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As usual the update for the final week will be the art dump and archives at the end of the month; but there are a few things I want to go over real quickly before the month is over with due to a new year starting in January (I know, plot twist).

So I will be spending this last month working on a final commission that just finished up going through and then plotting out the steps for the Barria drive that still need to be completed: and there are way more than I thought there would be - which is great because I get to start the new year with some proper drawing tools.

Most of the rest of the week leading up to the end of 2018 will be spent just doing some housework. I want January to have a lot of time for working on the Barria comic, maybe starting another NEU comic with Will, and putting together a new commission sheet for the year.

Including whatever wins this poll I still have two patreon illustrations that were lost in the shuffle I need to complete. I also will be going back to the system where these illustrations are first posted here, for every patron, then posted on my other locations after a delay. The exact delay time is still a bit up in the air: I have no intention of paywalling anything, but I do like to give my patrons some kind of reward for their support  - which is why I like to post the HD versions of stuff here for you guys.

Although I would like to add more things to the patreon this next year I also don't want to overextend myself. So I won't be making any changes to content aside from hopefully just having a lot more stuff posted, more regularly.

In essence I will be focusing a lot more on patreon as well as my goal of putting a lot more time into the comics. While I did't get any footing on Shadowlark in 2018, I DID get a lot more footing on patreon and art in general so that's going to make it a lot easier to continue towards that goal of really making content for NEU and Shadowlark both.

Thanks again everyone and see you all soon.



All sounds good, Icy. One thing though; another artist I support recently got annoyed with the Patreon timed exclusivity they'd built into their Patreon and asked their patrons for permission to stop. Among other things, it prevented them from working on anything topical; patrons would get the image while it was still fresh, but everyone else wouldn't see it until after it had ceased to be relevant. Surprisingly, very few patrons cared much about their times exclusive, and the artist was able to drop it easily. Personally, I value the monthly art dump, access to high res images and long form commentary from you a lot more than I value getting access to your art any faster. Art (in my view) is meant to be shared and appreciated by many.


Yeah and personally it's a main concern I have. I would likely just make it a month at most but probably a week or two. Honestly I am very undecided on the issue really. But thank you, very good points.