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Hey guys! I earlier recorded a ramble that I thought I should not post anyways because I got a little heated and emotional when talking about the recent typhoon that ravaged the Philippines. After I decided to scrap that, I realized I wouldn't have time to rerecord the ramble so here are my thoughts/plans for November.

1) Post Scheduling Format

I got a bit more engagement last month when I posted at the tail-end of October rather than spreading the schedule out. I'm not sure if it was because the audios were more favored or because things were suddenly more active after a long lull that got everyone excited. That being said, as much as I'd like to normalize my schedule, November and December will be the most critical month as it will be the end of my first semester. Each subject has put us in forced group projects as our finals, and with this quarantine setup, managing time and schedules is just going to be more difficult. Some international students also decided to just go back home to their countries, which makes timezones a new factor.

Audios Ideas for voting will be up in the next 12 hours.

2) 0F Customs and Patron Customs

Are still not going to happen, I'm sorry but studies have to take the forefront. I will also not likely be able to make Patron customs who miss the form deadline (to be posted right after this one). 

3) Posts on Reddit and other free platforms 

I'm going to go hard on Reddit and maybe discord/the website because I have been slacking on my free content and it is No Nut November anyways so might as well stir things up on those ends. I've had several requests of old Throwawayyourlust audios to be reposted there so if you have any old favorites, do let me know

4)  NNN game

So I recently posted a poll on my discord if anyone was going to try NNN and also asked if other people weren't. I view NNN as a game and my assumption is, a majority of my listeners do so too, so I thought I should have a game/surprise for everyone who voted no matter what their choice was. 

So what's the surprise: 

a) Everyone who voted that they will NOT take part in NNN get a 15-day trial subscription to my 0F

b) Those who voted that they will take part in NNN will be challenged and an honor system will be placed here (so I'm HOPING people will be honest with me):

  • Those who promised but BREAK the NNN rule within the next 15 days will get an opportunity to be gifted a 2-month subscription to 0F AND one of my PPVs (which is typically a bunch of short videos and a full audio). 
  • Those who don't break the NNN rule will get an opportunity for a month sub of 0F and a short personalized custom encouragement audio.

You might ask, isn't it a little too generous? True, but an economics class has taught me a thing or two and I want to put things into practice here and see if it works in such a situation. Who said I wasn't taking my studies seriously? 

(P.S I've never met anyone who took NNN so seriously as if it was part of their identity, and if you do, sorry dude I just don't ascribe to that. Take care of your nuts please! )

5) December Customs (0F and Patreon) may be put on hold but extra audios will be posted for $30 - $90 tiers

There is a good chance that I am pausing customs on December. Again, it'll be the final run up to the semester and I need to be on my A+ game to even have the hope of passing these subjects. It's not going to be easy, the more we are reading about these projects, the more me and my groupmates are understanding this school does not come to play. I would appreciate some more time dedicating myself to my studies this month. After the semester, Bruh's mom has already planned an out-of-town vacation with the family, so my free time can't be allocated to recording either. 

To hopefully compensate the lack of customs, I will be posting 3 extra audios for all custom tier members. All based on your previous choices this year. If you aren't happy about this though, I'd understand if you unpledged on December, though I'm hoping you don't. I just need a break on December and I'll be back to things in January. 

6) Twitch

Playing video games has been my go-to for decompressing, but even my twitch schedule will be erratic given that I have to carve time for group meetings. That being said, this November I will be starting up potentially random Twitch streams to at least pump out content with low effort while decompressing. 


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