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We are almost there! 

This one is not an easy one to produce. After all the hard work we put on the Chapter 1 Steam release and redone of scenes, additional images and anims, edits and intense testing and rework, without taking time to breath in between those 2, even doing those at the same time, I start to feel a lot of pressure lately to deliver this release. 

Is the release good, hell yeah it is, are we done yet, soon but not done! 

If everything goes as planned We will get it out this month!




Thanks to everyone on the team to making this graphic novel. I've thrown money your way in a couple different channels because if there is a team that deserves it, it's you guys. These days, graphic novels are becoming commonplace to the point that the majority of them are pretty empty. Then there is the "Timestamps" series. It is so incredibly well done from every aspect, with exemplary, definitive characteristics of what graphic novels SHOULD have, that it makes the rest of the field look very lacking. If you were trying to explain to someone what a graphic novel was, either of the Timestamps series will do nicely...well...it might result in people having really high expectations going forward. The writing, the characters, the animations, everything is awesome. Download and donate to these folks, no one can say they don't deserve it.


Thank you very much Chris, it's always pleasant and motivating reading this type of comment!! Very appreciated! Even if we try to take some comment with a grain of salt, it often affect us more than we think when you work for so long on a project.


You guys are the best in the business