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HI everyone, just a quick and brief message to let you know that we are working hard on improving the game, the progress is good!

While browsing my folder, it give me some new ideas and on some series of pics im adding some to complete some scene. Adding new content to earlier days of the game and some complete full scene so on your replay, you will find some unseen work. We talked about giving more liberty on Ground hog day, to give player some new alternative, since its a day without consequences...

All this to improve the experience of the game, some earlier animation have been redone, some funky one on the park scene with Gaz are now up to date!

Aesouh on his side, is improving the engine, also  adding some alternative to the hint system, i would like to add a Task list or achievement to the game, that will help keeping the hint as a last ressources.

For all that goes on vacation soon, have some good one!!

Take care



Give me more Gaz.. #GazArmy


Vacation is amazing time :)