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Hi everyone!

This baby was the 2nd winning vote from the June Community Vote models, that got just BARELY beat out by the wine bottle holder. And I thought it was such a cute idea I wanted to put it out this month! The 'Meowl', named by the Patron who suggested her, a feathery, fantasy, owl/bird combined with a kitty. I loved working on her!

Print recommendations: 

* 2-4 walls

* 10-20% infill

* Add a brim if you have adhesion issues, particularly around the wings

* Prints best at 100% size, some printers may do well down to 75% size

Find the file in the Google Drive linked for Patrons here https://www.patreon.com/posts/3d-model-access-82725512 You'll find the file in the "Flexi" folder, then "Meowl wider base" file.
If you don't see new files in the Drive, try refreshing it a few times as sometimes it takes a minute for the new files to show up :).

I hope y'all like her as much as I do!

Thanks so much for all your support <3

- Kek



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