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Hello friends,

Thank you all for your patience about the whole commissions setup. I've had a couple of patrons who were interested in commissioning me and I'm glad that the interest exists. 

I'll try my best to keep the information brief but clear. Your girl is going to have to put on her professional sounding cap, so please forgive me in advance if it sounds so... strict. I don't mean to, but it's the best way I think I can communicate the setup which incorporates all I've learned from commissioning in the past and my current plans as I deal with (shocker!) new personal challenges in the background.

 So! Here's some pre-game info you're going to need to know:

1. I will be offering 3 types of commissions.

  • ($30) Vignette audios - 6-8 minute vignette audios. An audio roleplay where the character is already in the middle of the act, being descriptive about the experience with a fade out or a  quick “finish”. Or you may ask for a different scene where the character is just building the listener up for the “act”.
  • ($60) Quickie audios - 10-12 minute audios with a straight to the point set-up, and a single “act.” Good for audios where characters have established relationships (GFE, casual hookups, etc.).
  • ($100) Full-length audios - 15 minute to 25 minute long audios that include a more elaborate set-up. Good for audios that need a bit of worldbuilding, negotiating with characters, banter (professional freeuse, massage audios, succubus visits etc.)

2. Patrons get discounts depending on the tier they're on. Patrons also get priority in terms of seeing the sign-up form first.

3. All commission payments, except for the customs for the $90 tier will be done through a specific Gumroad link, which I will only provide when I've confirmed that I can do your commission within the next 5-15 working days.

4. There is only one sign-up form and it will be open for a limited time. There is no commitment to the sign-up form. The sign-up form is there to indicate your interest in commissioning me, to share with me your audio request, and to help me funnel down the commissions through two lists. Both lists have limited slots to manage my workload and to manage our expectations. 

  •  The main list (which are the audios that I can deliver within 5-15 working days), 
  • The waiting list (which are the audios that I can deliver when I'm done with the main list and are ready for more work)

5. Once you've completed the sign-up form, I will contact you within 24 hours to let you know if I can make your commission, and if you've made it to the main list or the waiting list. If you make it to neither, you'll have to come back again when the sign-up form re-opens. 

6. If you make it to the main list, I will be sending the Gumroad payment link along with a summary of what you asked for in your sign-up form and a number to let you know where you are in the list. 

7. After payment, you will then receive a form to confirm your request and to make changes to your request if needed. 

8. I will be contacting you again to confirm that I have received payment and to confirm changes in your request. I will also give you an estimate of when you will receive your commission. 

9. Your commission will be sent via GDrive link. 

Additional Info:

1. As of the moment I can't do commissions with scripts. Improvising is the fastest way (and sometimes my best way) of getting my work done. 

2. If you need samples of my previous commissions work... surprise! A good chunk of my 2021 public catalog are previous commissions (and mostly improvised too)! 

3. Please note that because most of my public work are also commissions, I will only be accepting commissions that do not mention names and are not hyperspecific. 

4. Other details such as hard limits, scope of work, reuse/repost permissions will be posted along with the Sign-up form on Patreon 1st of August 7pm CET. 

(Public gets to see all of this info and the sign-up form on the 3rd of August) 

P.S. Patron benefits will be re-written to reflect these changes (such as discounts and commission priority) before the 1st of August. 

Thank you for bearing with this super long post! I'll answer any questions below if you have any! 

Have a good weekend! 


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