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Hello, guys. 

Unfortunately I have a horrible case of the flu (or COVID, since as of writing half of my team now has it) and cannot record this week. I'm really sorry for not fulfilling this month's audios.  My voice and energy is absolutely wrecked and I'm so so sorry. 

What I'll be doing instead is unlocking all the audios I can from previous months/years for all the patrons. I know I have missed quite a bit more.

And when I'm feeling better in October, I'll be recording the September audios along with the October ones. Again, sorry for the delay and I'll do my best to get back in top shape next month.



No worries, take it easy and take care of yourself. Hope you feel better❤️


oh no! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest! We'll all be here when you feel better, don't you worry! <3