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Hey everyone!

First of all, a massive thank you for all your support. I believe this is my highest number of patrons so far.

For those who are new, hi! It's nice to meet you, there's a lot of audios for you to catch up with so I hope you find some good ones for you to make your support worth it! Once a month I try to make a monthly post to give you an update on how life is and maybe for you to get to know me a bit better if you're interested in that sort of stuff.

If you've been following me for a while now, here's a quick update on the things that matter for me right now:

  • My dad just finished his surgery, a mid-invasive one that will still require him a couple months of recovery and a couple months of chemo. He's going to need all of his strength and willpower to endure it, but I have faith in him. He's not out of the woods yet, and the docs see a long road to recovery. That being said, I want to thank everyone who has donated and supported me in any way shape and form.  And a reminder to all of you, please, if you can, get checked for cancer regularly! I've seen the damage it has caused on my dad, it is horrific, and I don't want this on anyone. Better to spot the signs early and fight it NOW than wait for it to fuck us over in the long run.
  • I'm also still working on looking for a full-time job. Obviously with me supporting my family as much as I can, a new job is becoming more urgent. There's a lot of pressure on me, not going to lie. That said, SOME GOOD NEWS. I have two potential companies looking into my profile and I'm currently going through their recruitment process. Both of them will be issuing me use cases and tests and if I pass, then I can finally breathe a sigh of relief that will probably be felt all over the world. :D   I'm not resting on my laurels though. I'm continuing to send my CVs to as many companies as I can. I schedule about an hour every day to look for positions that fit what I'm looking for and apply to them. And yes, I've lowered my standards already too. Not too much though. I'm not falling for that mistake again.
  • As for how I'm keeping myself mentally sane throughout all of this, I'm seeing mental health professionals again to help me navigate. But also, as many of you probably see on my Twitter, I've gotten into the gym and picked up a habit of carrying heavy stuff. It's been fun so far! But now I'm going through training my endurance, which always sucks cause cardio is involved. So any tips in that area would be great!   I've also gotten back into painting. A massive thank you to the patron who gifted me the gouache set! I have finally gotten into them and it's been a blast to paint with them! I know I said I'd post the paintings, but I'm also considering posting them on my personal socials, so I have to split them properly in order to keep my privacy. I promise I'll post them soon though! (Maybe even include them as Patreon perks for anyone interested)

And that's it for my update. Many thanks if you've gotten this far. As usual, these are some tamer photos I can post on Patreon without potentially getting in trouble, so I hope you enjoy them!

Can't wait to see what February brings us!




Keep up that positive attitude! So far, you've survived 100% of your worst days, you're doing great! And thanks for all the content!