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Hello everyone!

Just wanted to give a quick life update!

  • As a reminder, I'll be off during the first half of July as I'll finally get to see my family after two years. Not to worry about the Early Access audios as I have these already planned for the month. The poll will continue as per usual, but it might be a bit late as I have to sneakily work around these without the fam looking.
  • I may be soft launching commissions soon while I start my hunt for a new job. Priority for patrons will be given of course. And since it's a soft launch things will be quite limited and I will need to build up to it. Details to come as soon as I iron them out. Expect an announcement by the end of July.
  • What's with the photos, Lust? First of all, I hope you like them <3 Second of all, it's been awhile since I shared photos and I know a few folks have always appreciated them. These may come back little by little, and whenever I feel like it.  I wanted to share pieces of myself again since I haven't done so in a while and I'm slowly getting my confidence back again.
  • If you didn't know, I quit my job early March as years of burnout finally caught up to me, and dealing with my former boss and colleagues has led into a spiral of anxiety eventually leading to depression. It's taken months, but I'll be getting back up on the saddle soon. I'm looking for a job now again and have decided to add some more load (hence soft launch of commissions and sharing photos) while I'm job hunting to stay sane and productive (and to help me with expenses too). 

And that's it for me! All June audios are coming today and tomorrow! Thank you so much for supporting me and I hope we all have a great month of July!




Quit the job &amp; moving up 🫡 Best work out motivation.


Glad to hear you're doing well and improving. Keep up the good work.


thanks for sharing it's been a while lol