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Hi everyone!

First of all I want to thank everyone who’s here in 2020. We gained a lot of Patrons in the past couple of months and your support has helped me a lot during this trying year. When I thought I was going to have to put my goal of moving out of the Philippines on hold, you guys pulled through, and now we’re here.

I can record audios quietly now, my mental health is much better now that I’m here, and I’m doing way more than I thought I would be able to.

But I’ve also learned a lot about what I can and cannot do and how far my capabilities can go. As most of you may know by now, I’m now a full-time masters student, in a field I have no expertise in - but it’s one I genuinely am fascinated by and want to learn more from. It’s not been easy balancing everything especially with the pandemic making it harder to attain a quality experience.

So, naturally, things must change. Ultimately, the goal is being able to balance both creative side and student side of my life, while also steadily growing and maintaining our listener base. 

Externally, these changes mean shifting things around, and internally, this means streamlining things efficiently. These changes will be made in tandem with other changes I’m making to all free and premium content platforms. 

  • Customs

    The most significant will be removing the 60 tier on Patreon. This isn’t the most valuable tier in terms of customs, and removing this will mostly allow me more flexibility to provide other styles of customs that have been in demand since I started on another premium content platform (0/F)

    What does this mean if you’re on the 60 tier. I’ll be archiving the tier and you can choose to either up-tier or down-tier depending on what works best for you. By January 15, I’ll be fully deleting this tier.

    2) Custom 0/F slots will open on an irregular basis. It will all be based on how I perceive the school workload will be. Custom details on (0/F) will be outlined on my website when it relaunches, and on Discord and The Lust Frontier Subreddit as well. I’ll include the links here when I finish posting it.

    3) $30 tier customs on Patreon will be shared on 0/F instead to better keep to the rules of Patreon and to help me generate more content on that end as well.

  • Tier Rewards

    1) A core reward that I reviewed in terms of value are the audios themselves. This is complicated to explain, but I believe there is much to gain for both parties by restructuring the audio rewards.

    Starting January tiers $10 above get all exclusive audios, while only the $20 above will get a downloadable pack of every premium audio posted that month (including those posted on 0/F) + any bonuses. If interested, $20 tier can also get discounts to future customs. You’re free to move up or down the tiers depending on what you feel works best for you and your budget! No hard feelings!

    This setup will make it more enticing for newcomers to subscribe, and the more serious subscribers can uptier for more tangible rewards.

    2) Focus Group Reward/Role - I don’t know if I’ll be a bit more experimental next year, but it is definitely valuable for me to get feedback if I’m trying different things. In the past year I learned that feedback is best given voluntarily, so the Focus Group Reward will be optional and there are two ways to go at it.

    On Patreon, I’ll be including an audio-specific question with each Patreon Request form posted that you can voluntarily ignore or answer.

    On Discord, a Focus Group Role will be added that you can join if you’d like so I can tag you when I need feedback/opinions/ideas. This will also be a Discord Nitro reward and possibly an (0/F) reward if I can properly manage it.

  • Free Content

    I’m pivoting to working with scripts as in terms of creative energy, I don’t need to exert as much effort for these - critical especially when it comes to important school dates. I will try to find more and more script writers who are open to having their scripts as Early Access pieces on Patreon.

    2) Diversifying content and personal channels. GWA in general has become a more crowded space, and while I’m glad that the community is so strong, I think it’s time to focus my energy on my personal channels. This means putting stuff up on my YouTube again, on my Subreddit, on my Discord, all for the listeners we meet from the vast ocean that is GWA. And if we want to meet more listeners, we need to try different things - futanari and monstergirls for example are tags that I get asked a lot, and I will definitely do better to provide. Your input is always helpful too!

    3) This won’t affect you much but a personal resolution of mine is better organizing and pushing my premium audios to my socials. I really need to work on consistently posting free previews on my subreddit/twitter/website.


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