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Made Rhoda a new Ref! Took me some extra time but I think I've got it. I made some...changes to her character and backstory. Not really all that much, aside from...doubling her litter count, but whatever. Graphic design is not my passion but I tried. I'll be working on a reference and biography for my other characters as well, likely Benjamin next!

Rhoda McKinley is a purebred golden retriever from a relatively small town deep in the heart of Texas. As the youngest daughter among 8 brothers, she'd be very used to big families, but hardly accustomed to any freedom, which would make her college years a breeding ground for a series of...questionable decisions. 

After a shotgun marriage to her law student boyfriend, Benjamin, due to an unexpected pregnancy (unfortunately it was not a safe day), Rhoda would then move on to finish her degree in business and earn a childcare certification and become involved in an old friend's startup business part time in parental agency and childcare, while raising their new daughter. 

Fast forward a decade or so, and the McKinley's have grown very accustomed to parenting, with a rapidly growing family reaching the double digit litter by the time Rhoda was 35. It turns out she's just as much, if not more, of a puppy mill as her mother is. She still works part time at her friend's business, however most of her time nowadays is relegated to taking care of her children, assisted heavily by their nanny Lydia. Rhoda says that she's interested in hitting 20 before she hangs it up, Benjamin is still trying to convince her that 15 is enough.

Some notes for artists drawing her (and me):

  • I am far from consistent with Rhoda's body type, so feel free to adjust her proportions as you see fit, as long as it's within the same range.
  • She normally wears red or blue. Will never wear green, she hates it.
  • She's had numerous pregnancies of varying sizes, up to quadruplets, so don't feel obligated to be size consistent there either.
  • Rhoda is a major size queen. She probably won't go for anything less than 11" after being spoiled by her husband for years. 
  • Like the sheet says, If you draw her fucking anyone else, condom is required! Any pictures that were previously done without one are non-canon. Plus condoms are kinda hot, so.




Rrrruufff ruff 🐶 woof bark bark bark


Does she keep to just Ben while she's pregnant? If not, does she still require the condom from other guys?

Jay Naylor

A while ago I'd experimented with a fur-faded gradient to skin tone on a pregnant belly to represent stretching. I never stuck with it thought. It looks good here.


I respect the amount of lore you invest into your characters, great job👍


I like a little extra tone on it to indicate it's a bit stressed. Thanks!