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So a few of you might know it already or have gotten some hints on Discord, but I've had to return to my full time position after my would-be replacement/successor who I've been training has left her post. 

My return and stay in the company is set indefinitely. There's no date for end of contract for me and I start returning to the daily grind immediately. 

That means lesser audios in general for sure. However, the good news is that I've been able to negotiate some flexibility in terms of my schedule at the office and in terms of the pay I'm receiving. I'm being paid more while being given freedom to work from home for a few hours in the week. 

That means I certainly won't be going back to 2 audios a month like I did in the past. Things won't go to a grinding halt. 

Patreon continues for sure, because now that I know people believe in me enough that I can make good content continuously and consistently, I'm certainly not letting go of it.  Reddit posts are going to slow down a little bit but not so much that I cease to exist in it. 

What that means however is I will have to change the way things go. In terms of prepping audios (prep everything for a month or get shit done in a day), formats (do I write this script, do I go with a script-fill, or shall I just ramblefap), customs, schedules etc. I don't have a concrete plan yet. But rest assured content continues and once I have a certain direction or idea as to how I'll go about it to accomodate my schedule, I'll let you all know! 

I'm also moving in a few months so that means things will ease up too, and that I am looking forward to! <3 

Thank you so much for your kindness, support, and patience.  

Much love,

Lust <3



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