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After the congratulations from the crew I’m approached by my opponent, who has a look of grudging respect.

“That was a well fought spar, Revan.” He stretches out his hand towards me.

Taking it, I give it a firm shake and nod back at him. “Indeed it was. I haven’t encountered the form you used, though it does resemble form seven, Juyo.”

Smug satisfaction radiates off of him, causing my crew to roll their eyes. “I used the records of that form to develop this far superior variation which I call Vaapad.”

Ignoring the arrogance in his words, I nod.  “A feat that would definitely earn one the mantle of a master.”

Even though I’m not a fan of the self-righteousness of the Jedi, someone who’s developed one of the forms is deserving of respect. At least a little bit. But since I’m tired of dealing with the Jedi today, I think I’ll head out.

“While this has been a pleasure, I’m afraid that I must take my leave. I still have to make accommodations for my stay on the planet.”

His smile tightens at my words as I turn away, clearly upset at my clear dismissal. My crew’s chuckles probably don’t help either. But I think Shmi’s apologies are what agitate him the most.

Her clear awe and respect for the Jedi makes her following us out without any hesitation all the more damaging to his pride. I send a lazy wave over my shoulder towards Padawan Secura as I walk out.

“We’ll be seeing you later, Padawan Secura. If you need to find us for some reason, just follow the chaos. Odds are that at least one of us will be involved in it.”

Outside of the Temple, I look to Mission and Bastila. “So where have you two been staying?”

Mission opens her mouth to answer, but Bastila beats her to it. “A rather nice hotel on the top level. It would be no problem for the two of us to book rooms for the others while you all get acquainted with the city.”

I raise an eyebrow at that. Given how we’ve been apart for so long, I would have thought that the two of them would want to spend more time with me. And judging by the look on Mission’s face, I’m not wrong. So why does Bastila want me out of the way…

Taking a moment to consider it, my thoughts latch onto the car they’d bought. I look at Bastila with narrowing eyes. Seeing that, she simply stares back with confidence.

Not breaking eye-contact, I ask her how much the hotel charges for one night’s stay. She answers, and I groan. Even with how much we get selling the credits from our era, at this rate we’ll go broke!

I sigh. “I definitely don’t remember having money troubles while we were taking down Malak.”

I get shrugs from everyone in return. “We had no time to indulge while we were traveling. We also had more pressing matters concerning us at nearly every moment.” Juhani explains.

“Now that there is nothing pressing, we wish to experience what we could not while being a part of the Jedi Order.”

“And I was a street kid, so experiencing luxury is awesome!” Mission cheers.

I roll my eyes. “While fair, that doesn’t mean go wild with the money. We’ll be staying someplace more reasonably priced.”

With a smirk, Bastila whispers into my ear, causing me to nod. “But since it wouldn’t be fair for the other crew to not experience luxury, we’ll at least stay there for one night. But until then, let’s find something to eat.”

As everyone walks to the taxi’s and the car, Juhani sidles up to Bastila. “What did you tell Revan?” She asks in a whisper.

After checking to make sure he’s out of earshot, she whispers back, causing Juhani to blush. “The bed is big, and more than comfortable for four.”


(Canderous/HK POV)

Down in the lower levels, crime runs rampant. The peacekeepers for Coruscant rarely make an appearance unless something major happens. Even then, if it’s too low they won’t investigate it.

The soft limit of their unofficial territory is level one-thousand, while major disturbances will extend it down to one-thousand two hundred. Of course, should someone of import be involved with anything, they’ll do all they can to get involved. Even if it means provoking the powerhouses.

Though that’s of no concern to the mandalorian and assassin droid walking around on level 1325. When they told their driver to take them to the most violent part of the world, this is where they ended up. Though he did have to look up the information, given that he lives closer to the higher levels.

Apparently there’s a local gang that’s taken control of this level that’s rather partial to cruelty. Seeing how many people are missing at least one limb, it’s not hard to see why.

“Observation: The people residing on this level do not have the credits necessary to afford a replacement limb. Therefore, taking one as punishment serves as a powerful deterrent for opposing them.”


Shouting his criticisms, the people around him shrink back. Those who can quickly walk away from him, though a few break into runs. But he smirks as he sees a few people with various blades drawn stomping towards him.

A human tapping a cheap vibroblade on his shoulder scowls at him. “Big words for an old man. How about you leave your credits and head on back to the nursing home, eh grandpa? Oh, and the droid too.”

“Mocking: Why, look at this! A prime example of meatbag foolishness. I shall take my time enjoying your screams.”

The gang members are obviously taken aback by the droid’s words, having never heard one talk like that before. Their confusion is abruptly interrupted when the droid in question draws a pistol and quickly guns down the human’s two companions.

“What the hell!?” He can’t hold back his shock. They were just going to shake down some old fart for credits and his droid, after all! But suddenly his friends are dead, and he’s shaking in fear that he’ll be next.

Seeing the obvious fear he’s experiencing, Canderous places a hand on his shoulder and smiles, causing him to to shake even more.

“Now then, this old man’s memory isn’t exactly what it used to be. So how about you take us to your base, and then be on your way?”


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