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Hi there! 

It's the start of a new year, and I just want to thank all of my patrons, both new and to those who have been here for quite a bit now! I appreciate all the support and love, and all the amazing ideas you guys have been sending me month after month!

TLDR of this update if you don't have time: 

  • New form with input for SFW audios
  • YouTube will have to wait a little bit because I want to build up more content
  • 6 early access audios instead of 4 for January to make up for what I missed on December
  • Personal ramble poll tomorrow
  • I have a charity campaign for the month of January! 

And now for the longer, rambly update: 

I've updated my form to include input for my SFW audios. You don't have to answer them, but I would really appreciate some input here! 

As I said before, I'd really like to try and pursue more SFW content in the future, and while I haven't been posting much on YouTube, I'd like to build a solid bank of content first before pumping them out for the rest of the public to see, so if you've noticed I've set SFW audios as early access ones, but haven't been posting them on YouTube, it's because I'm still in a phase of building the "library" up! 

For this month, I aim to put up 6 early access audios, to make up for the ones I missed in December. I got hit with a flu on the very last days when I planned to create the last two early access ones. I had some good ideas for those audios and I will still pursue them this month! 

If you've also noticed, I haven't put up a lot of rambles (personal ones) I'd very much like to change that. I have a habit of recording rambles and not putting them up on Patreon because it just feels awkward to me. So tomorrow, expect a poll on topics I like to talk about that you might want to listen for proper rambling purposes! You can also share with me some topics you might be interested in thru DMs. 

Finally, I have planned a simple charity campaign for the month of January to give back to those who were affected by the recent typhoon in the Philippines. My first stream will be on January 7, 6PM CET and I will be playing FFXIV! There will be a donation link and progress bar with rewards and milestones planned, and details will be announced on Monday! 

And that's about it for me! 

Thank you again so much for your support! I can't wait for what 2022 can bring for us! I hope you have an excellent start of the year!!! 

You're amazing! 

Much Love,



2022 Patreon Form

Hi there! Thank you so much for your support of my work! As is tradition, every month I post this form on my Patreon (though you can access this anytime at all) in order to get your thoughts on what you want to listen to - I then whip these into ideas, or post your ideas as is, on a poll for you and the rest of the patrons to vote on!


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