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To all our Patreons

This is just a small post to keep you updated on our progress. Everyone keeps asking how big the update will be, if I tell you the renders in game have increased by 25% and the, you can see that we haven't been idle for the past 3 months. The whole Engine has been revamped, it now run's smoother and faster than it ever did before, and brings more cool features to make the game even better. The idea we had was to give you all an unforgettable experience, for the end of Chapter 1, but as we got deeper into this, we realized we needed more help, so we took on a few more people to help us out, as the project was just too big for the two of us alone.

We have completely new scenes from the beginning of the game, that have been added, most of the dialogues have been revamped and we hope you see the difference. There's also some alterations to some characters personalities that we know you will love, at least we hope so  The thing with doing this is you will have to play the game again from the beginning, but I hope you will see what we have done and the improvements we have made, and it will be a whole new experience I write this as an explanation and a plea that you have patience with us just a little bit longer, we are in the final testing stages now but they are taking a bit longer than expected, something which would take a day or two before has almost doubled even tripled in size, because of what we have done. 

You might not believe it but some of us are looking forward to a good nights sleep after this is released. Our main aim is we promised you the earth and we intend on delivering it, you wouldn't want us to release a game full of bugs and that is what we are trying to do, so please just have a bit more patience with us. 

The release is imminent and before anyone goes off and thinks God they are looking for another month, we're not it's a lot closer than you think   

We thank you for your support and patience  

Motkeyz and Aesouh



looking forward … hope it will be soon and that chapter 2 will be in 1 month :):):)!!


very soon dont worry only been on 90% for the past week