ll never happen again.”


To be continued...


D. Karch

Not a bad start. I wish it had been a bit longer, but I can't wait to read this roller coaster. Love your stories from Allerted.


Thanks! All my stories or chapters will be at least 1000 words but usually not more than 1500. Depends on where things naturally end usually