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Jenny was in her room, scrolling through Facebook on her iPad on what seemed to be any other normal day. It was still early in the summer, and without a job or really anything to do, Jenny spent the majority of her days sitting around doing nothing. It had been months since the death of her father, and her mourning had slowly evolved into a more spiteful and crude version of her normal self. She barely ever spoke to her step-mother Mary, and when she did, it was cursing and insults. 

Mary had become quite cold herself. The love of her life was now gone and she was stuck with his devil child until she was done college. Even though she was 18 and could legally be on her own, Mary knew that Jenny would not make it a day without her. As much as she wanted to just dump her on a street corner and forget about her, Mary felt an obligation to her deceased  husband to look after Jenny and help her get her life started. After all, Jenny was enrolled in college, so with the right push, she might just be able to get through.

Over the past few weeks, Mary was thinking of what that push could be. It wasn’t until she got ahold of Jenny’s and hers inheritance money that she got the most wonderful idea. One that would respect her late husband's wishes, and still give her the upper hand...

Mary called down Jenny for dinner time, and had set the table up nicely. Jenny usually just grabbed her plate and went back up to her room, but tonight Mary wanted her at the table. Jenny entered the kitchen and saw the table laid, her expression that followed showed confusion and annoyance at this set up.

“What is this” she said with a snarl. 

“Well” Mary responded with a fake kindness, “I thought we might have dinner together for once”

“Why?” Jenny questioned with disgust.

“Why not? You are my step-daughter after all. Let’s just have a meal together and chat”

“Chat? What would you have to chat about? How many times you pissed your diapers today?”

That was the trigger, and Mary was done being nice. Her blood started to boil and she clenched her hands tight. Jenny scoffed and went to grab the plate to take it upstairs, but Mary exploded.


With the plate in her hand, Jenny froze in place. She stared startled at Mary, who was red in the face and practically shaking with frustration. She took the hint, put down her plate and slowly sat in the seat. Mary relaxed her hands and walked to the table, sitting down in the chair across from Jenny and cleared her throat.

“So Jenny” she said, “I have some news regarding your father”.

“What news could you have? Still dead?” Jenny said through a mouthful of food, slouched over and head hanging low.

“Regarding his will”.

Jenny perked up when Mary said that, she had been waiting for this money, then she could use it to move out and get on with her life without this hag. “What about it” she said eagerly.

“Well let’s just say he left you a rather large sum of money. Some of it is to be used for your education but some of it is yours to keep and use how you like” Mary explained.

“Great! Where is it? When can I get it?” Jenny was really excited now, she hadn’t had a win like this in ages.

“Well that’s the thing…” Mary said trying to hold back how much she was going to enjoy what was about to say.

“What? What’s the thing?” 

“You see, your father left your sum under my care until such a time when you finish college.” Mary said with fake sincerity.

Jenny sunk back into her seat “You've got to be FUCKING kidding me!!” 

“Watch you language Jenny! This is what your father wanted.”

“Oh yeah? Just like how he wanted the woman he married to be a diaper wearing baby lady? You don’t know anything!”

Mary stood up abruptly and slammed both hands down on the table, causing Jenny to jump.

“You listen here you little shit” Mary said, point a finger in Jenny’s face “I loved your father more that I believe you’ve ever loved anything, if you even have the capacity to love. And so for him I’ve put up with all your insults, all your torture, all your embarrassment because I loved him and knew that he would want you to succeed. So you will go to college, you will graduate and you will do well, because if you don’t do all that? Then the $50,000 he left you will be all mine.”

Jenny sat in silent shock. Her mind was racing, $50,000 was a lot of money to leave in the table because she didn’t get some bullshit degree. She knew her only option was to go. “Okay” she responded softly.

Mary relaxed. “Good, so I will be checking your grades, I will be setting up the “find my friends” on your phone so I can see where you are at all times, and you will be studying every night for at least 3 or 4 hours.”

Jenny cringed. In her head she was repeating “it’s only four years, it’s only four years” to make it easier for her to say “Okay” again.

Just when the conversation was winding down and things were looking settled, Jenny tried to stand up again with her plate and head back upstairs. Right before she could leave the table though, Mary piped up again. 

“Oh, but wait.” Mary said smugly, “There’s one more condition.”

Mary got up and started walking to the spare room. She motioned to Jenny to follow, so slowly, Jenny got up and hesitantly followed her step-mom. Using a key that Jenny didn’t recognize, Mary unlocked the door and stepped inside. The room was dark, and Jenny couldn’t see anything when she followed her in. Mary closed the door behind them and they both stood quietly in the dark room for a very long second. 

Then Mary turned on the lights, and Jenny’s jaw dropped to the floor. 

Surrounding them in shelves and in stacks from the ceiling to the floor were hundreds of packages of adult diapers. 

Jenny slowly turned to Mary. “What. The fuck. Is this.”

“This, Jenny, is my condition. And you’ll be wearing every. Single. One.”


To be continued...



Nice! I'm excited to see where this goes.