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Do you guys remember the MTV so Catfish? That shit was so good. Never would have thought something like that would happen to me though.

Little bit of trauma dumping once again. Please do not listen if you're just here for the Gluck. Some rambling about music and life too. And some worries about being behind with content due to my pneumonia. 

Lots of love


Mr. Pendulum

Don't you go giving up on love, you're going to find it eventually. You're not pathetic or naive either, you just see the best in people and unfortunately not everyone out there is as good a person. Also you're not over sharing so please keep posting the rambles. If you get anything out of recording your thoughts then it's worth it and people have the option to skip them if it's not what they came for. Don't worry about releases this month either. We know how sick you got so we'll just pick up next month when you're feeling better.