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Hi guys, 

First of all I'd like to apologize for the insane delay and lack of content I've come up with this month. I was not able to do any early access audios at all. And I barely finished my promised exclusive audios. It's been a tough month with finishing my last leg of the thesis (defense), getting the flu, my voice getting wrecked, and by the time I have recovered, I had to entertain a family guest at home for a week, dealing with a covid scare, and having to deal with a suddenly large amount of work at the office. Shit has been rough, and both my mental and physical health took a toll I did not prepare for. 

I'm disappointed that I did not make the contingencies I should have in the beginning of the month in order to prepare for worst case scenarios like this. But rest assured next month, my voice is back and I have a 2 week break from work where I will take the time to record audios and go back into the swing of things. 

I'm sorry for disappointing you and I will do better for the month of November. 

Thank you for your patience and your support 



Nothing to apologize for, best of luck on everything.