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Hi folks, 

So, if you aren't aware yet, my visa has finally pushed through! It was a bit of a wait but we finally made it, and I'm leaving at the end of July. 

With that being said, I know I have to take some time to prepare and adjust for the transition, so I'm taking a semi-hiatus for two weeks. What does that mean? 

  • All patreon audios will still be posted as scheduled
  • The vote for the last two patreon audios will be coming up sometime this week (top 2 will be made into the last two audios)
  • I will make sure at least 90%-100% of custom audios are completed before I fly out
  • Audio quality will not suffer - might even get better seeing as the apartment will has better soundproofing 
  • All posts outside of Patreon will continue for this month 
  • Twitch streams will be put on pause for 2 weeks
  • There may or may not be schedule adjustments after 2 weeks
  • I'll be taking the time to think of something special for August (my birth month)

I am so excited to start this new chapter, and I'm so thankful that you're here with me and, know that your support made all of this possible! 

You guys are amazing!



Glad everything's coming together nicely. About birth month ideas, community events would be cool imo. Things like Let's all play X game together or maybe some kind of live AMA or some kind of stream.