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Hello everyone,

I know we haven’t spoken for a while,  we thought silence was the best policy in the current situation with the bereavement. An event like this doesn't just cause grief but also a lot of tough practicalities which take time to deal with that just have to be taken care of. We could have kept you updated week by week but how can you express someone’s grief in an update, we couldn't really, we couldn’t say how far they were along with it. that was for him to decide not us. 

We clearly see our Patrons  understand that we are a small team and when something like that happens in Real Life to one of our members it is going to affect the delivery of the game sadly this time it was an irreplaceable member of the team, Aesouh, hence the delay. We all have our specialties  so if one of us is out, it will directly affect a release. We didn't share his name until now out of respect during this tough time, but he also thought it was fair to everyone to do so now, after time has passed. Hopefully this will shed some more clarity on why this release got stuck in it's tracks. 

The other members of the team haven't been idle in that period, and have actually begun work on release 2, so you might get that a bit sooner than expected! 

As you all can see the status bar has been updated, and the team is now working on pushing out the FIRST release of Chapter 2, believe me when I say we are working literally round the clock on it and we hope to have it with you very shortly. 

Thanks again for your patience and support. We can’t thank you enough  

Motkeyz Game Team  

PS. A personal message from Aesouh: Thank you everyone for your kindness, understanding and support during this difficult time, not only the fans but our team. It has been very tough on me and my family but I have read all your messages, and seeing the kindness from our fans and also the understanding of the rest of the team has helped me a lot. I am happy to get back into the action.



Rick Ulrich

It hurts right now, but soon the pain will lessen in time! Think of the best times you had with them. I lost both my folks Last year, Mom to stage 4 cancer and Dad to dementia and heart disease! I try to look at the positive that they are in a better place with no pain and suffering. I know it sucks but if you remember the best of them they truly are never gone!


bug probleme Switching to resolution 1024x768 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1024x768 fs=0 hz=0) I trying lower one to switch resolution 1024x768 but it failed does not work the problem is the game the quality does not work


Is your drivers up to date? Seing your screen size, it is a very old computer, what OS are you using, please come to discord for more direct help because it may not be the right thread to post this on!