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"That's it, Mandy! Let's tone up that tummy!" Britney instructed as Mandy began halfheartedly used the ab glider. She watched as Mandy's knees barely reached the halfway point.

"You have to go all the way up, girlfriend!"

"I don't want to strain anything," Mandy protested.

Britney sighed. The entire session had been like this. Britney had started Mandy on the treadmill, but the mouse barely made it a quarter mile before giving up, claiming she had a cramp. That attitude had continued into the balance ball workout and the basic dumbbell exercises.

"You just don't want to work your abs. All the way up!" Britney ordered.

With visible effort, Mandy did a proper rep.

"That's it! Feel the burn!"

Mandy shot her trainer a fierce look. "Do you have to be so insufferably cheerful?" the mouse grumbled as she squeezed her flabby stomach again. She managed to complete five reps, and then stood up.

“There, I exercised. Can we call it quits now?”

Britney's eyes flashed with anger. “You know what your problem is, Mandy? You're a lazy, spoiled brat who never was told no in her entire life."

Mandy crossed her arms and glared at Britney. After a few seconds, the silence was broken by a faint gurgling sound.

"Hmmph," Mandy huffed as she flounced over to her handbag, nose in the air. She retrieved a bar of chocolate, unwrapped it, and began eating.

"Is that a candy bar?" Britney asked incredulously, "Newsflash, Miss Mouse. Chocolate makes you f…a…t!"

"I'm hungry!" Mandy retorted, talking with her mouth full.

"There's a difference between hunger and appetite. If you want to lose weight, you can't munch on junk food every time you get a case of the tummy rumbles."

Mandy's face flushed with indignation. "I ate candy all the time when I was little! Why can't I eat it now?" Mandy began stamping her feet, "It's not fair! It's not fair!"

"You're not gonna get out of this by throwing a temper tantrum," said Britney, unfazed by the display.

Mandy looked ready to storm out of the room, but at that moment the door opened. In the doorway stood Beth, dressed in her usual workout clothes, her gym bag slung over one shoulder.

"Oops! Sorry, wrong room," Beth began when she caught sight of Mandy. Then, she noticed Britney. “Hey Brit! I didn't know you were doing one-on-one training."

Mandy quickly regained her composure and narrowed her eyes at Britney. “Wow. A girl like you has friends?”

Britney ignored the snipe. “Beth, this is Mandy. Her mother asked me to help her lose weight, though so far all she's done is whine.”

“Oof. You should have told me,” Beth replied. She turned to Mandy. “I know all about overly-controlling mothers. My mom can be a real headache, even if she means well.”

“I bet she’s never forced you to work out with a personal trainer though,” Mandy said skeptically.

Beth laughed, motioning to Britney to go and take a break. “Why don’t we have a seat, and let’s talk.”


While Beth and Mandy had their heart to heart, Britney went to blow off some stress on the stationary bike. By the time she came back, the other two girls were thick as thieves, giggling as they shared stories.

“I can’t believe she wouldn’t give you the donut!”

Beth nodded. “That’s my mom. Honestly, she was right to do it, but she got on my case even harder after that.” Beth put her hands on her hips and did her best Marianne impression. "Young lady, it's zero junk food for you until you lose that blubber belly!"

"Oh that is so totally my mom," said Mandy.

"Yeah, well, I didn't want to be stuck eating bland salads forever, so I decided to bite the bullet and work off the weight, with a little help from my friends," Beth finished.

"That is so unfair. You're… what… two years older than me? Your mom has no right to micromanage you like that."

Beth shrugged. "When you live at home, sometimes you have to make compromises. I could stand up to my mom, but, most of the time it's less of a hassle to go with the flow."

Mandy's ears lowered, "I guess I see your point. Mom is never gonna stop nagging me until I shed some pounds."

"Then how about we finish up our session with some dance aerobics?" Britney suggested.

Beth gave Mandy a pat on her shoulder, "I'll join you. It's better than working out alone."

Mandy sighed, resigning herself to her fate, "Alright. Show me what to do."

Britney did so, walking her through the moves, first slowly, then at half-speed. Eventually, the three of them were pumping their bodies to Britney's favorite workout track. The squirrel was pleased to see that Mandy was actually concentrating and putting in effort. Soon, the plump mouse was working just as hard as Beth, and beads of sweat were dripping down her chubby stomach and thighs.

“Great job today, Mandy!” Beth said, as they made their way out of the gym. “I bet you feel good, too.”

“I do,” Mandy admitted. “It was tough, but I feel good.”

“Same time tomorrow?” Beth asked.

Mandy looked at Britney. “Is that okay?”

“Of course," Britney said, relieved that things were looking easier now than they had an hour earlier.

As the week passed, Mandy’s attitude continued to improve. She was a little tired and whiny by the end of the second day, but she committed to returning for the third session. Beth had to miss that one, but by then, things were much better between Britney and Mandy, and they worked out together without incident.

By the fourth session, Mandy was putting in extra effort. Britney watched as she jogged on the treadmill at a brisk pace.

"Keep it up, girlfriend! It's almost time for your first weigh-in!"

Mandy panted, wiping some sweat from her brow. “Do you think my mom will be happy with my progress?” she asked, sounding nervous.

Britney gave the girl a reassuring look. “I think she’ll be very pleased.”

Two hours later, Melissa arrived to pick up her daughter, but not before she faced the scale.

"Moment of truth, girlfriend!" Britney said cheerfully.

Mandy gazed down at the digital scale as Melissa watched with interest. Mandy took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and stepped up. Britney watched as the numbers on the readout shot up. Mandy held her breath. After a few tense seconds, there was a beep.

"Check it out!" Britney said.

Mandy opened her eyes, and her face lit up as she saw the number. "For real!?" she exclaimed.

"Ten pounds DOWN, ladies!" Britney said, striking an enthusiastic pose.

"Excellent!" Melissa said, looking thrilled.

"I should be able to button my jeans now!" Mandy giggled, bouncing up and down.

Melissa put her arm around her daughter, "I'm proud of you, sweetheart. You really put in the work!" The older mouse turned to Britney, "And thank you, Britney! I never expected such quick results."

Britney grinned, "Let's just say I have a lot of experience with weight loss."

"Well, your methods certainly work for Mandy. I'd like you to work with her on a regular basis," She reached over to gently poke her daughter's not-quite-as-flabby stomach, "After all, we still have 20 pounds to go."

Mandy smiled in spite of herself, "I know, mom."

Britney interjected, "You know, dropping ten whole pounds is quite an achievement. I would say that calls for a trip to the ice cream parlor!"

Melissa smirked, "I suppose that's fair."

Mandy bounced excitedly, "Ooh! Can I get a double scoop of butter pecan?"

"Heh… we'd better make that 21 pounds to go," said Melissa, and the three of them laughed.



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